Chapter 2: Welcome To My Life

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Stiles Stilinski did not want to come back to this god awful town that was for damn sure. He wanted to stay close to those he felt actually cared about him. This stupid pathetic town drove a thorn in his side. Stiles heartbeat sparks up again in his chest and He felt anxiety closing in on him in a rapid manner. He began to take deep breaths like Magnus had taught him. And just thinking about his strange best friend made him calm slightly.
To most people, it would be weird that he is best friend with his significant other's ex, but somehow they made it work. Maybe it was because Magnus actually didn't care or maybe it was the fact that Stiles had a way of worming himself into others hearts. Magnus was one of the few that knew much about sparks and he was able to train Stiles to be a powerful magic wielder. He taught him control, patience, and how to make a mean cocktail. They hit it off right from the bat and became quick friends. Magnus and he had become something close to what the shadowhunters called a parabatai. He missed him now.
Stiles missed a lot of people honestly like his aunt and cousin, but really right now he missed Alec the most. He was close to the others of course like Jace helped him learn to fight and taught him how to play the the piano while Izzy he liked to fight with, but also go on tv binges with. Simon and he would geek out about anything science fiction or well just in general. His aunt supported him in everything he wanted to do while his cousin was overprotective at times, but in all, she meant well.
Don't even get him started on Alec. They fit each other like glue. At times it seemed like they didn't talk out loud only with their facial expressions other time the two could talk to each other for hours barely a breath in between. They showed each other that they loved the other in the weirdest ways. Like Stiles getting Alec a bow or Alec getting the whole Star Wars series for Stiles they just seemed to flow almost flawlessly. Alec was patient with Stiles when he was blunt and unkind to others. Stiles was thoughtful instead of loud and annoying to Alec. Stiles liked Alec's honesty and Alec loved Stiles rambles. They were each other balance.
Now, here he was. He was 18 almost 19 with an engagement ring on his finger and some amazing friend what seemed like a world away. He walked silently in the halls of the hospital that housed his father. He really hated this hospital truly. His mother died here and now his father may share the same fate if the damn doctors doubt get their shit together.
Stiles walked with a confidence that if he had stayed here he would have never found. He walked with his shoulders straight and his head up looking forward. He wasn't about to take anyone's shit, not today and well never again for that matter.
His father looked up at him with eyes clouded by pain once he got to the room. It was frigid in the boring old hospital room Stiles didn't like it one bit. His father squeezed his hand and Stiles at that very moment realized just how much he missed his father.
After he had left he came clean with his father with what was going on in Beacon Hills and their relationship once again blossomed. It had meant Alec and loved the boy as if he was his own son. So when Stiles heard that his beloved father had been shot in the line of duty he knew it was his own duty to come here and help him in any way he could.
It took only a few days for his father to get back into a shape to be able to go home. The once powerful proud man was only a shell of himself because of the pain a simple bullet wound had caused him.
Now, we are here. Stiles is twisting his ring around his fingers standing in front of his old school. This was his final year of school he planned on going to the school by his aunts and living with his fiancé in a nice cozy little apartment, but no he was here in the hell mouth itself.
Before he could work himself up to much he put his head up and walked forward. This was just a town. He was just here for his father. He could do this!
Getting his schedule he walked to his locker and thought with a smirk wwmd? (What would Magnus do). A grin now appeared and a plan began to form. First, Magnus would probably slay the fashion game. Then he would probably work his way up the social latter and next probably establish his rule. And finally take over and make anyone and everyone that wronged him look like fools.
Stiles smile fell slightly damn it he missed his boo thing and by boo things he means his bestie. Plus he probably couldn't slay like Magnus could. Yeah there those kinda friends they seemed gay for each other sometimes but they were truly gay for other people. In fact looking down at his phone he had 3 texts. One from said boo thing saying: Slay bitch. (I imagine Magnus as a drag queen half the time lol) Then from contact sister from another mister (Clary): Have fun!!! Lastly from Robin the Hood: Miss you! xoxox. P.S. don't die or I will have to go down there and kick some ass. P.S.S love you.
Stiles was grinning once more he was ready for whatever this god awful school could throw at him. He walked with confidence and sat down in a seat in the middle of the room. He took into account those who came in after him and his smile widened. There seemed to be no pack in this class room so he could deal with that beast at a later date.
But when did his luck ever hold? Because at the very last second the bell rung and in popped Scott McCall.
Stiles smile fell as the boy sat down beside him and a sharp twist of pain went up his spine. There was bad magic in this town and some how it was connected to the puppy alpha himself.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now