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(This is not factual and it's cheesy af so...you have been warned)


People meet in the strangest ways. One might not even consider that a small matter like who you sit next to on a plane could change your entire life. 

Imagine all the people you have met that might have been a perfect match, but you'll never know. Imagine if our boys didn't get placed next to each other. Imagine if Harry and Louis, two souls who fit so perfectly together, walked right past one another and never saw each other again.

We don't get to find out what their lives might have been like because that never happened. No, our two boys found their way to one another and today are celebrating their one year together...

"Lou, where are you asshole?" Harry called into the empty aisle of frozen pizzas. 

"I'm...right...h-here!" Louis's muffled grunt sounded from a couple of feet away and Harry frowned, turning the corner before bursting out into guffaws of laughter. There was his boyfriend, Louis, on his tiptoes, standing on the ledge of the big freezer full of ice cream. "I can't g-get the cookie dough!" he whined, reaching deeper into the freezer, his face one of the up-most concentration.

"Get down monkey, I'll get the cookie dough for you." Harry giggled, picking up Louis and planting him back on the ground.

"Why do you like this stuff?" Harry asked, handing Louis the pint of ice cream. They finish checking out and head to Harry's car.

Louis clutched the frozen treat lovingly to his small chest and sighed, "It tastes like all my hopes and dreams."

"So it tastes like me?" Harry quipped, snaking his long arm around Louis's waist and pulling him closer to him. 

"Whatever you like," Louis said, giggling. "Ice cream?" he asked, holding out a plastic spoon to Harry, the small pint resing between his legs.

"Feed it to me monkey," Harry said, opening his mouth, his hands still on the wheel.

Louis carefully scooped a spoonful of the soft ice cream and reached out so Harry could lick it up. "Yuck," Harry wrinkled his nose, "It's so sweet."

"That's why I like it," Louis said happily licking his spoonful up and taking another. "Where are we going by the way?"

Harry had something special planned for their one year together, but he hadn't told Louis what that would be. He only instructed Louis to pick out a desert at the local Tesco to eat on the drive to their destination. 

"You'll see soon enough."

"Please give me a hint."

"Look up."

Louis tilted his head up and looked at the roof of the car. "Um, I don't get it."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Just wait and see."

Louis took a couple more scoops of his ice cream before placing it back in the cooler Harry had packed, and curling up under his sweatshirt, "Wake me up when we're there." Louis sighed, "I've been at work since 4:30 this morning."

"I know," Harry chuckled, "I heard the teapot go off at that ungodly hour."

Louis didn't answer, but Harry was alright with that. He continued to drive in silence, only the soft breathing from his sleeping boyfriend filling the car.

He wasn't sure if this would be the best anniversary gift ever, but he had put some thought into it and he hoped Louis liked it. It was personal, special and then they'd have come full circle.

A Plane in the AssWhere stories live. Discover now