Death by Dancing

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A quick note from the fabulous Mettaton here: The writer of this story will be skipping over the walk through the core mainly because it is a bunch of puzzles, fights and let us be honest you all want to see my FABULOUS BATTLE with the reader!

You were leaning against the wall and eating a glam burger to heal "So how do you feel?" "G-good...Just a bit tired after that big boss rush." You kept eating while smiling at Frisk "Seriously though? No cheese?" You finished the last bite "Yeah. It's a shame. Maybe I could tell Burger panty about it later on" You walked through the door where you saw Mettaton in the distance "Oh yes! There you are darling!" You looked around "No crazy...Show stuff this time?" "Nope! This is a final showdown! But before the showdown, we need a twist!" You faced her "A twist?" Mettaton chuckled "Yes darling!... The big twist, You know who built me?" "Alphys..." "And she said she was going to reprogram me correct?" "Yeah..." "Tell me, School Boy...If Alphys is such a smart doctor why didn't she build a device to pull me towards her?" Alphys called over the phone. You answered "D-don't listen to them! They're lying!" "Ask them, School Boy. If Alphys really loved you why hasn't she reprogrammed me? She knows my location throughout the underground with her camera's! Plus how is it she managed to hack into everything through all the troubles I faced you with!" You were going a bit silent... "(Y/N)! D-Don't listen!" "She's only doing it to be involved...To try and get in the action. My original data was to take Alphys on an adventure through the underground! But when she saw you the adventure was coming to her! And that is my big twist! Alphys was just using you..." + 100 Drama. You smirked + 50 tension "You think I care? I believe in the doctor...She helped me through everything! I WON'T GIVE UP ON HER! AND I DON'T GIVE UP ON YOU METTATON! FACE ME IN BATTLE SO I MAY SHOW YOU THE TRUE WAYS OF CHANGE!" + 9999999999999999999999 Shock!!! "(Y/N)!! Is that true!?" "Yes, Alphys..." You heard her squeal on the other side of the phone "L-let's beat her and show her the real power of Team Tastic!" "YEAH! Is that our team name?" You asked "S-sorry...It's off an anime I watched and I was thinking about the anime from what you said and-" "TEAM TASTIC GONNA KICK SOME ROBOT ASS!" "YEAH!"

The platform began to rise into the air! + 40 suspense! "You 2 are quite the team. Next thing you know there will be fanart of you 2 on monstart. But anyway! I will take you down and if it means I have to be the bad girl! Then so be it! COME AT ME DARLING!" Mettaton attacks. Your soul flipped upside down and turned yellow as it appeared "Woah what's this?" "I-it's something I did to your phone! It has a limited amount of energy but you should be able to shoot anything Mettaton throws at you by pressing that red button!" "Thanks, Alphys!" + 10 Romance. You and Alphys blushed. + 10 fanfic "Darling I've seen how you fight! You're weak" 

You who defeated the royal guard captain: *Visible confusion*

Mettaton threw a bunch of boxes at you which had targets on them. You shot threw them with your phone "Asgore will take your soul! I know it. And so does everyone watching!" + 40 fourth wall breaking. Mettaton sent more attacks at you as you kept shooting "But if I can get your soul now! I will free everyone and become so popular the moment I step onto the surface! Everyone will know the name of METTATON!" More attacks now using bombs were flying at you "I will be known as the star in human history! Next to that guy who was famous and that girl who was famous!" You tried sparing her "I will finally have it all! Fancy parties and millions of fans! So what if a few girls and a School Boy have to die? THAT'S SHOW BUSINESS BABY!" You were a bit scared but didn't give up! + 10 motivational! "H-hey! Alphys here! I can't see what's going on but I've heard everything! I know her weakness! You got to turn her around and flip the switch on her back. B-bye! G-good luck! LOVE YOU!" The call ended "...I'm gonna flip that switch now. METTATON! PAPARAZZI IS HERE! BEHIND YOU!" Mettaton turned "They are!? Where!?" You quickly ran up and flipped the switch on her back. She began to bug out as you backed up "This...Is...Bad!" You, Frisk and Chara each said. "Oooh yes! You must be desperate to see my new form. How rude. But since this will be our ultimate showdown. I will give you thanks. By making your last moments. ABSOLUTELY PURE SEXUAL ENERGY!" She posed in her new body. Now with long luscious legs. Nice arms. A curvey bod and fabulous hair "...I hate it here..."

