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Go see a relationship therapy?

Harry shifts uncomfortably in his seat and Louis does too. Harry quickly glances over at Louis who is fiddling awkwardly with his earbuds and then turns away. He's not even my type, Harry thinks but then stops when he remembers almost going hard when drawing the boy.


"What are you staring at?" Louis asks curtly, an earbud in his ear and his beanie falling slightly off his head revealing more soft chestnut hair.

"The window," he replies and twiddles with the pencil in his hand.

"What is there to see? We haven't moved in hours." Louis asks giving Harry an odd look.

"Why do you care?"

"For the love of God!" the lady snapped once more and Harry switched to a harsh whisper,

"I know that. Sorry if I'm a bit on edge, I have a lady who looks like she's about to kill me on one side and a sassy teenager—"

"I'm twenty—!" Louis exclaims.

"—On the other!"

"I'm two fucking years older than you," Louis says frowning.

"Don't act like it."

"Says the one who threatened to piss on me." he rolls his eyes.

"Bet you'd like it," Harry smirks.

"Yeah, a waterworks kink." Louis spits, "How endearing."

"Come on, I know you're thinking about it now." he teases, watching Louis's cheeks flush and liking that he had the upper hand in the conversation.

"No, I'm not." Louis scowls. "Now please will you be quiet this is a good song and you are ruining it for me."

"What are you listening to?" Harry asks plucking one of the earbuds out of Louis's ear and putting it in his own. "Arctic Moneys." he nods in approval. "You have taste."

Louis slaps Harry's hand away and tries to take the bud back but Harry raises it above his head knowing Louis is too short to grab it without having to stand up. "Give me that back." Louis grits his teeth together and strains to reach for his other airpod.

"Try and reach it." Harry is literally so bored and his legs are asleep so watching Louis struggle came as a nice, and entertaining distraction.

"Let me guess, you were the type of kid in school who bullied the incoming freshman and held their books up over their head while taunting them?" Louis grumbles still trying to reach for his earbud.

"Maybe," Harry replies flashing a cheeky smile. He wasn't but that didn't matter, Louis didn't have to know that.

Louis slumps in his chair, admitting defeat, and decides to change tactics. "Please Hawwey?" he puts on the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes and juts out his lower lip.

Harry, surprised by the sudden change of attitude lowered his hand for a slight moment, gazing into the blueness of this boy's eyes, and Louis, seeing his moment, plucked the airpod from Harry's hands and giggled childishly. "Soft for my puppy-dog face? Good to know."

Damn it, Harry thinks as he slumps back into his chair. He hears a crash of thunder from outside and again looks towards the window hoping to see some kind of indication they'll be up in the air soon but all he can see is the reflection of Louis in the glass, his knees up to his chest and his beanie pulled tightly over his head.

The overhead speaker crackles and the voice of the flight attendant crackles on, "We are sorry again for this wait but due to weather conditions, we will be remaining here on the tarmac overnight. If you are in need of anything please let a flight attendant know and we will try to make this night as comfortable for you as possible."

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