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(quick note: in this fic, Mark is Louis's biological father and Johannah is his stepmom.)


"I guess this is it." Harry sighed his voice heavy with disappointment as he and Louis stood outside of the airport. The shouts of people, the honking of taxis, and the rolling of suitcases on the newly paved asphalt didn't once make them turn their heads as they stared at one another.

"This is not the end." Louis reminded him raising on his tiptoes to press a soft kiss to Harry's lips, "You have my number and I still owe you that date."

"I know." Harry's mouth turned down into a pout, "I'm just going to miss you."

"Ring me up soon though ok?" Louis said sorrowfully, "Sugar Baby Bear will miss you."

A large yellow shuttle pulled up to the curb indicating Harry's ride was here.

"Just Sugar Baby Bear will miss me?" Hary asked.

"Ok, I'll miss you too." Louis presses another kiss to Harry's lips but this time Harry reacts and dropping his bags so they land in a pitiful pile at their feet his wraps Louis up in his large arms and holds his close.

"I'll see you soon then," Harry says pulling away and taking his bags up in his hands. 

"Soon." Louis whispers in choked desolation he watched Harry's lean figure step onto the bus. "Really soon," he said to himself watching the shuttle pull away from the curb and farther and farther away from him.

"Louis glad you could make it!" his father clapped him on the back as he entered the hotel room later that evening. 

"Sorry about the delay." Louis apologized again running his fingers through his hair and trying to flatten it. "The plane..."

"We know all about the storm!" his stepmom said coming over and giving him a hug. "Glad you got here safe, the little ones have been asking about you all day."

"They have 'ave they?" Louis grinned and right on cue his younger twin sisters burst through the door,

"LOUIS!" they cried and ran into his arms.

"Pheebs, Dasiy!" Louis greeted them swinging one arm around their shoulders and hugging them close. He then pulled away. "My, have you two grown," he said, rubbing his eyes. They were about a foot taller since he last saw the two of them and their soft chestnut hair had grown so it hung halfway down their backs.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Daisy asks, jumping up and down and pulling on his sleeve.


"Poor Louis doesn't even know who's wedding he's attending." a voice drawled from the other room and his other sister Félicité appeared, hanging from her ears was a set of tangled earbuds.

"Nice to see you too Fizz." Louis rolled his eyes at his sister's sarcastic entrance and walked over to devour her in a hug.

"Where's Lottie?" his stepmom asks looking around, "We have reservations this evening at five so I need you all here..."

"Lottie just ran down to get extra blankets for tonight." Louis's father assured his wife and then looked around happily. "It is so good to have the family back together."

"You mean have Louis back." Félicité points out.

"Give me a break." Louis huffed, "I'm here now, chill out."

Phoebe turned to her twin and sighed, "Not even five minutes and they're already bantering."

Louis ruffled her hair, "Shut it Pheebs." which earned him a playful slap from her as she ran to the bathroom to check to make sure her headband was still neatly in place.

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