Chapter 3: Without You

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It was at lunch when Stiles's past finally caught up with him meaning the pack. He was just about to take a bite out of a red delicious apple when a hang grabbed his shoulder. It was in that moment he started to get slight pissed off, like come on can't a man eat an apple without getting pulled into a bunch of drama.
    Stiles took a deep breath before turning to the werewolf he once considered his best friend. The person that Stiles would have died for, killed for, or anything else that Scott would have asked, but no he was weak to Scott.
   Stiles turned painting a smile on his face on that could fool even the best. He willing his scent to cloak and he willed the air to just get slightly harder for the downworlders to breath. Cruel, kinda, but they were kinda threatening him or at least emotionally scarred him a bit. He's not bitter at all.
    Scott's eyebrows were drawn up on his face and his eyes held confusion, "Why are you here?"
    Stiles smirked in a playful, but slightly mischievous manner, "What do you mean, Scotty boy? I'm here to eat lunch like everyone else that's what a cafeteria is for if I'm not mistaken. Which I'm not in case you were wondering."
    Scott's eyes crunched and he looked slightly upset now, "You know what I meant Stiles. Why are you here in Beacon Hills? You left remember? You ran away from your problems instead of owning up to them."
      Stiles smirk fell and a tense smile appeared in its place. They were or at least Scott was beginning to really piss him off, "I'm here because my father was shot, asshole. I might run away from my problems, but at least I don't pretend they don't exist like you seem too. Besides I won't be staying in this hell hole any longer than I have to."
     Scott smiled bitterly, "Your a coward."
     Stiles cocked his head slightly, "Have you looked in the mirror lately?"
   Scott growled, "Have you?"
   Stiles smiled, "I have and I look fabulous."
  Scott snorted, "I don't know I think the sidekick look suited you well, but now I see that loner suits you better."
  Stiles smiled too sweetly for it to be nice, "I always thought cute puppy dog suited you  but turns out your more fit for the title of little miss bitch."
  Scott snarled and flashed his red eyes, "Who are you calling a bitch? You're a nobody while I'm a true alpha."
  Stiles plastered a smile back on his face, "Hiding behind a pretty screen doesn't make you any less hateful and it is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
    The bell rung and Scott flashed his eyes once more before turning on his foot walking away. Stiles looked down to what would have been a sweet delicious red apple and knew that it would now be bitter. His magic had away of influencing his environment. Sparks were strange, they were unlike any other magic user in the world as it turned out they had nothing do to with demons in fact it seemed like they were the most human humans. They were not tainted by demon or angel blood which was rare now days because bloodlines have been spread everywhere. Even stranger was Stiles should have had some blood from angels, but didn't. He was a spark of its own accord. He was powerful  but honestly didn't like to show it off unless of course, he was with Magnus.
    Stiles sighed he really wished he could take his dad far away from this stupid town to Brooklyn at least there they would be free from the "true alpha's" rule. Stiles had known coming back here was a bad idea, but he had too. Scott was right in some regards he had run away from his problems and it was time he comes back to face those demons.
    Stiles was twisting his ring on his finger when Lydia came up to him. She had a cold-hearted look in her eyes just like she had back in the day when she was Queen Bitch I mean Queen Bee. "I heard of your exchange of words with Scott earlier."
    Stiles without looking up snorted and folded his hands together, "Well, you were standing right there you would have been deaf not to hear it honestly."
   Lydia's face remained stone cold, "We as a pack we don't approve of you bullying our alpha."
   Stiles back straightened he could feel that dark energy whenever one of them spoke it was as if the dark energy followed them and haunted this town. He finally turned to the girl that he once considered the love of his life, "Listen, Lydia, you and your pack have more important things to worry about than me disrespecting your alpha. This town isn't what it seems and you're smart enough to see it if you want to. Don't play dumb too much or you might just become it."
   Lydia snorted, "You're always trying to stir the pot so someone will care about little broken Stiles, but guess what it isn't going to work this time! Just stay away from us and get out of town here soon no one wants you here." She turned and waved with an evil smile, "Bye now."
    Stiles flipped her off and started walking to his old Jeep. After being in Brooklyn with Magnus and all his lavish cars the Jeep wasn't looking so good. Stiles smiled Magnus and Alec had taught him to work on cars neither man trusted magic or someone else with their cars, in turn, they taught Stiles that as well.
     He was going the Advance Auto Parts and he was going to fix his baby. Walking him he took the place in it smelled like oil and air freshener. The place was covered in all sorts of parts and the guy behind the counter was looking at Stiles. The guys waved him over, "What are you looking for?"
    Stiles answered with the things he needed. The guy nodded again, "You're not taking it to a mechanic?"
   Stiles knew the guy was looking for trying to gage him, "I don't trust no other man with my car and I hadn't had the know how until now."
    The man smiled a charming smile, "My names Rick and if you need anything let me know." Stiles shook the man's hand and got the parts he needed. Today might be okay after all.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now