Okay I'm Back :/

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"Zombies have taken over the world! We gotta be careful with our resources!" Sans was sipping on some ketchup as Frisk tried to get her attention "Ahem!" Sans sat up and realised what she was doing "Oh um...Bleeehhh...I'm a zombie...Gonna destroy your base!" You tackled down by Sans as she fell asleep on top of you "Sans! You're heavy...!" Sans' boobs were pressing on your face "Y'know never mind It's all good here" Sans chuckled "(Y/N)!! Nooooo! Don't leave me!" You reached out "Run Frisk! Tell Toriel...I loved her pie!" Frisk fake cried and ran off "Okay Sans can you get off me?" Sans was fast asleep on you with her boobs crushing you "Not like thiiiiss!" 

You fell asleep under Sans' soft body as Frisk came up to you "Awww he's fast asleep..." Papyrus pulled Sans off you "I'll take him to his room" Frisk nodded as she with help from Undyne carried Sans to her room "Awww the handsome Human is adorable when asleep. I wanna sleep with them" You opened up your eyes "mmmm...Come on then." Papyrus' eyes sparkled and she dived into the bed with you "Ooohh Human I love you!" "I love you to paps...I love everyone else too..." Papyrus perked up "But you love me more right?" You were dozing off "Ehhh...Maybe.." You fell asleep and Papyrus sighed happily.

You woke up the next day with Asgore cuddling with you and Papyrus "Hi Asgore" She slowly woke up and let out a loud yawn "Ohh heya (Y/N). Sorry I was really cold in my bed. Plus Papyrus said you would not mind" "And I do not mind..." You climbed out of bed and exited your room "It's 2 Am..." "I don't...really care." You walked downstairs "Wait where are you going?" "Somewhere." You put on your jacket and slippers as you walked down to the lake in the forest to see the River Lady "Hey there...Mind taking me down the stream?" She lowered her hood to reveal Chara underneath "Sure. C'mon let's go" 

As you and she rode down the stream of water you exited the forest and down the stream of a beautiful star sky reflecting on the water "So Lydia. How are you?" She smiled at you "You can call me whatever you like you know..." You were gazing off into the sky "You take the form of whatever I desire right? So why can I not name you whatever I desire." She nodded slowly "Okay then. I'll be Lydia." You held her hand "So how about today? Remember anything?" She shook her head "All I remember is you...As a child. We were friends in school..." "What about a number?" She perked up "We were friends! In grade...8!" You smiled and sat back "Good! Great...But I'm still confused...I thought I was human and I came from the surface...But if you're a monster." She was beginning to change form "Maybe I was a monster who blended into society since you just saw me as a pretty girl back then" You nodded and turned to see her as the body of Chara but it was all-stars "One day I would like to see your true form." Lydia nodded and cuddled up to you.

As you arrived home Toriel picked you up "Ohhh (Y/N)! Today is our anniversary! Of when we first met in the underground" You smiled softly "Yaaaaa..." Toriel gently put you down "You look tired...Maybe you should rest-" You held onto Toriel as you sank into her soft fur "Rest with meee...." Toriel smiled and took you upstairs where you slept and she just cuddled you "This is because of all those late nights mister." You needed to get a better grip on life. You knew that you would have to just try and get through a normal day. "You don't need to worry about a roleplay today. We can put it on hold." You smiled up to her and she booped your nose which made you both blush a bit. 

You climbed out the bed after a short rest and completely skipped breakfast to grab some lunch "Hey for lunch how about we go and grab some burgers and fries at Grillby's?" You nodded "Yeah sure. Will we get enough for all of us-" Mettaton kicked down the door "NOT TO FEAR!" "HOLY SHI-" Mettaton walked over with Blooky holding a microphone over her and a whole crew of camera guys "Hi Blooky" She smiled and blushed a bit as she waved back "Hello again Schoolboy! I will buy you a table big enough for all of you! Don't worry they can carry Asgore's heavyweight." Toriel snickered with Asgore chuckling a bit.

Mettaton set up a table for everyone with her at the end of the table "M-mettaton...I hope you know everyone is staring at us." "Not us darling. Just him" You were playing on your phone when you looked up at everyone to see them looking at you as well as everyone else in the restaurant "...What?" Everyone went back to their business as Grillby's daughter Fuku walked over "Hiya! I'll be your waitress for today! So what did you all need?" "Just a burger and some fries for me please" You sat up "I'll have (Favourite food here) With some (Favourite side food)." Fuku nodded "Right away sir!" As Fuku took everyone's orders you all waited until the food arrived with some nice chats.

"Hey (Y/N)..." You turned and so did everyone else to see Betty "Could...I take a seat? I'm really hungry." Betty was wearing a grey jumper with some baggy jeans and her hair was bland and colourless "Sure Betty." As Betty sat between your legs you pat her head with everyone seeming a bit nervous "C'mon guys be nice. She wants to be a better person so I'm giving her that opportunity" Betty smiled up at you "I want her to gain back her soul."  As your food arrived you let Betty have your sider and a bit of your main meal while you ate the rest and Papyrus was nice enough to offer you some more if you or Betty was hungry "Thanks Papyrus..." Betty said quietly "Not a problem human! Any friend of (Y/N) Is a friend of mine" Betty grew a small smile but the evil glare of Sans scared her smile back to a frown.

Once the food was over you walked outside "Hey Betty if you want you can stay at our place" Betty shook her head "No thanks...It's all good" Betty walked off as you headed home with the others "Any plans what to do next?" "We could watch a movie!" Frisk offered "Sure Frisk! Let's set up a big pillow den for us to lay in and watch our movies in." You all grabbed separate pillows and with a good amount of teamwork and Sans sleeping you made an alright Pillow Den "I have a movie for us all." Gaster popped on a Jurassic park as she started the movie. You all cuddled up together with you in the centre of them all cuddling you with their warm body "I love you guys" "Awww we love you too punk!" Undyne cuddled you tightly 

Authors note: After high demand I came back. Since none of you knew what the word "End" meant. 

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