~ e s c a p e ~ r o o m ~

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The children were finally sent to a room, with a few seats in the middle and in the back row. One by one, they all got pushed in by the tentacles. Wheels, Facemaker, noodles, fast forward right after rewind, A Capella, ojo, wildcard, princess y/n, missy, then guppy. 

Right after everyone got pushed in, it was only slomo's turn. The tentacle unwrapped slomo, which made him fall to the ground, unsteadily. He flopped on the ground two times, while falling dramatically. Wildcard groaned and rolled his eyes. 

"Quit the pantomime, slomo." He says. "You didn't even scrape a knee."

The boy on the ground suddenly started to smile while he just shrugged it off.  Suddenly, Ms. Grenada walks in with her two guards. "Oh good!" Mrs. Grenada exclaimed. 

"Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting, the same bickering, putting your own egos ahead of your team." 

Guppy suddenly pops out her water. As she was going to drink it, Ms. Grenada noticed, and one of the guards took the water bottle out of her reach. Ms. Grenada pointed at the twins, and requested for them to be separated. 

One of the guard's tentacle shoved fast forward away from rewind. Ojo had a worrying look on her face, as she hugged her iPad once more. "Oh, don't worry." Ms. Grenada said in a soft tone. "I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is." 

Ms. Grenada slightly tilted her head and pulled out her key. "Imprisonment. Life. Long." She chuckled and exited the room in her evil walk. As the doors closed, Ms. Grenada teased the children by holding out the key. The door suddenly locked, with no else to escape. "Dang it!" The princess yelled. "I should've grabbed the key when I had the chance." 

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Guppy asks. "I-" Missy couldn't finished her sentence though. 

"-don't know." She continued. She slowly started to sit down in confusion, as she leaned on her arm in disbelief. 

~Time skips a while~

Some of the children were sitting down in disbelief, while others were walking around, trying to find a way out. The princess leaned on the wall, in confusion. How could she not have figured out the Ms. Grenada was the "bad guy?" The way she walked, the way she acted, it all kind of made sense to her for some reason.

"I bet Ms. Grenada's been working there for years." Facemaker implies. "They must've hacked the elections and put their own alien in as the president, so they could set a trap for the Heroics." Wildcard continued.

"I'm such an idiot!" Wheels complains. The princess starts to giggle at the fact that the smartest person in the room said his was an "idiot." "How could that be possible?" She teased, but wheels rolled his eyes, and continued his explanation. 

He turns his screen to face the others as he spoke. "President Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backwards, and you have: Im an alien." The princess starts to groan as she sits down on a seat next to wildcard. She suddenly puts her head on wildcard's shoulder, to show her exhaustion from all of this mayhem. 

"Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years! Planning this takeover the whole time." Missy states. "And now we're stuck in the cell, with no way out." Wildcard says sarcastically. He wasn't moving very much; it signaled that he didn't want princess y/n's head to move off of his reach.

Missy rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Your welcome." She mocked. The princess's head turned to guppy, who was still trying to open the locked door. "Any luck?" She asked. Guppy was still struggling to open the door. She groaned and stormed back to her seat. "I need water. Without water, I can't use my powers."

"Same to me." The princess implied while lifting her free hand up. If you were wondering what her occupied hand was doing, it was in the reach of wildcard's hand. With his soft hands, he was examining it for some reason. "I need food. My stomach hurts." Facemaker complained. "My arms hurt." Noodles continued.

Wildcard was so annoyed with the amount of bickering the room filled with, so he stood up, let go of princess y/n's hand and spoke. "My ears hurt!" He complained. "We never should have come up to this ship. You lead us here!" 

"You think I wanted to get locked up in an alien ship?" Missy answered. "That's enough!" The princess complained. "I'm tired of you two bickering all the time. And, it was all of us.  We did it together." "I wanna go home." Guppy mourned. "Me too." The twins stated. "We all want to go home." Wheels implied. "The key is figuring out how to get out of this room, so we can make sure there's a home to go back to."

Missy suddenly stopped leaning on her arm and realized something. "Wait a second." She said. "What did you just say?" "He said that we all want to go home." A Capella continued. "Not that, the second part." "Figure out how to get out of this room, so we can make sure there's a home to go back to?" Wheels questioned.

"Stop saying that!" Guppy complained. "Keep it together!" Wildcard told her, but guppy just glared at him. The princess suddenly turned to wildcard and slapped him on the shoulder. "Bro." She said. "She's seven for god's sake." Missy quickly stands up from her seat and faces the others.

"Guys, maybe it's time to admit we're never getting out of here." She said. "What?" Rewind asked. "I mean, let's get real. These walls, and this door, must be like, two-feet thick. It's totally impossible." "Wow, great attitude!" Wildcard mocked, while smiling and putting a thumbs up with his fingers. "Yep, we're definitely never getting out of here, and we're certainly never seeing our parents again, that's for sure."

She suddenly winked at wheels for him to get the memo. He suddenly said "Ohhh!" silently, while rewind on the other hand was clueless. "She's right. Pretty soon, we'll forget what they even look like." Wheels included. "The way they smelled...it'll all just be," Wheels suddenly snapped his fingers, "Gone." 

"Wow, so much for being a team you guys." The princess mocked. She suddenly looked at missy in confusion as she started winking over and over again. The princess finally got it and took a deep sigh. "But I guess, this really is the end." "But I'm not ready for the end!" Noodles complained.

"Yea, me neither!" Wildcard stated. "Man, you guys are really bumming me out!" Princess y/n suddenly nudged his shoulder. She imitated that she was crying, then pointed to guppy. Her hands were resembling guppy making something out of the tears, then she pointed to the door, striking it with her hands. "Y/n, you're really playing charades after all of this?" He asks, but she just face palmed. 

"I was just starting to think...maybe my sister didn't hate me." Rewind implies. "I don't hate you." She says back. "I love you." "That love we feel...is real." Missy explains. Wildcard suddenly turns to the princess, looked down and held her hand softly. The princess looked up and smiled, as her held onto wildcard's hand as well.  

"It's that love...that'll get us out of here." Missy continued. "Why are you guys saying all this stuff?" Guppy mourns. "It's almost like you want everyone to cry...ohhh." The princess suddenly stood up from her chair, and took everyone's tears out of their hands. She used her water bending skills to give the tears to guppy, as guppy was making something. 

A Capella walked over to guppy and crouched down so that they would be on the same level. "What are you making?" She asks. "I'm making a key!" Guppy suddenly tapped on the key with her finger, as it turned into ice. Missy walked over to guppy and took the key. She patted her head in return. "Little miss guppy, you just saved us." Missy quickly walked over to the door, and put in the key.

The door suddenly made an unlocking sound as the door started to open. "Come on guys, let's go!" She exclaimed. The princess looked over to wildcard as his face was beaming with happiness. They quickly stood up from their seats and escaped from the room. 

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