If she hadn't made that promise...

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A quick message from Ol' Sansy to you readers: Thanks for picking the mercy route. My sister is still alive because of you all. Here take this (You got Sans' number. The numbers are covered under stains of ketchup) What's wrong? You look unsatisfied. Anyway, Gimme a call when you can! (Sans disappeared)

You turned to your left and saw a poster for Mettaton's Upcoming show. About 2 star crossed lovers who cannot be with each other by fate "seems like a stereotypical love story to me. How much you wanna bet it's going to be exactly like Romeo and Juliette with less killing?" "Maybe more killing since she wants me dead..." You were searching through your pocket "What's wrong?" You showed Frisk. You didn't have much money "I don't think we'll be able to see the show..." Chara sighed "Oh wise up. Get moving" You kept going onwards when you came across a strange-looking area "Maybe I should try calling someone..." You tried to call Papyrus for help but no answer "What the...?" "Oh, that human...Could it be?" You turned to the area above the stairs. It was Mettaton in a dress. Not very attractive considering they're a box... "My one true love!" You heard Mumbling from Frisk and Chara as Mettaton rolled down the stairs. She began to sing "Oh my love...Please run awaaayy!" She was singing with music coming from off stage...Somehow? "Monster King...Forbids your stay!" You fell to one knee and held your hand over your heart while at the wheel of Mettaton "My Love! I know how the king forbids us to be together but yet my heart knows what it wants! How can I run away from the one girl who is the only one I'll ever love!" Mettaton turned away "I'm sorry my love...But there are a lot of girls like me." You turned her around "No my love...There is only one girl like you and I'm looking at her!" "But you are a Mere School Boy and I'm a princess! How could this work!" "I went on an adventure, my love! For the thing, they call...The college degree...I am now an Adult" Mettaton gazed at you robotically "Oh Adult School Boy..." The floor opened up under Mettaton "Huh?" Mettaton fell down it and you got a call from Alphys. You answered, "I-I opened up the floor below you while you 2 were acting!" "Great job Alphys!" Alphys stuttered a bit "That was all an act right?" "Of course! My heart belongs to erm...It belongs to uhh..." You were now stuttering "...Do you need to go?" "YES BYE!" You ended the call and sighed "Too many choices huh?" You turned to Chara "Oh behave! I'm not the kind of guy to decide on one girl. I go for every girl as a friend" You kept walking and went up some stairs to the front of a building!

"Hey. Over here buddy" You walked over to Sans "How is it going Sansy?" She scratched the back of her head "Not bad. I was going to grab something to eat here wanna come?" You nodded "Ok! Thanks for inviting me to dinner here." You sighed and chuckled. Sans led you through a shortcut inside the place and you 2 were now at a table "Well here we are..." You smiled warmly. Sans smiled back "So...You're journey is almost over huh? You must really wanna go home" You played with your fork "Well...I started off wanting to go home...But by the time I left the ruins I...I-I...I wanted to stay in a way...I met more and more people and...I spared them all...I was just sparing to get by without hurting but now I want to save everyone. But I can't. A human is a threat down here and either if I go to Asgore or she comes to me I'll confront where I have to go either way..." "Hey don't stress" She winked "I know the feeling buddy. Though...I learned to take what was given to me. I mean you already have food and drinks at Grillby's. Pretty sure literally everyone down here is willing to let you sleep with them. Is what you have to do...Really worth it?" Sans faced away from you. You thought to yourself... 

"(Y/N)! You're the best brother ever!"

"(Y/N) You are such a great kid."

"(Y/N) Thank you for helping your mother! Now go have fun ok?"

"(Y/N) You're the best friend anyone could ever have on the face of the planet!"

"(Y/N)...I wanna stay with you until we get married...I love you"

"Bark Bork!"

You thought...A bit less... "I think it is..." Sans faced you "What was that kiddo?" "Nothing! I zoomed out for a moment then!" Sans chuckled "Hey...Wanna hear a story?" You nodded "So I'm a sentry in snowdin. It gets boring just watching for humans so I went deep into the forest looking for something that was close by but also fun to do. Then I come across a door! So I start...Can you take a guess?" "Doing knock-knock joke-" "I'll answer for you if you can't figure it out. I was doing knock-knock jokes!" You rubbed your head in confusion "So one day I was knocking them out of the park like usual then I knock on the door and say "Knock-knock" From the other side I heard a female's voice. "Who's there?" So I keep going "Boo" "Boo who?" "Jeez, no need to cry I just got here" Then she starts giggling and laughing. Like woo boy! I knew I had a new friend that day! So I came by again and again and we kept telling each other jokes and apparently a few snail facts! One Day she isn't laughing that much so I ask...Waddup? She tells me if a human passes through I need to protect them as much as I can...And that I had to promise her that. I don't like making promises...Maybe because I have done too many and can't keep me up but for this lady, I made an exception. You know what would have happened if she didn't make that promise?"







"Nah I'm just kidding! I could never kill the human Papyrus has been waiting for so Lighten up a bit! Plus I'd say I've been keeping you alive so far so good!" Sans walked away from the table "Take care of yourself kid...Because I think that lady wasn't the only one to care about you" She walked off...And you followed out to a hotel where you saw a very poorly placed statue of Mettaton that would probably work as a shower or would flood the building. 

Heya Kiddo! Another message from Sansy here! The writer of this story did an ok job I think but Anyway...Apparently, he told me I have to give you a question? So...What uh...Who...well...Hm...I dunno what to do so let's say this, I'll just give you a knock knock joke if you comment on this chapter. How does that sound? 

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