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"W-what's going on?" Harry gasps as the plane bumped up and down. 

The turbulence was creating a rhythmic bumpiness as the aircraft swayed back and forth from the rough winds. Harry had practically attached himself to Louis's side when the plane started to move and looked utterly terrified. 

"It's just a turbulent," Louis hushes and tentatively runs his fingers through Harry's curls. He didn't know why he felt the need to do so, they had only known each other for less than 24 hours but it seemed right and Harry calmed a bit. His figure relaxed and his head fell lightly onto Louis's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for this," Harry mumbled.

"No, it's fine, really." Louis insists, "It's cute." he added on a limb.

Harry paused and then looked up at Louis through his bright green eyes, "It's cute that I'm eighteen and crying like a baby over a turbulent?"

"A bit," Louis admits feeling that giddy anticipation in his middle like when you're a kid and you finally have a one on one conversation with your crush. His ears felt warm and he could sense his cheeks blushing as well. How had things between them gone from pure annoyance this was? 

"What are you staring at?" Harry asks his voice breathless. Louis couldn't look away.

"I'm...what were we talking about?"

"You said I was cute," Harry murmured leaning in a fraction of an inch. Up close Louis could now see every fine and perfect detail of Harry's face. 

"I did?" Louis's face was burning now and though he tried to play it off cooly he assumed he only made himself look more uncomfortable. "S-slip of the tongue I s-suppose," he said desperately.

"You mean you don't think I'm cute?" Harry gave an irresistibly adorable pout and Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat. When did the plane begin to feel so warm? 

"I-I mean no. " he sputtered then realizing how that sounded he quickly backtracked, his face feeling like fire, "No—I mean yes, I do think you're cute but—but not in like a, um, creepy way. Just that you—" 

This is a disaster, Louis thought to himself and shut his mouth before he did any more damage to the current situation. Harry on the other hand was smiling ear to ear with a smug smirk on his plump pink lips. What Louis would do at that moment to feel those lips against his... 

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." Harry's voice was low and he was so close now that Louis could feel his warm breath on his own nose. 

Louis could feel everyone around them falling away from his field of vision as he focused on Harry and Harry only. The boy seemed to be trying to study every inch of his face much like Louis was doing at that moment. Instinctively he gently reached out and snaked his hand to the back of Harry's neck, feeling the warmth under his palm and shiver Harry gave under the contact.

"I think you are super cute." Louis breathed and his lips turned up in his newfound confidence.

"You're invading my personal bubble." Harry points out in an undertone.

Louis had started to move a bit quickly on his instincts and nervously he started to draw his hand back, "I can move if you like—"

"No, stay," Harry said inching even closer, "I like it." 

There was undeniable tension as they sat there gazing transfixed into each other eyes, their noses almost touching and Louis's hand still firmly around Harry's neck. Neither wanted to make the first move and yet both wanted to experience the kiss so badly.

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