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"(Y/N)! Come on! We're nearly there!"

"Look! Look down it! How deep is it?" 


You got up and rubbed your head "Owwwww...What the hell?" You looked up and around you to see the broken bits of wood from the bridge Undyne cut off "Girls? You there?" "Here!" "Here" You sighed thankfully and got up and began to walk across the bits of wood until it ended and you had to walk through the water. You passed piles of garbage. Then more piles...And ended up in a room full of garbage- "I'm in the garbage dump..." You sighed and continued now carefully into the garbage. You picked up some Astronaut food from a cooler and continued onwards until you met a dummy "Huh. A fighting dummy. Looks in good shape, I wonder why anyone would throw you away?" You put the Astronaut food on the Dummies head and walked onwards when the same dummy from before floated infront of you "THINK YOU CAN JUST ME NICE TO ME AND GET AWAY!? TOO SCARED TO FIGHT ME!? I am a ghost that lives inside a dummy! My cousin lived inside a dummy too! But you blew them right out the dummy with your attractive looks! WATCH OUT, HUMAN! Imma punch you in your perfect face!" You sighed "I don't- No- Whyyyyy! I've still got brain damage from when I fell down here!" The area around you turned black and white as your soul appeared "Mad dummy blocks the way!" 

"Look I know we got off on the wrong foot. But I gave you some Astronaut food" The Dummy shook around with rage "I can't eat, idiot!" The dummy threw some smaller dummies at you which turned into magic orbs. You dodged them and stumbled back into the bad dummy "HEY DON'T TOUCH MY CHEST YOU IDIOTIC PERV!-" You ducked down as the magic orbs hit the dummy "OWIE! Hey! Dum Dum Dummies! Don't hit me with your magic! It hurts!" You stared at the dummy "What!? Like what you see? Well, I'm no fan of you buster!" "Hey, this seems like my type of girl. Mind if I take over?" Chara hopped into your body. Chara managed to throw the magic attacks back at the mad dummy while also hearing how she was planning to avenge her cousin. Eventually, the Dummy got mad at Chara for her tricks "DUMMIES! STOP FALLING FOR HIS TRICKS! THAT'S IT! YOU'RE ALL FIRED! OUT!! NYYYOOOOOOWWWWW!" The dummies left. Mechanical wires whipped into the room now creating metal dummies "Damn. Think it's her time of the month?" You joked. Frisk giggles and so did Chara causing her to be hit by an attack "Ow! Don't distract me!" You jumped back "Sorry. It was riiiiight there..." The dummy then sent off the mechanical dummies "who cares Who Cares! WHO CARES! I DON'T NEED FRIENDS!" She pulled out a knife "I got knives!" "Damn bro you hardcore as shit man" She threw the knife "Erm...I'm. Out of knives" You laughed "Don't be mean! She's trying!" You stopped "R-right, Sorry" "IT DOESN'T MATTER! You can't attack me! So you'll be stuck with me FORRREEEEEVVVEEERRR!- OW! Hey, what the- ouch!" Rain came down from above, You hopped back in your body to get a better look. The mad dummy slid away and Napstablook came down "Hey it's Napstablook! How have you been?" Napstablook turned pink with blush "Um good...Sorry, did I interrupt you 2?" You shrugged "Pfft what? No! In fact, you saved me! They were gonna keep me fighting them forever" Napstablook smiled "G-glad to have helped...Since you're here...Want to come by my place? It's close by..." You nodded excitedly! 

Napstalook led you out of the dumps and into an area with 3 different pathways. You went down the centre one where Napstablook went and saw 2 different homes. There was one on the left which was blue and its lights were off and one on the right where it was pink but its lights were on. You entered the blue "Woah. A nice and cosy home you got here" Napstablook turned away from her computer "Thanks...My cousin bought it for me. She lives next door" You looked around a bit "What does she do?" you turned to Napstablook as you asked "Oh she's an actress. She does all the main types of entertainment in the underground since she's the only actress we have. You humans must have millions on the surface" You got out your cracked phone from the fall "Darn it...I wanted to show you some actors and actress' we have on the surface but my phone is buggered. The only option available is the call option. Hey! Could I get your number?" "Oh...I'm flattered but I don't have a phone...I could give you my m-mail." You tilted your head "What's an M-Mail" "It's Monster-Mail. Guessing you have H-Mail?" Your head got back up and shook "Nope. We have E-Mail" Napstablook blinked in confusion for a bit before asking "What's an E-Mail?" You got comfy on the floor as you explained to Napstablook a bit about the surface and a few of your adventures down here "Woah...That's all really interesting. Undyne is really serious about her job...Sorry, that happened" You laid back "Nah it's ok." You stretched a bit while getting comfy on the floor "Maybe I'm just sore from the running and falling. But this is a nice floor" Napstablook laid next to you "If you stay silent and just lay down...You'll feel like garbage. It's a family tradition" "Waayyyy ahead of you...I feel like garbage every day..." 

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