Chapter 12: Under Pressure

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Chapter 12 Under Pressure

Stiles looked at the boy who used to be his best friend, a boy who grew into a man he no longer recognized, and as surely as he could asked, "Are you sure?"

Scott took a deep breath and looked at the boy who grew to be someone he too no longer recognized, "I might not feel our friendship can ever be mended and I might no longer trust you, but I do care about my pack and this town. Truthfully, I can not ask my pack to give up their lives to do something I wouldn't do. Perhaps you are right, and I have been being the wrong kind of alpha, but I can be here for the town. Liam still has his life ahead of him after all he is just a kid still and me, I don't really have the grades to go to a good college and I am happy here. This is my land and my people. Our differences aside I can do this for Beacon Hills."

Stiles looked over the other boy closely deep in thought. The more Stiles thought about the more he realized that if he himself wasn't willing to do it the sacrificed might just have to be Scott. When they traded their lives for their parents, they might have opened the door for the negative energy even more.

Magnus and Stiles shared a long calculated look before turning back to the alpha Stiles started, "If you do this you have to understand that there is no going back your whole life will be this town and the people in it."

Scott's back straightened and looked over the man who he had known since he was still in diapers, "I can do this. I want to do this."

Stiles sighed and nodded, "Okay."

Scott for the first time since he had seen Stiles nodded, "Okay."


Stiles had books surrounding him with Scott off to the side. Magnus was off to the side a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. Stiles who had been searching for hours to get things just perfect. Alec walked in and carefully draped himself over his lover and whispered quietly and softly into Stiles ear, "Babe I think it's time for rest."

Stiles only shook his head, "I got to get this right."

Alec raised his eyes to Magnus across the room before looking back at the man he loved: his other half, "My darling you have done everything you can I know that you want things to be perfect, but you also have to trust yourself. What did you once tell me? Magic isn't just about the ingredients it's about belief and intention. You have the know-how, you believe in your magic, and Scott is going into this with certainty. You just have to believe in yourself now."

Stiles sighed and threw his head back on to the older male's shoulder, "I know I just if I don't get this right people could lose their lives."

Alec smiled, "I know and that's why its going to work because you care, and you want it to work. Now come rest and we will gather the pack tomorrow to tell them what you have learned." Alec turned to the wolf and nodded before giving him a little bit of a sharp smile, "You should head home and get some rest too, this spell from what I understand isn't going to be an easy feat for you either."

Magnus swirled the last drink in his glass before taking a long drink and turning to the young wolf, "Before today I could have cared less about what would happen to you and your pack, but if you are truly willing to do this, I give you my best regards. What you did to your friend was wrong, but..." Magnus paused picking his words carefully, "Being forced into this life isn't easy either. When this spell is complete build bonds with your pack and like you said earlier don't except them to do something you wouldn't."

Scott sat looking at the room which had at one point is been his room at the Stilinski's house. He rubbed his eyes and thought about the memories of running down the hallway as a child and he if he stranded his ears could almost here the chuckles, later the laughter and video game noises, and he could almost feel the warmth of a friendship that was planned to last a lifetime. He gathered himself up and found himself tracing his hand against the wall as he left the house for probably one of the last times ever. He had messed up at some point today he had realized that. He had drove his own brother away, but perhaps it was for the best. Stiles was happier now than he ever would have been in this town. He was safer too.

Scott looked back at the house one last time as he throws his leg over the seat of his bike and nodded, yeah he would do this not only for the town, his pack, but also for the boy who used to be his best friend. 

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now