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The awaited seven minutes had turned into sixty and looking out the window it would be more than that. Dark storm clouds had found their way into the recently clear sky and I could see small raindrops falling heavily on the wings of the plan creating a dull and rhythmic patter. 

Harry shivered and pulled his puff coat over his head as the boy next to him did the same. The lady on his left had fallen asleep and started to snore within the first thirty minutes so it was just them. 

"Stop doing that." the guy said turning to Harry with a frown on his thin lips.

"Doing what?"

"Tapping your foot. You're getting on my nerves."

"I'm getting on your nerves?" 


"Well, you're getting on my nerves." Harry says, "Which is why I am tapping my foot."

"Oh, I thought you just needed to take a wee."

"That too. I'll aim towards you if I can't make it to the loo."

"God, what is wrong with you? First, you threaten to vomit on me and now piss?"

"It could be much worse." Harry chuckles.

"I can't believe out of all the seats I could have sat at I got assigned to sit next to you.."

"What's your name anyway," Harry asked, enjoying the rise he was getting out of this funny little boy. 

"Huh?" he said, clearly caught off guard.

"Your name? Do you have one or should I continue to call you annoying pick in my head?"

"Funny, I had the exact same name for you in mine."

"Well I'm Harry." he introduces himself. 

"And I'm going to sleep." the lad spat back and with that, curled up in the smallest little ball, knees tucked up to his chin, and laid his head against the cold glass of the window. 

"Wanker." Harry muttered under his breath. He was genuinely trying to make peace with the guy but he was making it extremely difficult. 

Just then the overhead speaker crackled and a voice came on, "This is an announcement for passengers on flight BA2490 from London to Manchester. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather conditions. We will be waiting on the tarmac until weather conditions improve. Thank you for your patience."

Everyone in the near vicinity groaned and Harry pulled out his phone to tell his family his flight had been delayed. He had honestly expected considering how his luck had been going today and so after a long sigh and a look between the two unconscious people on either side of him he dug around in his backpack and pulled out his sketchpad.

Harry was an art student at the local community college and resorted to sketching when stuck in boring or dull situations. The activity kept his hands busy as well as enriched his mind with the least that's what his teachers liked to say. 

He looked around, trying to find something to sketch, he needed a model. The lady next to him wouldn't do at all and Harry felt quite creepy that he had even considered her to be an option. He turned to the lad on his right who was still curled up like a child in his seat, his face one of pure calm and coolness as he slept with a little smile on his upturned mouth. Harry might hate the boy with every bone in his body but he was attractive enough and had a nice bone structure.

Harry started with his eyes, which he had noticed when closed displayed the longest eyelashes he had ever seen on a man. His defined facial features were easy to draw and when he got to the man's jawline Harry could feel the discomfort starting in his pants. Thank god he wasn't awake or he would be embarrassed to death. 

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