Chapter 15: Don't Lose My Number

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Chapter 15: Don't Lose My Number

Stiles looked back over at the Scott a tired smile on his features and held out his hand. Scott gave him an equally as tired grin and grasped the other male's hand. Never again friends, but at the very least Stiles could offer the other boy a hand after all it was a battle hard won.

Stiles looked over the pack, his best friend, and his love, "We did good." He said simply. Feeling exhaustion in ever cell of his body.

Scott stood and begin to look over each of his pack members while Stiles walked over and grabbed his other half firmly as Alec whispered, "I thought I had almost lost you my little demon."

Stiles his face resting against Alec shoulder nuzzling in, "I'm not that easy to get rid of angel."

Magnus looking as flawless as ever wrapped his arms around the two men he was closest to in the world, "I would drag both your ass back from hell if I had too. Neither of you are dying anytime soon.

Stiles looked up at the two of the when finally, a small giggle feel from his lips. Magnus gave him a questioning look, "What's so funny my boo?"

Stiles only grinned and laughed harder gripping the two men before grinning at them so brightly, "I'm finally completely free from this place."

Scott had made his was closer to the three men a small smile on his lips, "Hey."

Stiles looked over at him with a neutral look to his eyes, "Hey yourself."

Scott paused for a moment looking over at his pack, "I just wanted to say thank you man. I know I was an asshole, but I couldn't have done this without you. I guess I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I put you down and, in my mind, it was to protect you and I thought if I pushed everyone one way, they would be safer, but if their has been one thing you have taught me throughout my life its that we are stronger together."

Stiles smiled softly, "I think you are finally ready to be the protector and alpha of Beacon Hills." Stiles looked over Scott's shoulder and saw for the first time the pack united. Lydia had her hand resting on Derek's shoulder as he bandaged Kira's leg. Liam was sitting closely a smile on his features. Malia's fingers laced in the youngest boy's hair. They had lost many over the years, but they were still surviving.

Lydia finally turned and saw Stiles gaze on her before she gave him a smile and walked over patting Derek on the shoulder as she went, "Hey Stilinski."

Stiles laced his fingers with Alec's before answering, "Yeah?"

Lydia gave him a slight smirk, "Don't lose my number this time."


Over the next few years many things would happen. Stiles and Alec would get married adopt a puppy then maybe a child or two. Each living extremely long life spans.

Scott would remain the guardian of Beacon Hills taking in new wolves and creatures alike. Thankfully becoming a better alpha long, the way. Although never able to leave even a mile outside of the town. He saw many of his pack come and go. He watched his friends die of old age leaving longer than even a werewolf should. At his darkest moments he often thought this was his punishment for the cruelty he had delivered in his teen years.

Magnus would stay close friends with Stiles for the rest of their lives including dancing on the table tops together during Stiles wedding and one memorable time when Stiles was well into his 70's (only looking like he was in his 30's). Most surprisingly a love blooms between Derek and Magnus. Alec would only roll his eyes at their PDA, but he truly was happy for his friend. Stiles might have sobbed during the two men's wedding.

Stiles never did lose Lydia's number again, but he never really was able to gain back the friendship he had lost with them before. And Stiles never did go back to Beacon Hills again. Balance was found.

~ So, this might surprise some of you, but I have been writing this short story for about three years. I go through periods of which I feel like I lost my writing style that started this in and I feel the need to always meet a word count of at least 1000, but the last week I said fuck that.

This book started as being writing what I would want to read! I have finally got back into the mindset.

I'm not going to thank 50 people like I used to, but I am so thankful for all your comments, support, and likes dear reader.

Anyway see you in the next one ~Kenny

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