Chapter 14: Afraid

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Chapter 14: Afraid

Stiles looked at the two men who let him take the lead, who trusted him, who loved him and felt just a little bit better about this. He reached into himself and felt the strong and unbreakable bonds he had with the two men. Farther he felt the strength coming from his cousin and even the determination coming from Max. The fondness for Isabelle and even the bond from Jace. He had all he needed with him.

The pack walked behind them also trusting Stiles or perhaps Magnus to find the tree that had caused almost all their supernatural problems. They had all lost too much. Stiles knew that fate was a fickle thing though if he hadn't talked Scott into going into the forest that night, he very well could have been bit some other time because fate had probable set Scott up to be the guardian of Beacon Hills. Or at least that is what Stiles tried to tell himself when the guilt got perilously hard.

The stump seemed almost anticlimactic when they reached it. It sat as it always had in the middle of a clearing looking like any other old tree that had be stuck down for its timber. Stiles was the first to step in the clear and that was when everything went to shit. He muttered a fuck under his breath and felt the energy in the air. The tree was vibrating with anger. It was so tangible that it was practically toxic. His lungs tightened and a weight settled over his chest. He shuttered out one tight breath and took the last few steps. He waved his hand to get the members of the pack to fan out as he and Scott finally stepped up to the stump. Stiles shared one last fond look with his lover and best friend before he silently put his hand down on the center where the oldest part of the tree was, and the ghosts flickered into existence. Stiles looked up only to see a cruel smile laced over his own mother's features. In front of his eyes an arrow was pierced through her. He took a breath and turned to Scott muttering the first lines of the spell.

Derek was faced with the ghosts of his sister and mother for a moment he froze before Kira threw herself in between then and he turned to face just another faceless victim of Beacon Hills. A woman in a white gown hair ripped from her scull a sunken appearance to her. He could do this Derek silently prayed to himself and attacked.

Liam was back to back with Malia as the fought a hoard of wailing ghosts. Lydia let lose a scream pushing them back. Alec let off arrow after arrow while Magnus vibrated with the energy of his magic throwing spells at the ghosts and creating a protective circle around Scott and Stiles. The ghost just kept coming.

The air was only getting heavier as Scott held out his wrist to the boy that looked like his old best friend only seeing a boy who was filled with magic. Stiles lashed his wrist and chanted as Scott's blood feel on the tree. The energy between the two began to boil as the battle raged.

The pack when faced with someone they knew or had lost would switch. They found together and with ever last bit of fight they had in them. Scott looked at his pack for only a moment proud of how they had come together before his eyes locked with a ghost who haunted him still, his first love: Allison. Her brown hair was clumpy and one of her eyes sagged. A manic smile was written across her face as she held out her hand out to Scott. Her nails drip with blood from where she had landed a hit on Kira. Now the closes ghost to the barrier.

Stiles eyes glowed as he gripped the other boy tightly, "She gone Scott! It's just a trick. I need you to focus."

Scott's eyes stayed on the long lost girl. Stiles gripped him tighter and pleated, "Please."

Finally, Scott sighed and turned back to the boy turning his back on the girl he had loved and lost. "I'm here. Let us finish this." Lydia's scream could be heard and what was left of Allison was gone.

Stiles gave him a small smile and shout out the rest of the spell adding his own blood to the mix and screamed as the magic left him. Scott was forced into his beta shift and thrown back. When Scott landed the ghost vanished as quickly as they had come. And Stiles knew deep down in his bones that things had been made right. He turned to watch as a new spurt had grown from the stump. 

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now