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(TW: dumb Harry and Louis)


The restaurant the soon-to-be groom's family picked out was extravagantly luxurious and Louis's had to hold his jaw as he and his family stepped into the marbled floored dining room. The room was overflowing with people and so they waited near the doorway, Louis's little sister's heads swiveling around as they took in all the rich colors of the room. 

"You never told me it was going to be fancy!" Louis hissed to Johanna who bites her lip anxiously.

"I didn't know." she apologizes, "My sister just told us to dress formally."

Louis glanced down at the pair of tight black slacks and dark blue dress shirt. Sure, he could have put a bit more effort into his outfit but he'd just gotten off a plane didn't have time for a proper shower.

"I'm going to go say hi to my sister, Mark?" she extends her arm to Louis's father who reaches out and links them together. "Watch the little ones, honey?" she asks and Louis nodded.

"Louis look!" Daisy gasps, pointing up at the high ceilings decorated with intricate glass chandeliers. The blown glass twists together, weaving in and out in glossy spirals, and the light within casts a warm glow through the crowded room.

"Looks pretty huh?" Louis asks his younger sister, picking her up so she can see the chandelier up closer.

"It looks like the hearts we are studying in biology." Fizzy comments, her long brown hair inching down her back as she gazes up at the ceiling. 

"Fizzy!" Louis starts to scold but a waiter who is walking nearby stops and smiles at the young girl,

"You are very observant." he says, "They were created to look like hearts."

"Why? That's a bit gross." Fizzy furrows her thick eyebrows together as if fully not understanding.

"You are here to celebrate a wedding." the waiter reminds her, "They represent love."

"Oh, ok." she agreed and then looked hungrily up at the tray the man is carrying. "Are those bread rolls?" she whispered.

He nodded.

"Can I have one?"

The guy looks up to Louis as he hands Fizzy a soft, warm roll, "Have your hands full?" he motions to Daisy in Louis's arms and Pheobe who is clinging to his leg.

"Yep, always busy with these ones." Louis smiles fondly.

"You and your wife must feel so blessed," he said, watching Fizzy gnaw on her roll.

Louis choked back a laugh, "Oh no, these girls are my sisters." he corrects the waiter who's facial expression softens, 

"Oh, I  just— sorry I just thought."

"No need to apologize," Louis assures him. It wasn't the first time people assumed his sisters were his own young ones. Louis guessed it was just the age gap that made them look less like siblings.

The waiter blushed and then turned back to his tray, "I guess I'll see you around."

"We'll see you," Louis said and walked a bit farther into the crowded dining room.

"Lou, can we go to mommy?" Daisy asked, "I'm hungry."

"Sure love," Louis said and moving slowly through the room, guided them to his parents who were talking loudly with a woman who looked much like his stepmom.

"Oh thank you, Lou." Johanna said and then turned to the woman, "Kids, this is my sister Carolina. Carolina, this is my stepson Louis and my daughters Daisy, Pheobe, Fizzy, and..."

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