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Harry stood up quickly and before Louis could catch himself he threw himself into Harry's arms. "Harry!" he squealed, "I knew you were here!"

"Louis!" Harry caught the smaller boy in his arms and hugged him back tightly. He knew they were being dramatic but he didn't care. Harry ducked his head and planted a quick kiss on Louis's forehead before pulling back, "Wait, how did you know I was going to be here? Did you know this whole time?"

Louis, ignoring the small crowd that had formed around them to watch their little reunion shook his head, his hair falling out of the messily styled quiff so it hung in limp waves. "No, I just kept seeing your texts and matched them up with the things that were happening to me."

Harry was about to ask what this meant when they were interrupted by Louis's stepmom, "Excuse me, boys," Johanna asked, "Might you explain exactly what is going on here?"

"This is the lad I met on the plane here, the one I was telling you about." Louis introduced his stepmom quickly.

"The one you were telling me about...oh—" her eyes widen as she looks at Harry who turns quickly to Louis,

"What did you say about me?" Harry poked Louis in the side playfully.

"More like what my sister said," Louis grumbled back. "Yes, this is Harry. Harry, this is my stepmom, Johanna. I'm not sure why we are both here though."

"H, who is this?" a young woman asked coming up beside Harry. She had dark hair, much like Harry's curls except it was styled in an elegant chignon at the nape of her slender neck, wisps of hair framing her defined features which were strikingly beautiful much like—

"—Louis, this is my sister Gemma." Harry introduced him, "Gemma, this is my um, my friend Louis." he finished, blushing at the pause.

"Nice to meet you, Louis," she said kindly extending her hand. Louis reached out to shake it. 

"Uh, congratulations on your wedding...tomorrow, your wedding that is happening tomorrow um, congratulations on that..." Louis studdered, then cringed, "Sorry." 

Way to go, Louis, he applauded to himself. You sound like an idiot, just as Fizzy had predicted.

"Thank you!" Gemma says brightly and then takes the arm of a tall man behind who had come up from behind her. He looked oddly familiar. 

"Michal?" Louis asked on a limb hoping this was his step-cousin. If it was not, Louis had already located the nearest exit in which he could bolt. 

"Nice to finally meet my step-cousin," Michal said, laughing. 

"Wait so..." Harry said, looking from me to Michal. "You are marrying my sister but you're also related to my Louis?"

Louis liked that a lot.

"I guess so," Michal said, looking from Louis to his mom to Johanna. "His stepmom is my aunt, making my mom and his mom sisters—"

"Oh!" Johanna said clasping her hands as she finally understood the situation. "What are the odds our boys would meet on the trip here?" she asks a short woman who had joined the now large crowd around us.

"It's a small world," she said, shaking her head. "I've given up questioning this universe." she holds out her hand to Louis, "I'm Anne, Harry's mum."

Louis greeted her as well and then Harry pulled him into a chair next to him. "Sit with me!"

Louis laughed at his childish manner and sat down, putting his leg over Harry's under the fancy white table cloth, "I wouldn't think of doing anything else silly."

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