Chapter 6: Losing My Mind

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   Stiles was just trying to get some god damn dinner when the pack cane to rain all their little wolfie tears on his parade and in turn ruined his appetite. How they found him after he had put a blocker spell on his scent was unknown to him, but in the world of supernatural awfulness, he was just going to blame that asshole of a vet dude. He seemed shady.
    It was Derek that sat down in front of him while the rest of the little puppy pack sat a few booths over. If this wasn't pathetic enough then the thought that they might have surprised him was because when Stiles looked up at the dark haired man calmly he truly seemed shocked.
   Stiles just was tired of the packs shot at this point and wanted them to leave him the hell alone while he dealt with the evil that was present in Beacon Hills and helped his father out, but of course not they have to butt their big noses into things that they know next to nothing about. It was at this point that Stiles decided to speak because the awkward silence was killing him, "What do you want?"
    Derek looked at him with a look of slight shock. The Stiles he had know feared him and now the Stiles of today was challenging him. Derek went to speak, "Well," he cleared his throat still unclear on how he should talk to Stiles in a way that would gain his favor, "You spoke of an evil that is coming to this town. What do you know of it?"
    Stiles looked at him closely and chuckled lightly, "Do I make you nervous Derek?"
  Derek rubbed his eyes gently before speaking, "No, of course not. Your just the weak human the pack no longer needed."
   Stiles grinned widely like a fox. He flicked his tongue into the top of his mouth and make a snake-like sound that tainted the man in front of him, "Tsk, Tsk, I think you have lies falling from your lips Derek," Stiles lend forward into Derek's space to whisper, "Do not worry I would be scared too if I was in your place. If you could even begin to comprehend what I have gone through and what I am capable of you would be terrified of me."
    Derek pulled back a scowl on his face, "You're not answering my questions Stiles. If I didn't know better I would say that guy didn't know anything."
    Stiles smirk and shrugged, "Maybe I do, but then again maybe I don't. If there is anything I have learn; it is that information comes with a price."
   Derek frowned, "You want money."
  Stiles smirked and rolled his eyes, "The price isn't always money, Derek, you should know that the best."
   Memories of Derek's family flashed in his head and he growled, "Answer the damn question."
  Stiles sat back in his seat taking a fry, "If you are going to be looking for answers I would look in the woods. Whatever this creature is it isn't coming. Oh, no it's already here. Haven't you went for a run? The woods are silent and the breeze is bitter in the middle of summer. Something isn't right even humans are being more conscious about staying together in a group," Stiles popped the fry in mouth before standing up, "I would watch your back and that pack of yours. Don't let them stray or they might just not come back."
   The brown haired boy got up leaving Derek Hale to sit and ponder, but before Stiles made it to the door Derek yelled, "What's the price?"
    Stiles turned a deep smirk on his face, "We will say this ones on the house, but next time I wouldn't count on my generosity. It comes and goes." He turned back to the door pushing sun glasses on over his uniquely colored eyes.
    Derek after Stiles had walked out had his head in his hands, "What the hell am I going to do?"
  Stiles was surprised at his own coldness. A part of him was glad he had this part it might just scare the pack away, but another part wished he was still happy go lucky all the damn time.Walking way like that was hard he could feel the panic building in his chest it was a feeling that had only just came back after living in this god awful town for a little more than a week.
   After he was out of ear shot of the pack he gently slide down the old brick building's wall until his butt rested on the ground, "God damn it if I stay here I might just lose my mind."
   He breathed deeply calming himself. He focused on his spark. He could feel it burning brightly inside of him; it's power was one that he was fond with. Inside his mind's eye he could see it so using what he had learned he formed it into a small fox pulling it to the surface of his skin. Now, a little fox tattoo like formed on his skin, it was sad he hadn't let his little spirit guide out in so long. He watched as it played jumping playfully on the marks in his skin.
   He took another deep calming breath and pulled a bit more of his power to the surface; the fox came to life it now sat before him. He kissed the little spirits head gently as it snuggled into him. A grin covered his face and he was oh so glad to have his magic. He spoke now, "My little fox, I have a favor to ask you on this day. Would you please search the woods for clues of the evils that lurks there?"
    The little creature looked up at him with bright and intelligent eyes before nuzzling him once more then running off into the woods. Stiles watched it go following it in his mind. After all knowledge comes with a price.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now