W.D Gaster

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You met the girl again...She was sat in the void not facing you "Hello Gaster..." She turned to you and moved her melting body towards you "How is the research going?" You sighed "Could be better..." She sighed and melted down into a puddle "Hey don't worry! It could also be worse" "Your shift in tone proves you're trying to cheer me up" You sat down "This isn't a dream is it?" She slowly shook her head "I simply just have enough power to reach you...But I advise you do not erase a character like that" You nodded and cut her off "Yeah yeah...I know...But If you believe that why did you help me?" She turned to you "I didn't want someone like that roaming the timelines" She turned away "Well then *Ahem*...I'll get back to work as soon as possible" 

You woke up and checked the time (1:27 Am) "...Morning" You slid out of bed next to Frisk and kissed her forehead before entering your closet and pushing a button on the wall to enter your lab behind the wall. You grabbed your lab coat off the wall and pulled it over your shoulders and arms. "Let's get to work then" You got onto your computer and looked at the data from last time. You could multiply it into working better with less of the quirks from last time. Maybe you could actually get to Gaster and pull her out. You continued to type in the coding from yesterdays work.

The portal opened up and you entered it "L-Look Morty I'm not doing a c-crossover with a Wattpad-" Rick turned to you "Oh you again *Burp* Struggling with the portal?" You slowly nodded "Yeah...Hi, Morty" Morty waved "What kind of adventure are you doing today?" "Well, something Film Theory to work on and then be proved wrong" You chuckled "Well any tips?" "Start drinking" "I'm (Your Age)" Rick got out his flask "Didn't stop me" He drank from it and you sighed. You exited

"Well, that was upsetting..." You sat back down at your computer "I need that code-word screen. This would be so much easier with a better computer". You typed in some old coding you found on a sticky note. The portal opened up with a green outline "..." You checked some papers "Green means unseen yet...Ok!" You entered.

You stood there as a bus rode up and 2 kids stopped at your side and got out. An old man appeared and threw his stick up in the middle of the "Mystery Shack". You wondered around it a bit and shared a smile with the nice pink girl. You went on to examine a Footprint though there was a bigger one outside of it that kinda scared you. Some trees and a What sign? You explored a cave with Dipper. Played with some lights with Mabel. Ran away with some money with Stan. And listened to some scary stories around a campfire that had a massive bat watching. And by the end of it, you heard "Heya (Y/N) Science guy, wanna make a deal?" Reversed. 

You exited and sighed "...What the fu-"

It was now officially morning. Not your dumbass time table. You headed downstairs and sat at the table yawning "Jeez I thought I was meant to be the lazy looking one. You're so lazy you look like you haven't even slept". Frisk handed you a cup of coffee and kissed your cheek as she sat next to you "Thanks Babe...*Yawn* Yeah...I just burned the candle at both ends a bit" Frisk sighed "You need more sleep...this isn't healthy" You rubbed your head and sipped the coffee "Yeah I know but I'm working really hard right now...I can't really sleep." You walked upstairs with the cup of coffee in hand but Frisk stopped you at the foot of the stairs "Look. This past week you...Dated everyone, Went to the beach...And now you're staying up late for some strange reason? I need you to talk to me" You looked at everyone gathered and looking at you with concerned faces "...Let's discuss it in my room" You took Frisk upstairs.

You pulled Frisk into the closet as her boobs pressed on your back "C-can you um...Back up?" She blushed as she wiggled a bit "N-no...Not really" You pressed the button while blushing and entered the lab with Frisk behind you. You pulled on the Lab coat and put the cup of coffee on the side as you sipped it a bit. You sat on your computer "This is my lab. You see recently I've been having so-called "Dreams" and in them is a girl. A skeleton, like Sans and Papyrus and she, is trapped in a void of darkness so I am trying to get her out with my portal" Frisk examined the Portal. As she bent over a bit to examine a lower bit of the Portal you saw her boxer shorts were nearly a string of wool "Frisk- You need to buy some new Boxers...They are nearly as thin as hair" She pulled her sweater down and blushed as she stood up "Y-you...Didn't see anything did you?" You shook your head and turned back to your computer "Frisk I just need your help here...So I've been using old coding but I'm scared to try to use new Coding on top of the most recent Coding because I feel that won't open the void...It just doesn't make sense" Frisk sat on your lap and began to type on the computer "You know code?" She nodded as she focused on typing "Yeah...I've been working with Alphys a bit" You hugged her from behind and she smiled as she worked

She pressed the enter button and a Green portal opened "Oh a new one" You stood up with Frisk and you entered it...It was darkness "Frisk stay on the other side and make sure the Portal doesn't close" She nodded and walked to the other side as you walked around "Gaster...? Hello? You saw a tall lady who was postured and stood up...It was Gaster with a very fancy re-design "Hello (Y/N). I see you've gotten the portal working" You nodded and sighed a sigh of relief "I can finally sleep..." She chuckled "Oh you didn't have to stay up every night for me...But I appriciate it" You went back through the Portal with Gaster "I'm going to sleep...Frisk you introduce her" You went back to your room and flopped onto your bed for a well deserved sleep...

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