~ a l i e n ~ s p l i t ~

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~Meanwhile with the parents~

*cue miracle guy slamming his head on the wall*

"How long has it been this bad?" Mrs. Moreno asked. "You should've come to me." "You?" Marcus asked her. "Yep!" "Hmm! Don't you remember what your generation was like when we took over?" The old woman suddenly realized that her son was right. "Good point." She said. "Well, I guess it's up to the kids. The next generation is always more...powerful, more..."

"Evolved?" The old woman nodded. "I got it!" Tech-No exclaims. Miracle guy suddenly stops banging his head on the wall and looks up. "What?" He asked. "You figure a way out of here?" "Oh, well no. I figured out how to switch on these security monitors." Tech-No answered.

He suddenly put two wires together, which made the security cameras go onto the screen. "Surprisingly intuitive!" He exclaimed, but the parents just groaned and rolled their eyes. "What? At least now we can watch something instead of yelling at each other."

The security camera suddenly turns to another hallway, where the kids were at. 'As Tech-No started to sit down, he saw them. "Wait, what's this?" He asked. He pointed to the screen where it showed the children getting out of the room. "A Capella?" Mrs. Vox asked. "Rewind?" "Fast Forward?" The twins' parents asked again.

Lava girl suddenly started to smile and she sat down next to Tech-No. "Look at this Tech-No." She says. She points to wildcard and the princess...holding hands. "Your son has a girlfriend now." Tech-No's eyes started to widen, and he zoomed into the angle. His son was holding someone's hand. He suddenly started to zoom out, speechless. 

Mrs. Vox suddenly started to recognize her. "That's not just any other person." She says. "That's the princess, from...London." "What?" Invisi-Girl asked. 

~Back to the kids~

Everyone finally escaped from the room, as they took a breath. "Wheels, how much time do we have?" Missy questioned. "Eighteen minutes!" He explained. "Then, we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover." She says back. The kids started to keep walking until wildcard spoke up. "Us? Are you nuts?" He asked, "We have to go free our parents and let them handle it." 

As he spoke, he squeezed princess y/n's hand a little bit harder. "No!" Missy exclaimed. "There's no time for that! By the time we get there, they'll-" She suddenly gets cut off. "No! I'm through listening to you. When I woke up this morning, everything was perfect, and then you come along and everything's a mess!" Wildcard complained. 

"If little Miss No-Powers is who you want as a leader, fine follow her straight into Ailenville. His free hand suddenly pointed towards a random hallway while his other hand was still in y/n's. "But, y/n, facemaker and I are gonna go get our parents." "We are?" The princess and facemaker asked in unison. "Yes, right now."

As he walked towards another hallway, he held his hand with y/n and pulled facemaker's wrist together. "Guys, we have to stick together!" Missy explained. AS the three were turning towards the hallway, the princess suddenly shrugged and put an "I don't know either" face on.

Missy suddenly turned towards ojo as she was looking at her. "What can you do?" She asked. "Some people are just-" "Forget him." Wheels implied. "We need to get to the rocket so I can stop it before it launches." "How are you so sure you can do that?" Missy questioned. 

"Because everything the aliens build is super intuitive to use, almost like it was designed for children to operate!" He suddenly stops talking and thinks. "Get me close, I'll turn it off." 

~Meanwhile with wildcard, y/n and facemaker~

The three were still walking together in the hallway until facemaker suddenly spoke up. "I don't understand. Why did we split up?" He asked. But wildcard didn't answer. He kept holding y/n's hand while looking around. "Yeah wildcard, why did we split up?" She asked. She was still as confused as facemaker. 

"Where are we going?" Facemaker asked once again. "How do you know our parents are this way?" Wildcard suddenly stops walking. "Okay, this is good." He finally answers. "What do you mean, "This is good?" Wildcard quickly tunrs to him and let's go of y/n's hand.

"Are you questioning my authority?" He asks sternly. "Uh... I don't even know what we're talking about." Facemaker implies. He was still oblivious to the whole situation, as well as y/n. "Really? The confused thing? That's what you're going with?"

Wildcard suddenly starts to push facemaker, and he does it in return. "Guys! Cut it out!" The princess yells. "Oh, so now you're getting into it? What the heck is wrong with you?" Wildcard asks. "Oh, I'll show you getting "into" it."

The princess suddenly uses her air bending  to push wildcard not so far away from her. "Ugh!" He groans. "Fine! Be like that!" He motions his arm for the two to get away from him. The princess had a stern look on her face, as she pulled facemaker's shoulder with her. "Fine!" She exclaimed. "Come on, Facemaker. Let's go."

The three finally went their separate ways as they walked into different hallways. Y/n's head was still looking down while facemaker was still behind her. She knew cause she still heard his footsteps, but one time, the footsteps suddenly stopped. The princess didn't want to look back, since she knew she would see wildcard. 

She looked behind her a little bit to see facemaker's shoes still there, walking behind her. She was relieved that facemaker was still there by her...back, and wasn't capture by any of the aliens. The princess suddenly starts to mumble something. "I can't believe wildcard." She scoffs. "Why would he do that?"

She immediately heard wildcard's voice, trailing behind her. "Pssst. Y/n!" The voice yelled. "Wait up!!" The princess instantly covered her ears from all the noise. She honestly felt kind of bad for wildcard. She looked to her right to find no other. Wildcard, by her side. "Wi- Wildcard?" She asked. 

She started to smile but instantly remembered the fight they just had. "Hey princess." He said softly. "It's me." The princess suddenly hugged wildcard out of nowhere. She held onto his neck while he was at her waist. They both held it there for a moment, until princess y/n broke the hug. "Wh- what are you doing here?" She asked, still in disbelief.

She suddenly looks down, at wildcard wearing facemaker's clothes. "Wh- why are you wearing facemaker's clothes?" She sniffled. "Awww." He said. "Are you crying?" He abruptly hugged her once more to repay for her crying. "Me and facemaker switched places!" He exclaimed. The princess still had a confused look on her face. 

"Don't worry. Me and missy added another part to your plan." The princess instantly smiled. "Come on, let's go!" The princess and wildcard instantly started to run to find the control room.

Wildcard (Facemaker) was rushing through the hallways, trying his superpowers. He walked up to a door. "Focus, on super strength!" He exclaims. He instantly tries to open the door with his "super strength," but it was no use. He groans and walks to another door. "Focus on teleportation!" He yells again. 

"Wildcard" runs up to the door, but hits his head and falls down to the floor. He puts his hand on his stomach, and as he was sitting up, he sees Ms. Grenada with her guards in front of him. "Hmm... Nice try, kid." She says. "Take him to interrogation." A tentacle suddenly grabs him, and pulls him back instantly. Poor boy. 

1278 words :pp

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