~ t h e ~ s h i p~

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As princess y/n was still looking up, guppy suddenly ran to the control center and pressed a random button. The alien space ship was struggling to get off the ground, but it shoot up to the sky and flew. "Um, guys?" Rewind asks. "Its over. You can let go now." All the children looked over to wildcard and princess y/n still hugging. They were closing their eyes, still having a worried look on their faces.

They suddenly open their eyes to see that they were still hugging with each other. Their eyes widened and they both let go of each other quickly. "I see a ship happening." A Capella whispers. "Same." Fast Forward answers.

"Anyways." Facemaker says. "But what now?" Noodles asked. "Don't worry." Missy says. "Any minute now, Ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging your parents. Isn't that right Ojo?" But she shakes her head.

"Oh, that's just great!" Noodles complained. Wildcard looked around to find the princess looking out into the sky below her. She had a worried look on her face. Wildcard slowly walked over to her. "Hey." He says softly. "Hi." The princess answered. "Wh- why did you choose me and Missy to share the idea of looking at Ojo's iPad?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know." She says. "I guess some people feel that you're useless and can't do anything, but really it's the exact opposite. You can't say that someone is useless until you know more about them, and they're strengths." "Well, do you believe I can?" He asks.

The princess suddenly stops looking at the sky and starts looking towards wildcard's face. "Of course. Everyone does." Y/n says. "We all believe you can." He sighs and stops looking at her. "Tell that to my parents." He mumbles. The princess softly puts her hand on his cheek and pushes his face a little so that he was now looking at the princess. "I will." She says softly. "Right after we rescue them."

Wildcard suddenly smiles. She suddenly stops touching his face and turns to the window. "And, this is probably not the right moment to say this but, I'm afraid of heights." She says. Wildcard giggles slightly. "Don't worry my princess." He teases. "I'll protect you."

He suddenly holds onto her waist and puts his head on hers. The princess snuggles into his chest as she watches the alien ship fly higher and higher. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asks. "It is." The princess says. They looked up in the sky to see millions of stars around them. It was indeed a beautiful sight.

The alien supply ship finally boards the mother ship. The two lovebirds stopped hugging and started to hold hands instead, to not break the connection they had in between them. "I'm gonna go check it out." Noodles says. The screen in front of the children opened a little, so that noodles would poke his head through.

He quickly stretches his neck to check if any guards were there. As he went back, he told the kids that the coast was clear, and the children exited the supply ship. "Am I just really small, or is this hip really big?" Guppy asked. "It's enormous!" Rewind replies.

"Yeah. How are we gonna find our parents?" Facemaker asks. "I was actually thinking about that." Wheels implied. "Mrs. Grenada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how, your bracelet." Wheels quickly took Missy's bracelet and looked at it. "I haven't been able to contact my dad." She says.

"But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device." He states. "But, I need a pair of pliers and a heat source." "My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark!" Guppy explains. She bites strongly to show how strong her teeth really were. "And I've got a heat source!" Wildcard says.

"Heat vision!" But instead of his eyes turning into heat vision, he turned into a toaster. "And now he's a toaster." Facmaker complains. The princess sighs and picks up the toaster. (Wildcard) "Good try, bub." She says. "Close enough." Wheels states. Princess y/n hands wheels the toaster and he starts to work on the tracking device.

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