Mettaton attacked you with her legs. You dodged but got hit a bit and fell "Agh! S-she moves too quickly. I gotta find a pattern." + 20 action. (Act > Mettaton > Boast) You say that next turn "I won't get hit at all!" Ratings will rise if you don't get hit. You didn't get hit and the ratings raised! "Smile for the camera!" You smiled handsomely at the camera while holding your number in your mouth. "I'm single ladies" You winked Over 9000 Romance "Darling you've gotten quite the ratings! Now it's time for a quiz! What do you love most about me!" You stood still...Confused on what to do "Speechless? I can't blame you, darling!" You avoided the oncoming attacks. You suddenly realised as you were kicked across the face by Mettaton "I need...TO DANCE!" + 100 drama! You began to dance avoiding Mettaton's moves as you moved and winked at the Camera + 100 girls are moist right now... "Come at me if you can Mettaton!" Mettaton smirked and a heard appeared from her chest! "Since you showed your heart I'll show mine!" "Well, mine's bigger" + 50 Humour. Mettaton sent out electric attacks from her heart while you dodged by dancing and shot at it while making sure to pose! + 50 dancing + 100 dramatic "Trust me, darling! I am just warming up!" The battle starts warming up with the heat of intensity. Mettaton revealed her heart again. You began to shoot while still dancing. You stumbled and broke your ankle but kept going with more ferocious intensity now the pain was pushing you + 100 everything. You shot down the heart and Mettaton's arms fell off "Oh well...Who needs arms...WHEN YOU HAVE LEGS LIKE THESE!" She strutted her legs and began to burn up her attacks while you were getting hit but dodging a few of them "(Y/N) You're fading out!" You got up from the floor "Don't worry Frisk...After this, It will be Asgore...So I WILL GET PAST!" As you dodged the attacks they began to rewind so you went backwards and managed to get by just fine "Tired already darling? I thought School Boys were meant to burn that midnight oil!" You and Mettaton began to ramp it up "Enough of this!" She stood on your broken and now twisted ankle as you cried in pain "Is this all for yourself!? Do you not care for the humanity of monsters!" Chara took over. Your eyes glowing red "GET THE HELL OFF MY FOOT!" She kicked Mettaton back "Chara give me back control!" "No! You're too slow with your broken ankle. I can't feel the pain so I will do it!" The attacks get more intense to the point you jumped in at the last second and took a hit "Agh!" "(Y/N) You can't go on! You're in pain!" You got up "It's ok...I just gotta hit their heart!" You started firing at her heart! The attacks are more violent! The pain is more than ever! The tension is close! Who will win!? 

Mettaton...Her legs fell off...The ratings more than ever before on her show "Look at these ratings School boy! I'm at the caller viewpoint! I shall give some fans a call!" A call came over. She picked up "Hello you're on TV! What would you like to say about our last episode" "Oh....Hello Mettaton.....Watching your show on TV...Brought a lot of joy to my life.....I'm really happy to see them life is boring but you make it exciting and give me ideas for my music........Oh sorry, I talked too long...OOoooooo" The call ended "Oh wait no! BL-...Blooky..." She sighed "W-well...I shall give someone else a call!" One after another...More calls came in. It was a beautiful sight to the eyes to see all these fans calling in and how Mettaton got more and more emotional with each one "I see now...School Boy. I guess I will not be leaving any time soon. Not unless my fans come with me. For the surface has a lot of stars the Underground only has me. So, for now, I shall remain! And be the dazzling star in the underground! But um...In a few moments, I'll be out of power so...Just know I think you're very strong. Strong enough to get past Asgore and go home. So you do that! Go home, darling! Be free! And I'll be sure to mention you on late-night talk shows whenever I can for you're one of the reasons I could be" Mettaton turned off...She was out of power...You gave her shut off body a hug before leaving "W-wait!" Alphys ran up behind you. You turned to face her "S-so...Asgore huh?... How do you feel?" "Nervous...Very nervous...But I will stop by again. Before I leave for the surface I WILL stop by again. So we can watch anime..." You and Alphys shared a hug...

+ 100 Satisfying Episode Finale

H-Hi everyone! Alphys here! The writer is being lazy and stopped writing these questions himself so he got us to write them. So lazy right? A-anyway! I hoped you enjoyed the episode and Here is my question! What kind of Anime do you watch and if you do what anime at all-...That's a dumb question. Here's a real one!

If you were a monster what a-ability would y-you like to have?

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