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"Fuck, the door Harry!" Louis cried as Harry pushed him into the room and crushed a deep kiss to his thin lips while Harry's free hand met the face of the unlocked door, pushing it closed with a jerk.

The loud bang made Louis gasp, but the sound was cut short by Harry wrapping his strong hand around Louis' neck and slamming him against the back of the door.

Louis's breath hitched as he felt his entire body being slammed against the door, pressed against Harry's body. He whined as Harry leaned in, his plump lips millimeters away from his thin ones.

"You are so beautiful," Harry breathed, before picking Louis up and walking him over to the fluffy, premade bed before tossing him on the newly washed sheets. The boy bounced softly under him before climbing over Louis's thin figure, Harry's eyes hungrily raking his body.

Louis giggled lightly as he let his fingers travel and feel the sheets underneath him; a sound Harry swore was the most magnificent sound in the universe. All of Louis's senses were set alive as Harry tangled his fingers through his hair and gave it a sharp tug. He moaned a deep whine into the kiss, causing Harry to rock his hips into him.

"Again!" Louis pleaded, begging for more friction against his quickly growing hard-on.

But Harry didn't listen, instead, he practically did the opposite; he prolonged the foreplay. Harry licked into his mouth dangerously slow, tasting the sweet cherries from the cocktail Louis had been drinking at dinner. Louis tilted his head back to allow the taller man more access into his mouth, placing his little hands on Harry's love handles.

They kissed like that until Louis grew breathless, and panting as Harry moved his kisses to the skin underneath his jaw, creating a dark purple love bite.

Harry brought his hands to his belt, not breaking his contact with Louis' neck, and grabbed the silver belt-buckle, tossing it roughly to the floor.

Louis whimpered slightly as Harry's slender fingers brushed underneath his untucked shirt, sending a swarm of butterflies into Louis's tummy.

Harry began to quickly unbutton Louis' dress shirt, his fingers fumbling hastily.

"It's not that hard, Haz," Louis groaned, fidgeting irritably at Harry's ineptness.

"Ok, fine," Harry growled, grabbing either side of the shirt and ripping them apart. Buttons went flying to the floor, along with Louis's patience and dignity.

Louis grabbed onto the end of Harry's tie and hopped into his arms, "That was so hot."

Harry smirked in response, his large hands squeezing Louis by the ass to keep him steady.

Louis's little feet began to push down Harry's pants, only getting down to his mid-thighs before Harry kicked them off himself.

Harry still stood in place for a minute, raking his hungry eyes up and down Louis' naked body, stopping it at his flushed face and sending him a smug smirk.

Louis hid behind his hands with a goofy smile, "Harry," he whined, "Don't look at me like that."

"Why not?" Harry asked, climbing on top of Louis's body. He grabbed Louis' wrists and pinned them above his head "I do what I want."

A lustful silence filled the room, both blown pupils staring deeply at each other.

"A-And what else do you want?" Louis asked breathlessly, placing his small hands on each of Harry's toned biceps. The muscles flexed deliciously under Louis' fingers, causing the smaller man to bite his thin lips forcefully.

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