~ t h e ~ t r a i n e r ~

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"No way!" Noodles yelled. "Missy, your grandmother's Anita Moreno?" "The trainer of the Heroics?" Rewind continued. The old lady hugged missy tightly before anyone spoke. "She's a legend!" Facemaker cheers. "No, you have to be dead to be a legend." The princess answers. The old lady turns to princes y/n and gasps. She walked over to her and bowed, but the children were confused.

"Um, grandma?" Facemaker asks. "What is she doing?" Rewind questions. "She's um...bowing..." The princess answers. "Why the heck would she be bowing down to you?" Facemaker asks again. "Oi Niño!" The old woman scolds. "This is the princess you're talking to!" "Wait, the what?" Noodles questioned. 

"Remember that time where I told you that I was a princess earlier?" Y/n reminded him. "Yea, that was all true." "So, you were telling the truth?" Fast Forward asked. "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" 

"But, princess, isn't your coronation tomorrow?" Mrs. Moreno asked. "Why aren't you at your castle, but here?" "Um, about that-" Suddenly, y/n gets cut off by missy. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're in trouble grandma. And we need a place to hide." She explains. "To hide?" Mrs. Moreno asks. "You're gonna need to do a lot more than that."

"That thing is moving into position." Mrs. Moreno suddenly points to the big alien ship floating in the sky. "She's right." Wheels says. "We only have two hours left."

"It won't be long until the takeover begins." "Everybody, get inside, Come, come." The grandma says. She leads everyone inside of her house while she keeps looking at the huge alien ship in the sky, confused.

~At Head Quarters~

"Come on people." Ms. Grenada says. "How hard can it be to find a dozen untrained, unfocused children?" "I've got something." One of her workers says. "Its weak. It seems to be some type of communicator, belonging to this kid, patched into our system." He continues. Suddenly, the same brown haired girl that the princess met almost an hour ago appeared on the screen in front of Ms. Grenada. 

"Can we trace it?" Asks Ms. Grenada. "Hold on." He says. The computer beeps as he types in a code to hack where to find the girl. "Got her!" Suddenly, Ms. Grenada smiles in realization.

~Back to the kids~

Mrs. Moreno quickly gives the last cup of lemonade to her granddaughter. The princess was astonished at how good the lemonade was, it was never like this at home. In the castle, it would be in a fancy cup with a couple of lemons and limes on the plate. And there would also be some caramel on the side for some reason, but this lemonade tasted different. It wasn't as fancy, but it had twice more love than it would have at home, and she liked it that way.

"But, we're children!" Rewind complained. "Yes, the children of the Heroics!" Mrs. Moreno exclaimed. "If anyone is gonna save the world, its you, because all of you have superpowers! Except missy and princess y/n of course." 

"Mrs. Moreno?" The princess asked. "I actually do have powers." "Oh, well that's great to know." Mrs. Moreno says. "At least you can brag about your powers." Facemaker complains. "Mine are useless." Wildcard starts to laugh until Rewind cuts him off. "Okay Johnny Random."

"Hmm." Mrs. Moreno hums. "This is no way to be a super team." Suddenly, Missy starts to get up from her seat. "Abuelita's right." She says. "Aliens are about to invade, and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now." 

"Are you saying that, we can be super heroes?" The princess asked. "Well yeah. I guess that's kind of what I'm saying." Missy says as she sits down. "We can be heroes, just for one day!" A Capella sung. The children groan and roll their eyes, but not y/n though. She thought that A Capella's voice was magical.

"I need you all to maximize your powers!" Mrs. Moreno exclaims. "Grandma, I've been trying to do that all my life, so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears." Wildcard states. As he said that, Facemaker went behind him and made his ears large to imitate his expression. Wildcard quickly turned around, but just as Facemaker returned to his normal self. The room burst into laughter, while wildcard turns around again leaning on his arm, annoyed.

"Um, its not about whos the strongest, or fastest. Its about working together, and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader." She continues. "That would be me!" Wildcard says. "I was actually talking about missy, but thank you!" Mrs. Moreno says. "Follow me!" All of the kids started to stand up and walk with Mrs. Moreno while missy was still in shock. She turned to princess y/n, but she just shrugged. 

"But I'm the leader!" Wildcard complains. "He's right, I'm totally okay with that!" Missy states. "Well I'm not. And we don't have time to argue!" Mrs. Moreno continues. "So, what I say goes." "Yes, ma'am." Wildcard agrees, but he only gets a hum in response. 

"Welcome to my training ground!" Mrs. Moreno exclaims. Suddenly, right before the children's eyes, the grandmother's backyard turns into an exercising training area. "Lets boogie." She says, but the princess didn't hear. She quickly pushed missy and wildcard slightly and jumped off the stairs. Who knew she would love this place.

892 words <33

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