Chapter 8: American Idiot

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    If you could please check out my other account with my original work (Kenny_Solivagant) that would be amazing. Here's the chapter..

       Stiles had just finished FaceTiming his amazing, loving, and incredibly untech savvy boyfriend when the pack of Beacon Hills decided to come knocking on his door or well ringing the door bell, but same difference. Stiles figured he had to work with them if he was going to save Beacon Hill, but really? Couldn't they wait until I don't know he wasn't just about to eat a whole pizza and pass out into a food coma?
Being the amazing person he was Stiles actually got up and answered the door before good old f'in Scotty boy could get all pissy and break down the door. Stiles might be able to fix said door with a flick of his hand, but they didn't know that and he didn't want to have to explain to the next door neighbors how some idiot broke the door and their custom made door just magically fixed itself. Yeah, no Stiles was insane at times and tricky, but even he wasn't that well spoken to trick them into believing it was all just a magic trick or some shit.
Anyway, the pack or lack of pack as Stiles was now thinking they should be called after seeing how half of them hated each other and the other half couldn't be bothered to show up half the time, were seated around his living room. Stiles took in a deep breath before speaking, "The spirits of those who have been lost still linger here. Some in the darkest corners while others in the day light. Now, that this spell and this evil is pulling those to the light fully we are going to have to find a way to first off settle them back into resting then make the source of the magic pure again. My guess is some two-bit witch messed up a spell on a point of magic and now, it's screwing with the whole supernatural world."
   Scott cleared his throat, "You mean like the ghost of the people you killed?"
   Stiles smiled a sickeningly sweet smile while speaking, "You mean like the people that you killed? Oh, wait you haven't killed anyone," Scott smiled in pride at this comment, but Stiles wasn't finished and his eyes grew dark, "No, that's not right you just have other people do your dirty work for you like how you couldn't kill Peter so you had to let Derek do it."
   Scott's proud smile turned into a snarl and Stiles looked at him explicitly before Stiles spoke again, "You think you because you have the title of True Alpha that it makes your pack or maybe even your actions better than anyone else's, but you are wrong. Everyone makes mistakes and your pack is weak."
   Scott growled, "How can my pack be weak? We have many different supernatural creatures."
   Stiles should his head, "Your bonds to one another are weak and breakable. Hell, half your so called pack is plotting your death and the other half is either loyal to you out of fear or they are scared to be omegas. I have seen powerful packs and yours is not."
    Before Scott could speak Stiles phone rang. Stiles glanced at it before picking it up, "Their coming." It was Alec he had been keeping an eye on things from afar.
    Not a minute later the first ghostly howl of a wolf could be heard. Stiles stood and walked out of his home a wicked grin etched carelessly on his face. The pack followed in a line after him.
     Everyone collectively gasped as they saw the line of ghosts around the house. It seemed to Stiles that every single one of the deceased Hales was around along with multiple victims of the mental hospital. The all began to chant in a dark and echoey voice that not only sunk into your bones and made you sick to your core, but one that seemly could stain your soul from just hearing it, "We want justice. We want Death." They chanted in mindless Latin after those words.
   Stiles turned and began to chant a spell. His eyes began to glow and tattoos that had been hidden before began to glow with the same powerful purple color. His whole body was lifted up in the air and his voice began to become a booming loud force. Finally after a long few minutes his body drifted back to the ground. The ghosts disappeared slipping back into the ghost world if only for a little while.
He turned to the pack, "That should hold them back for a little while."
    The pack looked at him with an unstable loom in their eyes and Scott spoke with a dark meaning in his voice "Your magic? I thought you were a useless human... Hu maybe you can be in the pack after all." Maybe Stiles had finally went crazy! Stiles grinned at them and turned punching in a number in his phone, "Hi, baby! Yeah, I finally truly figured out what's actually going on! Anyway I just pushed them back into the ghost world for a while!" He paused before speaking again, "I know right? Anyway you and Magnus should come down to stay. I'm kinda tired of the pack's shit!"
   The pack gasped and Stiles just waved them off. He didn't care about people that only wanted him if he was useful to him. He watched as the two of the three men that meant the most to him walked out of his house. Magnus had his tell tale smirk etched across him face and Alec glared at the pack before coming over to Stiles and gently kissing him, "Missed you my little fox."
    Stiles smiled and hugged the other man who was cladded in black leather tightly, "I missed you too my angel so much."
    The pack watched the three with a bit of shock and a little more betrayal in their eyes. Magnus came over hugging them both foolishly, "Well, I missed Stiles the most so Alec can go away."
    Stiles laughed and hugged him back before turning to them all with a challenging expression, "Who ready to kick some butt?"

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now