~ e s c a p e ~

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The tv suddenly turns off and the children have no idea what to do. A moment of silence filled the room until Ms. Grenada appeared onto the tv. The children flinch due to the sudden word of Ms. Grenada's voice on the big screen. "Children, for your own safety, we're going into full lockdown." She says. "No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are; you all safe."

As she was finished speaking, the tv goes up into the roof again. "Yeah right." Noodles complains. "They can't protect us from that. We just saw it!" "You got a better idea?" Wildcard mocks. "We should probably do what Ms. Grenada says." Guppy implies. "Uh pardon me but-" Missy suddenly gets cut off by Facemaker. "The last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever." He mocks his dad's face while he was being captured by the aliens.

"What do they want from us?" A Capella asks. "Do you think our parents are ok?" Rewind questions. "Uh, excuse me?" Missy finally speaks up. "What?" Wildcard asks clearly annoyed. "We need to leave this room right now!" "Why?" Guppy asks her. "Because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next."

Wildcard scoffs. "How could you possibly know that?" He asks. Missy suddenly walks over to Ojo and borrows her iPad. She walks in front of the classroom as she shows the class the pictures on the screen. "Ojo drew these! Facemaker standing on top of floating chairs, noodles smashing the exercise ball-" She suddenly gets cut off by wildcard.

"She draws what she sees, big deal." He says annoyed. The princess quickly rolled her eyes. "She drew these things five minutes before they happened." Missy explains. She quickly slides to the next screen. "Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future!" "Ok, cool. Good for Ojo. What's your point?" Wildcard asks again.

"She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room. There." She points at an air shaft right above the snacks area. The children all look at the air vent in awe, while wheels quickly goes over to missy. "Woah." Noodles says surprised. "You're saying they'll come through there?"

"She's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense." Wheels implies. "Ojo can see the future!" "Let me get this straight. Some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?" Wildcard questions. "It seems like she's got a point!" A Capella agrees. "A moment ago, you agreed that we weren't safe here." Missy blurts out.

"We're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain." He says again. "I just want to get out of here! If anybody wants to join me, you're free to follow." Princess y/n quickly looks around and sees that no one was sticking up for missy's plan, but she had another idea.

"I'll do it!" She exclaims. "What?" Wildcard asks. "I'm joining missy's plan." She says again. Y/n quickly stands up from her seat to go to missy and faces the class. "Listen guys, even though my parents weren't captured, I still know how it feels." She says. "I know we all feel like we're missing apart of us, but that's gonna change today! We are gonna listen to missy and follow her plan until we get our-"
She suddenly stops. "Your parents back." She continues.

"Ok? Who's with me?" The princess suddenly gets cut off by wildcard blurting out, "Fine!" He slams his hand onto the table and stands up from his seat. "We're getting out of here, but only because I say so, you got that?" He explains. "Well, what's the plan?" Wheels suddenly asks. "Grenada said this place is on lockdown. There'll be guards everywhere."

"Yeah missy." Wildcard says. "What's the plan?" "Well, I figure this is kind of like making an omelet." She says. "You always start by-"
"Breaking some eggs." Noodles continued, while stretching his neck. The vault suddenly opens by Facemaker, stepping outside slightly.

One of the guards spot him and turns around. "Hey, is that updog?" He asks. "What's updog?" The main guard asks. "Not much. Just living my best life over here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything." He quickly goes back into the vault while giving the guards a big, creepy smile.

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