~ t h e ~ t u n n e l ~

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The princess quickly slid down the tunnel, while wildcard caught her by the waist. "Thanks." She says. "No problem." He smirks and lets go while the other kids wait for missy to come down. As missy was the last one down, Facemaker and A Capella grabbed her by the hands.

"Guys, come on!" Missy exclaimed, but the kids were still standing there, while guppy was eyeing the long corridor. "It sure is dark in here." Guppy states. "Ojo, can I borrow your flashlight for a minute?" The princess asks. Ojo nods in agreement and handed the princess her iPad. She walked to the middle as she turned on the iPad's flashlight.

"We just have to stick...together." Missy says. As Princess y/n was walking towards the middle of the tunnel, wildcard and missy were on both sides of each other. "Yeah, and find a way up to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who have defeated all of the Heroics." Wildcard says sarcastically. "Wow, great positivity wildcard." Y/n mocks.

"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels questioned. "Everything!" Missy exclaims. "Like we lure the aliens out of the cities, so that we don't destroy more buildings." "Can you guys stop fighting!" The princess argued. "We're supposed to be a team. Not a debate group."

"But, she's kind of right!" Rewind explains. "Our parents always have huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities." "Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asks, while holding A Capella's hand. "All superheroes have costumes! Pads, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles." Fast Forward states. "Underwear on the outside." A Capella says disgusted.

"Masks you could barely see out of." Rewind continues. "That's why they were able to pick out our parents easily." "Because they were so easy to spot" Princess y/n says. "We have to blend in. Be...stealth." The princess suddenly notices a small error in one of ojo's drawings.

She quickly nudged missy on her arm and showed her the iPad. Missy turned to into a confused look into a "really?" look. "How?" Wildcard asks. "Just trust me. We have a plan." The princess boasts. The kids finally get out of the tunnel, as they were waiting for a few others.

"Where? What plan?" Wildcard asks the princess. "Come, I'll show you." She says. She motions Missy to come with her so that they could show wildcard the plan, and the drawings. Wildcard stepped beside princess y/n as missy was beside wildcard. "The plan is that we're gonna sneak onto a bus?" He asks.

The princess goes to wildcard's ear and whispers something, so that only wildcard, missy, and herself would know. He quickly slides to the next screen as both missy and the princess whispered in his ear again. "Holy!" Y/n quickly nudges wildcard shoulder. He quickly realizes and corrects himself.

"Doo doo." He continues. Guppy rolls her eyes. "I mean, yes, very interesting. Missy continues whispering in his ear the plan, but adds another part to it. "Uh-huh. Okay, makes sense. Yep. Ok, wow, that's really smart." He suddenly yanks the iPad out of the princess's hands, and her face turns into a confused and shocked look. 

"Okay everyone. Missy and I figured out a way for us to do this." He says. The children were a little confused on why the princess wasn't included, but the princess went off to the tree that they were near and leaned on it. "Check it out! Ojo drew us a clue! A supply ship." He states. Ojo got some pats on the back in return. 

"So what does that mean?" A Capella asks. "It means there's probably one nearby, that we'll sneak on board ad pilot up to the mother ship." Wildcard answers. "That's actually a good idea no matter who thought of it." Wheels stated. "Thank you." He says, but y/n just rolled her eyes. "Come on guys, its time to show these aliens what's what." Missy cheers. 

All of the children ran to find the alien ship, as slomo was just standing there. "Hurry up slomo!" Wildcard exclaimed. He quickly realized and ran as fast as he could. As the kids were running, they finally see an alien space ship. They hide behind a bush so they wouldn't be seen.

"Look, there's the supply ship!" The princess stated. "Just like ojo's drawing!" There were some alien tentacles slithering in the corner near some high grass, and the kids were grossed out. "Shh!" Missy whispered. "Keep it down! Wait, wait a second..."

"Lets go!" At missy's command, the children ran as fast as they cold to reach the alien supply ship in time. They all boarded onto the ship while wheels was in control. "Now lets shut the door and let's get out of here!" Wheels implied. 

"Wheels, can you-" Missy suddenly gets cut off by wheels. "No no no! We're not all here!" He exclaimed. "What? Then who's missing?" Fast Forward asks. She sighs in realization. All the kids face forward to see slomo still running. "Slomo! Cut it out and run!" Wildcard exclaims. 

The aliens suddenly hear the loud noises coming from the kids and realize. "Hurry! They're coming back!" Guppy yells. "Ten to one says he's tentacled." Facemaker said to the princess. "Wha- dude!"

The kids suddenly shout some encouragement for his to run faster. Like that's ever gonna work. As slomo was still running, A Capella has the audacity to start singing "Chariots of Fire." Like, it actually fit pretty well, but not the time! 

"Ok." Noodles said. "Hold me down!" Everyone held onto him as he reached his arm to grab slomo. Noodles quickly grabbed him and slomo was safely captured by the kids instead of the aliens. Wheels suddenly pressed the orange button that was right next to him, and it made the front door close.

Suddenly, a tentacle slapped itself onto the screen. The kids suddenly started to scream their heads off. "Wheels, please tell me you figured this out!" Missy exclaimed. "It's actually incredibly intuitive." He answers. Wheels suddenly pressed the green button with his thumb, and it made a incredible force field around the ship. 

"Woah!" The force field suddenly shook the ship, due to the tentacles still on it. "Please just choose any button!" The princess shouted. "It might be one of these!" He says back. He pushes another button which made the force field go away, but that was a bad idea. 

The alien's tentacle suddenly hit the surface of the alien ship, and the window made a big crack. The children inside of the alien space ship started to scream at the fact that they were in trouble.

As they were screaming though, Wildcard hugged the first person that was close to him. It was the freaking princess. He held onto her head and waist, just like he was protecting her from the aliens. How cute. 

Y/n's eyes were closed at first, but as she opened them and looked up, she saw wildcard's worried face still staring at the window. She zoned out a little and kept looking at him in disbelief. Has she yet found her knight in shining armor?

1190 words :))

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