~ t h e ~ n e w ~ q u e e n ~

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This chapter starts off near the princess's castle, in a church. Princess y/n had invited all of her friends and familiar faces to come to her coronation. Most of them were sitting in the coronation room while others, the guards, were standing by the door. The princess was sitting down in her chair, wearing not the dress that was in her room earlier, but a plain old pink hoodie with some leggings. Ms. Blair thought it was inappropriate, but she excepted it anyway.

The priest that was announcing the princess's coronation was entering the the church, when all of a sudden he sees the princess wearing the weirdest clothes for a coronation. His face shot in confusion, but he continued walking. If no one minded it, why would he ruin the party. He stands up onto the platform and starts stating the rules of being a "queen." "Princess y/n, do you promise to protect your kingdom at all cost?" He asks. 

"I do." She answers. "Do you promise to not lie, when it comes to any important moment?" "I do." She answers again. This kept going for a a few minutes until the priest suddenly stopped. "Princess y/n has somewhat took an oath of truth. Princess, I hear by now, you are announced queen of-" The priest suddenly got cut off by a man next to room. "Um, sir?" He whispers. "How old is the princess I may ask?"

"Um, 13?" The priest was very confused, as well as all the guests, waiting for the princess to be announced queen. "Well you see, a princess needs to be at least 15 to become a "queen." "Oh, well then, princess y/n, I now announce you queen, in training." The priest states. Y/n was puzzled in some way. A queen in training? She's never heard that before. She shrugged it off as the crown was placed on her head. The people sitting down suddenly stood up and started clapping.

The princess instantly smiled and looked at her friends that were amazed. Mostly facemaker, since he didn't even believe that she was a princess in the first place. She suddenly looked at wildcard. He was beaming with joy for the princess, or queen...in training. After the amounts of clapping and talking, the guests were dismissed from the church. As the princess stepped off of the platform, she quickly put her crown down and ran towards her friends. She hugged each one of them joyfully, and as she reached the end of the line, she saw wildcard stepped back a little. 

He slowly stepped forward and gave the princess a flower. Y/n quickly looked down a the beautiful flower and took it. "Wild, you didn't have to." She says. "No, I didn't, but I did it anyway." They instantly hug as the princess reached for his neck, as he reached for her waist. They held the hug for a bit, until the princess spoke. "And by the way, it's pronounced queen in training." She teased. Wildcard started to laugh, but instead...

"You'll always be my princess."

645 words 🥺🥺

A\N: well guys, this is it. that's the end of the story. literally, i want to cry.  this has been an amazing journey with you guys. im not quitting, no, but sometimes i get really emotional with things i get attached with. i am literally so grateful for each and one of you. almost 3000 reads on this story is amazing. i literally love yall so much. literally, you guys are like family. im so glad i joined this community, again to share my ideas and thoughts on this platform. shoutout to @stories4you1, @beaner1305, and @your-local-ghostarix  for being my first three followers. again, this has been an amazing journey so far. and also, "surprise" is finishing today, so get your horses and start getting excited lmao love yall :)

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