~ c a p t u r e d ~

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"My mom died a year ago." The princess said, a little bit embarrassed. The boys in the back stopped laughing and began to feel guilty. "Sorry about that." Facemaker says. "It's ok. I've gone over it a little." The princess says. "Anyways, what's your superpower?" Wildcard asks the wavy brown haired girl. "Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing-"

"Wait a second." Facemaker says while sitting down. "I remember you! You're Marcus Moreno's kid." "Yeah my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids." She explains. "Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids?" Wildcard questions. He finally realizes. "Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers." "You're powerless?" The blonde male asks. "Whatever." Missy says. "Can we put on the tv?" She sighs. "I want to see if there's news about our parents." She says while sitting down.

Princess y/n finally walked to her table and sat down next to the boy she sat with earlier. A big screen tv suddenly comes down with the news on it. "You know this is an epic Heroic smack down even when they've called in Sharkboy!" The lady on the news said. Princess y/n was still fascinated on the big screen though, coming out of nowhere. The room fills with cheers, mostly the adorable girl sitting in the front. "Earlier today, Sharkboy appears from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island!" The male anchor explains. 

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano." The female anchor continued. The children suddenly see a women in a pink and purple outfit with lava in between. Her hair was bright pink, and was flowing in the wind; her hair was practically on fire. "Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!" Guppy exclaims. "She's from the earths core you know." 

"And here's mayor Doolittle!" The woman yells. "At today's ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action." She continued. A man suddenly comes through the ribbon and cuts it with the force of his body. "Did you see that?" The woman asks. "Of course you didn't!"

"That means it none other than blinding fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet!" The boy in front of the princess and wildcard suddenly lifts up his hands and yells, "Go dad!" "And here comes Crushing Low!" The female anchor continues. A man, who was dragged by a done flew into the building. And low and behold, it fell down. "And there goes the mayor's new building in record time." The male anchor implies. "These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining!" The female anchor continues. "Pass the popcorn! This battle's gonna be epic!" Wildcard says while leaning his arm on y/n's shoulder. Slomo turns around and nods. He grabs the popcorn slowly, as wildcard was being impatient. He had an annoyed look on his face and suddenly looked at his watch.

As Slomo was still giving the princess and wildcard the popcorn, he quickly yanks the popcorn out of Slomo's hands, as some pieces of popcorn fell out. "Some popcorn fell out dude." Y/n teased. She quickly used her air powers to lift the popcorn up from the table back into the box. She looked over to wildcard and asked, "can I have some popcorn?" Wildcard rolled his eyes and he holds out his hand with some popcorn in it. 

The princess quickly took some and popped them in her mouth as she smiled. She leaned back in her chair, but suddenly she feels something on her back. The princess turned around and saw that wildcards arm was around her. Y/n turned around again to face the tv. "And look who's back in action! It's miracle guy!" The woman exclaims. "You didn't expect him to actually lose, did you?" The children saw a bunch of heroes flying to the alien ships, even one of some unexpected heroes. "He's not supposed to be there!" Missy complains. 

The heroics were flying towards the big alien ship, as it released many mini ones. Suddenly, miracle gets blasted into a building by one of the aliens. "Oh my god!" The woman exclaims. "No way! No ones ever taken down miracle guy!" Noodles yells. "Evasive Maneuvers!" Lavagirl yells. Another alien shoots Sharkboy into a helicopter, as it quickly grabs him again. Some aliens pulled on miracle guy's arm and pushes him down to the ground.

"Oh no, but I'm getting some very bad news. It's almost unimaginable but two of our heroes have been captured by the intruders." Te woman implies. "I thought they were unbeatable." Guppy says. "They are unbeatable. It's not over yet." Wheels implied. "It looks like our heroes are fit him amongst themselves." The female anchor explains. The parents of Fast Forward and Rewind suddenly busted the door open with their feet while the aliens were behind them. "Ladies first!" The male says. "I don't need your dates chivalry!" The woman complains. "Fine, I'll go." "How dare you!" The parents were suddenly captured by the aliens and were taken off. "Mom! Dad!" The kids screamed.

Facemaker's dad, that was flying by a drone punch the alien that was coming for him. "G dad!" Facemaker exclaims. But he suddenly gets captured. Rewind quickly rewinds the moment where his parents got captured. Then, his sister fast forwarded time. They kept going and going until he said, "I want to see it again." "And I don't want to see again." She says sternly.

"And here comes Mrs. Vox to the rescue." The female anchor explained. "She'll get those aliens singing in a different tune." Mrs. Vox was floating while singing to the aliens, until she got captured by another alien. A Capella's eyes widened while she gasped. Her mom was captured right before her eyes. Suddenly, Lavagirl was riding a lava rock while coming to the aliens. She threw one of her lava rocks at an alien, while she threw the other at Tech-No. He was falling in the air when a alien caught him. The boy next to princess y/n gasped in shock. She looked over to him and held his hand softly. The princess felt so bad. She indeed had felt what he had felt in this moment.

Lavagirl suddenly gets capture by one of the aliens. She kept trying to get out of their reach, but it was no use. "And there goes Lavagirl!" The female anchor mourned. "What is happening? Our heroes are dropping like flies!" Guppy suddenly puts her head in her arms while A Capella comforts her.

Slomo's dad, Blinding Fast, running in the air, hoping the aliens would get dizzy, and won't capture him, but he was wrong. "They won't get Blinding Fast." Wheels complained. "Not him. He's too-" He suddenly gets cut off by the aliens capturing him. Wheels suddenly looked back at Slomo to see his reaction. And all he got was an unemotional face with a tear dropping from his eye.

"It's all up to Marcus Moreno now." The anchor says. As he was flying, an alien suddenly captures his from, which make him fall to the ground behind a car. Marcus was struggling to stand up, but as he did so, he saw aliens about to capture him right before his eyes. He suddenly beeps his watch, which makes missy's watch do the same thing. Missy suddenly stands up and answers the bracelet. "Dad?" She asks. "Das, we had a deal!" "I know. I promised I wouldn't be a hero anymore." He answers. "But I'm still the leader of the Heorics." He pulls out his swords from his back as he prepared to defend himself. "Dad? Dad run! Get out of there!" Missy complains. "And a good leader...leads by example." He continues.

"Dad!" She screams. "I'm sorry honey." He takes a deep breath as he jumped in mid air, right before the aliens captured him. One of the aliens instantly damages the camera. "Th- this is, unbelievable. Unimaginable." The woman whimpers. "Ladies and gentlemen. The heroics, have fallen." The male anchor mourns.

"We're getting words that the president would like to address the nation." The women says again. "People of America, as you have witnessed, the heroics have been captured. Military forces are stepping in, mobilizing to bring out heroes back. But while it looks rather hopeless...it's bad. It- it's hopelessly bad." He stutters. "How did this guy get to be president? He can't even put two sentences together!" Facemaker complains.

"We have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens, that has been decoded." "How do you even decode an alien language?" Asks the princess, but wildcard just shrugs. "It reads, "We are from the planet Ogima. Unfortunately, we have no choice to, but prepare you for takeover. Please comply, or else earth will be destroyed. You have three hours." The president reads. "I'm afraid that was the entire message. There are no heroes left. God save us all."

1513 words :)

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