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"He looks like a Larry." Harry decided, staring at the dog in the dog food commercial that had just come on. 

For the past hour, the two of them had been snuggled together watching one of the free cheesy romantic comedy movies the airline offered on the small screens attached to the other side of the seat. Louis wasn't one for romantic movies but Harry had pleaded so Louis gave in. He was long done arguing with this boy.

"He does not look like a Larry," Louis argued. Well, almost done arguing with this boy.

"Yes, he does." Harry insists as the dog on screen starts messily comping on a bowl of dog food. While many people skipped the advertisements as soon as possible Louis had learned Harry loved watching the corner skits and singing along to the catchy jingles. 

"I think he looks more like a Pete."

"Who would name their dog Pete?" Harry wrinkles his nose up in disgust and Louis takes a moment to admire how fucking adorable he looks.

"Who would name a dog Larry?" 

"I would."


"Larry is a nice name."

"So is Pete."

"But Pete—" Harry began to rebuttal but Louis cut him off by pressing his lips to his. 

"Fine, the dog's name is Larry." Louis wasn't quite sure how an argument over the name of a dog in a dog food commercial could be so enduring but Harry seemed to have that effect on him.

"Do you have a dog?" Harry asks once Louis had pulled away. 

"Yeah, I have a labradoodle named Clifford and he's a bloody rascal."

"Why is he a rascal?" Harry asks neglecting the movie and turning so he could face Louis.

"He's big, clumsy. He's a thief." Louis rambles listing the reasons off on Harry's fingers which makes Harry giddy inside as he stares down to where Louis is touching his fingers.

"He's a thief?"

"You know how everyone says dogs should go anywhere near chocolate?"

"Yeah, I've heard that," Harry said trying to keep Louis talking so he would forget to remove his hands from where they still were lightly touching his.

"I think maybe two or three Easters ago he stole a full easter egg, like a full easter egg," Louis emphasized as Harry giggled trying to imagine young Louis running after his dog who probably had chocolate smeared around his mouth happily wagging his tail at his victorious steal.

"What happened after that?"

"I found out after," Louis continued, "That as long as they don't eat their body weight in chocolate you're alright so he lives to fight another day," Louis says sighing fondly at the thought of his dog.

"I wish I could meet him." Harry says, "My family is more of a cat family."

"You have cats?"

"We have a cat named Dusty. He's really cute."

"Well, I don't know if this is going to work between us. I am strictly a dog person." Louis jokes sending Harry into a childish furry as he clings onto Louis's arm pretending to faint.

"I'm sorry!" he groans, "I can't believe this is the end." 

"So dramatic," Louis mumbles running his finger along Harry's hairline and smiling when Harry shivers. "We'll make it work."

Harry pulls his head up to look Louis in the eye, "Do you think? Like for real I mean, do you think we'll stay in touch after this?"

Louis had been thinking about this. He and Harry had clicked so perfectly it felt more like a dream than reality. 

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