~ t h e ~ n e w ~ l e a d e r ~

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~Back to the real wildcard and y/n~

The two were still walking through the hallways, holding hands, still trying to find the control center before they were captured by any alien guards. "You know what?" Wildcard asked. "Screw this. I have a better idea." "What do you mean?" The princess asked. "Trust me."

Wildcard suddenly hugged y/n's waist and they finally teleported to the control room. The princess gasps and lets go of wildcard's hand. "Wildcard! You did it!" She exclaimed. They instantly started hugging, before missy's voice came on the speaker.

"Hey, wildcard, old buddy!" She exclaimed. "Are you in the ship's control room with princess y/n yet?" "I sure am!" He explained. Y/n suddenly went over to the mic. "I'm here too!" The princess says. "Just like we planned."

"Wildcard" that was in the same room as Ms. Grenada and her guards suddenly heard the real wildcard on the speaker, as well as the princess. Ms. Grenada's smile instantly faded. "Ignore him. That's some kind of trick." She explains. "I have wildcard right here." "Wildcard" said nothing, but smiled.

Ms. Grenada crouched to where she was at the same level as him. "Don't I?" "Wildcard" suddenly put his hand towards his face, as his face turned into... facemaker. Ms. Grenada gasps at the fact that she caught the wrong hero. "Boo!" Facemaker yelled. Ms. Grenada instantly flinched. She stood up once again as she screeched in an alien voice.

"Wow. I gave this plan 50-to-1 odds at best, but you fell for it hook, line and sinker." Facemaker implied. "We got the one with the useless superpower?" Ms. Grenada asked. "Got you far away from the control center, didn't it?" Ms. Grenada suddenly realized what he just said and made her guards run.

"Go to the control center, now!" She yelled. "Go, go. Go! Go!" Facemaker suddenly started to do an "evil" laugh as the door started to close. He imitated a 🥺 face to represent he was "sorry" for them, waved, then started laughing again.

"You were working together?" Ojo suddenly asked. "Surprise! I even sent him on a secret mission with facemaker, as well as y/n." Missy answers. "Isn't that right wildcard and y/n?"

"Yep!" Both y/n and wildcard exclaimed. "And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it!" Wildcard explained. "Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked again. Wildcard suddenly turned to y/n for acceptance, since she did come up with the plan at first.

The princess nodded in agreement as she smiled. Wildcard smiled back in return. "Since the tunnel, when she told me you were an alien spy." "Ojo's an alein spy?" The twins ask in unison. "Yep, ojo's an spy." The princess continued. Tentacles suddenly popped out of ojo's back.

"You knew." She stated. "How'd you know?" She asked the princess. "You accidently gave it away in one of your own drawings!" Princess y/n continued. "Your art never lies." "You work for Grenada, don't you?" Missy questioned. "Or does Grenada work for you?" "They all work for me." She answered.

Facemaker suddenly storms through the room where the triangular prism was, and looked at ojo in disbelief. "Ojo's an alien!" He exclaimed. "We know!" All of the kids said. He just shrugged and went with the others, as wildcard spoke on the speaker again. "And now, you can all be impressed...and defeated...as soon as I figure out which button removes the shield."

"Knowing the aliens, it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it." The princess states. Wildcard suddenly pressed the button in front of him, as the force field disappeared, right before ojo's eyes. The kids started to cheer as the force field went away, but ojo had other plan. "I hate to spoil your celebration...but there's still two minutes left." She explained.

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