Goodbye...My Friend

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You and Toriel entered to be straight away whiffed with the smell of a lovely pie and a warm looking home. Toriel held your hand as you two walked down the hallway and stood in front of a door "This will be our room." You blushed and looked at her "O-our room?" She smiles and chuckles at your blush "Of course. You're my best friend and I want to keep an eye on you" this warmed your heart a bit as she rubbed your hands "My My. You're hands are as cold as ice!" You rubbed your hands together as Toriel took you to the kitchen and ran your hands under some hot water which felt different to the water above ground...but anyway your hands got warmed up as you sat at the table a few minutes later waiting for Toriel to get something from the kitchen. A few minutes later and she walked out with cinnamon and butterscotch pie as she laid it on the table "I thought it would be nice to try something new for you! Since you'll be down here a while" You nodded "Thanks Toriel. Let's dig in!" You cut a slice out and ate it. For your first time trying a pie, it wasn't that bad actually.

You and Toriel smiled at each other with the enjoyment of an explosive and delicious taste! After you were both stuffed as you sat together on a chair together which didn't have enough room "Want to sit on my lap?" You offered as Toriel sat on your lap and laid back so she was next to you "Gah! She's adorable!" you thought. She started to talk about fun facts about snails with the cutest smile you've ever seen on a girl...But you didn't notice you accidentally fell asleep next to her.

"You have to kill her. You heard what the flower girl said. In this world, it's kill or be killed" Chara's red spirit flew around you "Well we don't know that! She has been nice so far..." Chara jumped in front of you "IT'S A TRICK DUMMY!" She pulled back and moved around you "She wants to pull you in so you fall into a false sense of security and she will finally go in for the kill! She could be getting ready to kill you now!" You struggled to block out these thoughts as you managed to break out this dream! A loud sigh escaped your mouth as you looked next to you to see Toriel. She sat up and looked at you "What's wrong?" You smiled and shook your head "N-no...Just a bad dream" You were suddenly pulled into Toriel for a warm cuddle as she pats your head "It is ok...No one is here to hurt you, my friend" You blush and smile. Rather than objecting you cuddled back "I love it down here..." 

It's the next morning or...maybe? I dunno you're underground, and you and Toriel are having some snail cereal "Wow I never knew snail shells tasted so good with milk!" Toriel swallowed what was in her mouth "You never tried snails" You shook your head as Toriel looked down at her bowl "Oh right. You're from above...What's it like up there? Has it changed?" You laid back and rubbed your head "Hmmm...well uhh...We have a ton of developing iPhones. And by develop I mean they get easier to break with each enhancement and a lot of stuff like new big movies. Avengers end game, Fantastic beasts, and the such. Playstation 5 will be coming out soon and I think it's gonna be big. They're not rushing to make new consoles for new games *Cough* Xbox *Cough*. But anyway. That's all" She looks up again a bit confused "Wow. It's really developed up there...I just wish I could see it" Those words felt sharp against your heart "Why don't you leave?" She looked down and held her hands on her head "The barrier. Humans made the Barrier to stop us from leaving and we need 7 human souls. ASGORE has already got 6 and he needs one more-" She looked up at you to see your determined face "I know what you are planning...But please don't..." You got up from the table and began to walk off when Toriel grabbed your arm "L-look...We will talk later but could you sit in your room and wait for me to come back?" You sighed "Ok sorry...I'll wait" She gave you and kiss on the head and you waited in your room until you got concerned after waiting for too long and went down the stairs you first see when entering the house and at the end of the hallway was a door and Toriel was in your way..."If you really want to die just so I and all the others down here can be free then you will have to prove to me...You can FIGHT!" 

Your soul appeared as Chara was at your left. Frisk at your right. Before you could say you wanted to spare Toriel you got pushed out your body and Chara took over "CHARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She held her stick at the ready "She wants us to fight so i will!" Before Chara could attack you took over "Toriel! You're my friend! I won't fight you!" Suddenly fireballs came to you! You dodged them the best you could when you were hit on the knee then on your back causing you to stumble and fall. You got back up and turned to Toriel again "You can go ahead and kill me. Because I won't fight!" Toriel kept coming at you while you kept on sparing her "....." She was silent. Her dead eyes slowly filling with sorrow, you kept saying how it's ok and you would never fight her "What are you doing?" She asked. You fell and was then thrown to the ground as you got back up "Attack or run-" You cut her off "NO!" You got back to your stance "Stop looking at me like we're still friends..." She used another magical attack that you dodged but as the fight kept going...her attacks purposefully avoided you "I know you want to save us...B-but" You walked closer to her "There is no but. I am doing this for you...And everyone else. On the surface well...My life is pathetic and sad. No one cares for what I do so I will make my sad pathetic life a life worth living and dying knowing I saved millions" Toriel fell to her knees and cried as you comforted her "I'm sorry...But I'll let you all go free as soon as possible!"  She got up "O-ok...I will not stop you any longer...But please keep in mind when you leave...Don't come back" She hugged you one last time and walked away...

You walked past the door and across a long hallway to a small garden with flowey...Standing there..."Clever...Very clever...I expected you were only looks not books but I guess you're a bit of both eh? You spared the life of one innocent girl but that won't'll break and when you do...I'll be watching and laughing!" She laughed "Looks not books...You think I'm handsome?" She blushed "Eh- what no!!! Idiot! Shut up!" She sank underground as you chuckled "Getting all the ladies huh?" Frisk joked as you walked out a door...


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