Freedom Of Monsters!

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"Well, we escaped fighting Undyne again. What a relief" You sighed "I'm starting to think we'll never get to fight her" Chara complained while you walked back the way you came and on to the right where there was a secret pathway "That's fine with me, to be honest, I'm scared of how strong she maybe if everyone talks how she is the captain of a royal guard and how she beats everyone up" You walked through a field of Echo Flowers. They told a story of 2 people wanting to go to the surface. Off to the right again you saw a thin bridge "This doesn't look that stable. Let's take it nice and slow ok?" "Why are you looking at me?" Chara asked, "Well, I know how you keep telling me to hurry up and get through the underground so I wanna make sure you don't mind me taking my time here and other places as well, just to admire the underground?" She froze for a moment "...Mmmm, Yeah sure. Fine" You smiled and kept walking. Moving across the long bridge. Near the end of it, you hear from behind "Yo!" You quickly turn and see Monster Girl "Oh boy. I'm glad to see you're all good. What happened with Undyne?" Without a word, the Monster Girl walked up to you "So I'm not meant to be here. But you see...I needed to ask you this one thing. And's weird cause I've never had to ask it before" You got down to her level and put your hand on her shoulder "Ask me anything" You gave her a comforting smile "Well Ya see...Undyne told me you're human and I had to ask to see if it was true" You nodded slowly "Yeah...Sorry, I never said anything" "Yo don't be sorry. I just needed to confirm it. I guess that makes us Enemies then...Which I'm not a big fan of. Say something to make me hate you!" You got up "Imagine it like a game. I'm the bad guy and you're the hero! Here goes, Arg Dastardly Monster Girl! Here to foil my evil plans again are you? Well, I'll cross this bridge whether you like it or not!" Monster girl smiled "R-really?! Well not if I have anything to say about it!" She began to run but slipped and fell over. Grabbing onto the side of the bridge with her mouth "Ahhh!" She screamed! Undyne ran in as she saw this and began to stomp towards you. You quickly grabbed Monster Girl and pulled her up "Sorry Monster Girl but I gotta run, I-I mean. Ahem. Argh! Undyne!? I never knew you worked with my arch enemy Monster Girl! I had best be off! I'll be back soon! Don't you forget it!" You ran off. You heard the conversation of Monster Girl and Undyne in the distance

You crossed a small bridge and continued forward where you met with a giant mountain "Huh...This must be the entrance to Hotland. I can feel the heat coming from it" "Yeah. I hope so at least. All this snow and water has been awful on your clothes! You look filthy!" You looked at yourself "Well it's not that bad" You rolled the sleeves of your trousers down "Finally. No more water! Just some nice hot-" Chara cut in "(Y/N)" She pointed above the mountain. Undyne stood there...Looking off into the distance "Human...You're quite the talk underground...All the previous 6 souls collected by Queen Asgore have been Female. We began to forget what the Male gender was like until...You fell down...And everyone began to get all excited...But Human...Let me tell you the tale of Monsters and Humans-" "Shut up." Undyne looked down to you "Excuse you!?" "Yeah excuse me! Shut up! All this time you've been throwing spears at me and let Monster Girl push you around! I heard your talk with Papyrus! You want a good fight!? COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME!" Undyne took off her helmet revealing the blue face and red long ponytail hair of a fish girl "NOW WE'RE TALKING PUNK!" Undyne jumped down as you walked towards her "Oh. You're approaching me?" You chuckled "Heh...Nice" 

"EN GUARDE!" The area turned black and white. You're soul now appearing green and you were now holding a shield "Why am I green?" Undyne laughed "AS LONG AS YOU'RE GREEN YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!" "Finally! An intense battle! (Y/N)! Don't screw this up!" You nodded at Chara. You challenged Undyne "Yawn. I could fall asleep and still block all your attacks" "Ohoho. Smartass ey? WELL HOW'S THIS!?" She began to throw spears at you. You were blocking all the while taunting her "Why you...heh. Human, you're the most fun challenge I've had this week! Maybe even this month!" As Undyne's spears get faster. You continue to taunt until she doesn't care. You continued to block more spears until she turned your soul red again "Hey Undyne! Look! Papyrus!" You pointed off to the left as she looked over "PAPYRUS!?" You ran past her "I don't see-" She noticed you were gone. She clenched her fists and ran after you "Don't look back don't look back!" You turned and saw Undyne rushing at you as you booked it as fast as possible "SHIIIIIIT!" She grabbed you and threw you to the ground "Ow..." You entered battle once again as your soul turned green again. The heroic battle music played again "You think this is a joke human?! No...It's an act of mercy! Killing you here will stop Asgore having to do it" You blocked her incoming spears. She turned your soul red. You impressively backflipped over the spear and then grabbed that spear and threw it at Undyne. She caught it and crushed it. Seeing you were gone again "FOR GOD SAKE!" You kept running and looked to your left "!" Frisk spelt out "We're almost there!" Undyne grabbed you again and dropped you. Turning your soul green again "Do that again...And I'll break your legs" "The scary is that you could..." She began to throw more spears at you while you kept blocking until a yellow one came at you "Hold on it's a trick!" You looked at Chara while trying to block the yellow one it flipped behind you and stabbed you as it disappeared right after "Agh! See you got some nice tricks." Undyne smirked. She threw a mix of normal and yellows at you which you blocked most of but stumbled a bit at a few yellow ones. You were still standing "You look a little sweaty human...What's wrong? I thought you could do this in your sleep." You wiped the blood from your mouth and stood up straight "It's a bit warm in my bed, Looks like I should pull off the heavy sheets" "Chara you ok?" Chara looked at Frisk blushing "What!? Yeah! Why ask!? (Y/N) is just doing a great job!" Frisk held her hands on her cheeks while looking at you intensely "Mhm...Yeah. God, he's so handsome when he's serious" Undyne turned your soul red again "Thanks, Bye" You ran off but stopped at the end of the hotland sign. You got a call from Papyrus "Sorry Undyne I gotta take this." Undyne stopped behind you "Yeah ok." You answered the call "Hey Papy! What's up?" "Heya Human! I was just thinking, You must be closed to Hotland right? Well, I was thinking before you head there. Wanna maybe hang out with me and Undyne? I was going over to her house later for a cooking session!" You chuckled "Sounds wonderful Papyrus! Be sure to call her and tell her!" "Yuppie! Cya soon Human!" The call ended "Ready to go?" You panted a bit and breathed slowly "Can I get a headstart? I was kind of caught up in the call" Undyne nodded "Sure why not?" You smiled and quickly ran ahead as Undyne followed. 

As you entered a new ground with bubbling lava underneath you. You passed another one of Sans' stations which she was sleeping at "HI SANS! HAVE FUN SLEEPING!" Sans woke up and saw you run by, then waved and went back to sleep. Undyne stopped infront of her station as you ran onwards. You stopped at a water cooler to grab a drink but heard a loud thump as Undyne passed out behind you. You looked at the nice cool cup of delicious water then at her...And walked over to pour it over her. She got up...Looked around and then walked away "That...Went well" You continued onwards "Crap...My clothes are dirty and sweaty, I'M dirty and sweaty...I lost my one chance at water and..." You looked up at a laboratory infront of you "...There's a lab here..."

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