~ r u n ~

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This story starts off at a beautiful castle in the main lands. Princess y/n's coronation was just one day away, and the servers were still setting up for the party.

"Hurry up you fools!" A woman objected. She had long luxuriant russet hair with a pale skin tone. As she talked, she had a strong British accent roaming throughout the ballroom.

She had an obsidian typed eye color and she was wearing a long tight black dress, up to her ankles. "Yes. Sorry Ms. Blair." One of the servers said. You could feel her shaking, like she was afraid for her life.

Meanwhile in Princess y/n's room:

She was laying on her bed, fidgeting with her tousled y/h/c hair, with her head on her pink pillow. Suddenly, she hears a knock on the door. "Come in!" She yells. Y/n wasn't really paying attention to the women that walked in. She was still distracted by picking at her dark blue nail polish that was painted on her fingers.

The woman that walked in was wearing a proper blue maid dress. She looked at princess y/n and her face turned into a shocked look. "Princess y/n!" She calls. "Why aren't you trying on your coronation dress?" The princess looks over with her y/e/c typed eyes over to the baby pink colored dress laying on the chair near her vanity.

The princess suddenly groans and rolls her eyes. The maid quickly looks over to the princess in a shocking look. "Princess y/n!" She exclaims. "Elizabeth! Call me y/n!" She yells. "You've known me for my whole life!" The maid tilts her head slightly and smiles. She sits down on the Princess's bed that the princess was laying on.

"Look, you've been waiting for this for 13 years!" She says. "After your mom died, I know you've changed, a lot. You doubted yourself everyday, that you weren't good enough for her, but you are!" Princess y/n starts to look up at her slightly. "You think so?" She asks. "Of course!" The dark brown haired lady cheered.

The princess suddenly smiles. "Thanks Elizabeth. You'll always be a 2nd mom to me." The princess confirmed. "Now I forgot why I wanted to run away." She jokes. They both laugh, but suddenly the same women in the ballroom came in. "Oh now I know why." The princess mumbled.

"Why aren't you wearing your dress Princess y/n?" The woman complains. The princess rolls her eyes and gets off her bed. "You were supposed to be ready 5 minutes ago! And that's 6 minutes too late!" "Six?" The princess asks. "Yes? You're always supposed to come a minute early!" Ms. Blair confirms.

She looks at the maid in a disgusted look. "Princess y/n." She says. "If you don't act now, you will have some consequences. It's a tad bit suspicious that you're never on time for any activities. And I think I know why." She looks at the Princess's makeup and stares at it for a long minute of two.

"Princess. If you keep this up, I'm going to fire this wonky maid." The tall lady confirms. The princess suddenly gasps. "No!" She objects. "You can't do that!" "Well, I have no choice!" The women yells. She quickly grabs the maid by the arm and they go out of the room.

"Elizabeth! No!" The princess screams. She runs fast to the door to escape her bedroom, but she was too late; the tall women locked the door. She knocks on the door, trying to get someone's attention, but it was no use. She turned around, her back facing the door. She slowly sat down, while leaning on the door. Her head on her arms, with her arms on her knees.

She felt betrayed. Even though Ms. Blair was only the Princess's supervisor, she felt that there was something missing from her; a part of her. Hours had passed, and the princess was still crying. She decided that she couldn't handle it anymore. Being ruled of, taken cared of "lightly."

She was already independent after her mom died, and people who always typecast her as the useless princess in her castle. She packed most of her things in her backpack that she used to carry when she was in public school. It was a bit small, but it did fit all of her stuff.

She was thinking of jumping out of her window, since she knew how to climb a tree, and it was covered so people wouldn't see her escape. Before she jumped out of her window, she looked at her dress once more. She was leaving her childhood home. All the memories. Gone.

She quickly shook her head and grabbed the corner of her window. Instead of stepping on the tree, she stepped onto mid air. Before falling and cracking her head open, she flew; slowly onto the ground. She never told anyone she had powers; the powers to control the four elements to be exact. She watched a television show one day and saw an episode of "Avatar the Last Airbender." Crazy right?

Unfortunately, she was born with these powers, but never told anyone. It inspired her to train her powers everyday to try an control it, and finally, she did it. She slowly stepped onto the ground. She quickly ran to the ocean near the castle, bended the water to protect her, and she walked right out of the territories like nothing happened; waiting for the right moment up merge from the mysterious sea.

928 words

A\N: if you saw my last episode on my other story, and went to this one, tysm!!

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