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"Your fly is open," Harry said matter of factly once they had returned to their seats. Both of them were still flushed, breathing hard and Harry's once neatly tamed hair was now sticking out all around his head as if he just got electrocuted. 

Louis's felt his face burn as he did up his pants as Harry snickered in his direction. "Got distracted huh?"

To say the least, Louis would never be able to look at an airplane bathroom again without the image of Harry sucking him off flash through his head. The small proximity of the room had been a struggle but nevertheless, the last thirty minutes had been blissfully spent with one of the most amazing people Louis had ever laid eyes on.

"You flatter yourself," Louis whispered back as to not make the situation more awkward for the lady on his other side. She had been oddly quiet throughout the whole flight and was calmly reading her book which Louis had noticed was upside down. 


"No, you flatter me," Harry says and flips up the armrest between their seats so Louis can lay half in his lap, Harry's arm laced tightly around his thin waist. 

Louis didn't say anything and instead plucked his rainbow bear from the other side of harry's seat and tucked it protectively under his arm.

"I'm going to miss Sugar Baby Bear when I fly back to London," Harry said thoughtfully rubbing his thumb soothingly on Louis's arm which was draped over his lap. "Who will comfort me when I fly back?"

"Maybe you'll get seated next to another devilishly handsome guy on the way back and he'll have a bear you can hold onto." Louis jokes but hoping that wouldn't happen.

"Even if I did it wouldn't matter." Harry says playing with Louis's hair, "It wouldn't be the same."

The words were small and simple and yet they felt significant. As if this flight would be one they both would remember for a long time. At least Louis knew he would.

"Maybe you get a bear of your own." Louis suggests, "Then we can meet up and have teddy bear playdates!"

"You are one cute mother fucker." Harry growls planting a kiss on Louis's neck before he could protest. "Why did we have to meet on a plane? Why couldn't we have met at a local museum or something?"

"Fate is a funny thing," Louis murmured as Harry continues to playfully suck at his neck. He knew there would be marks there when he was finished but Louis didn't care, he could borrow some of his mom's coverup for the wedding if need be. 

"Speaking of fate, you still owe me a date," Harry says finally pulling away from Louis's neck to look seriously into Louis's eyes.

"How is that speaking of fate?" Louis asked confused.

"It wasn't." Harry shrugged, "That was my transition to remind you that you still owe me a date."

"Smooth Styles." Louis said nodding his head in approval, "How long will you be in Cheshire?"

"Only a week." Harry shrugs, "My sister is getting married."

"Oh, right I forgot we were both going to weddings." Louis remembered, "I'm going to a wedding for my stepmom's sister's son's wedding." Louis recites out for Harry who raises an eyebrow.

"Your what?" he asked.

"My stepmom's sister's son's wedding." Louis repeats. "It's basically just an excuse for the family to get together at this point."

"Do you even know the couple that's getting married?" Harry askes laughing.

"Nope. He's my cousin I've seen like twice in my life but all my sisters and other relatives will be there so I kinda had to come."

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