Chapter 5: Brain Stew

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Stiles turned to the man that he was deeply in love with, "Hi, my angel."
The dark haired boy looked over at the slightly shorter brown haired boy with an amused smiled while his eyes shown with pride at his love, "Hi, my demon."
Stiles nuzzled his head under Alec's chin. Stiles would kill anyone that called him a demon, but Alec. Alec looked like a demon on the outside with his dark leather and angry facial expression, but was really a goody-two shoes and a softy underneath all the angry outside. While Stiles on the outside was a softie that wore soft and comfy clothes, but underneath could be revengeful and had a troublemaker tint to him. They were both good people in all, but Stiles was a troublemaker making him Alec's little demon.
Stiles throw an arm around his bestest friend and one around the love of his life. He knew they could stay, but he was at least going to enjoy their company while they were here.
Magnus snorted when they got to the small diner it's old vide wasn't sometime that Magnus thought was up to par, but Stiles just smiled and pulled the men in. His father already sat a table Stiles pulled them over their and soon an older women walked over a smile on her face, "What can I get y'all this evenin', boys?
Stiles grinned, "We will have three of my favorite, and a Sheriff burger, Betty. I, also, have to ask have you for a hair cut because you are killing it girl!"
Betty laughed and smacked the back of the brown haired boy's head her smile was bright and honest thought, "Aw shucks darin, you know how to charm a girl. And if you must know I got a little trim'an. I will get those meals right out to you sweet pea."
The southern women winked at the Sheriff before walking away. Magnus turned to Alec and Stiles to mock the older women, "Aw shucks boysssss, " then turned to the Sheriff to bat his lashes in a manner to mock her flirting.
The Sheriff smacked the warlocks arm and huffed, "She is just showing us some southern hostility."
The warlock chuckled, "She was showing you that she wanted to show you that she can show what's in your pants that southern hostility."
Stiles snorted and laid his head on Alec's leather clad shoulder. He was happy in this moment and yes, the pack was being buttheads, but he could live with that. He had dealt with tons of buttheads in the past and all he had to do was graduate then he would be home free to leave.
A part of him knew that something dark was happening to in this town and he knew that deep down he was going to have to fight it. He was a hero at heart by bat or by magic he was willing to put his life on the line. It was something that Alec both loved and hated about the person he choose to spend the rest of his life too.
Betty came back with their food on a tray balanced in one hand and the other hand on her hip. She placed a well dressed up vegan burger in front of the Sheriff Nextel she turned to Stiles giving him a curly fry burger that was well dressed with all the works. She placed Alec's down with a smile, but then turning to Magnus she dropped his down about an inch above the table.
He huffed and jumped slightly, "Hey!"
She gave him a look then with a sassy tone, "Teach you to mock a hard working one." She turned in her heel and walked off in a mock anger.
The others at the table chuckled. Stiles smiled, "I wouldn't mock someone that has a little bit more magic than you would think. She powerful and makes some mean food."
Magnus took a bite from his burger and moaned, "This is amazing."
Stiles laughed, "It makes your brain stew from how amazing it is."
The table laughed and joked for a bit, but slowly the table became more sober. It was time to talk about all the baddies and hat was to be done. Stiles lifted his head off of his other halves shoulder for the first time other when taking a drink from his vanilla milkshake. He sighed, "I feel like this dark energy is coming into this town. I feel like something is coming it's just so heavy in the air."
Alec placed his hand on Stiles leg in support. Magnus looked over at his best friend, "I feel it too. It is covering this area with a dark hue."
Stiles nodded and sighed, "I think I know what it is too," he looked at the three people that meant the most to him a deep sadness grow in his eyes, "I'm going to have to face this alone."
Alec kisses Stiles cheek gently, "If you need us we will be there."
The Sheriff nodded, "I will bring down all the power the law has invested in me if I have too and I will drag Scott's little werewolf ass to the front of the battle field if I have too."
Magnus flashed his cat like eyes and snarled, "I have never seen wolves so cowardly in all my years," he faced Stiles, "You are my best friend, my partner in crime, and my brother to the end if you need me I will come to fight beside you."
Stiles turned and hugged the two younger men at the table they made up a large part of his world and knowing that they would fight for him brought tears to his eyes. He knew that he was stronger now and could do this on his own.
Magnus got the bill and before piling they were all heading out. They walked behind the building and the two young men had to leave via portal before the portal could take them away they both hugged Stiles tightly and Alec gave him a sweet kiss. Their goodbyes echoed in the air as Stiles walked back to get in his father's car.
A battle was to come and Stiles knew just where to go.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now