Chapter 9: Let Yourself Go!

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   Sorry for taking a hella long break, but I'm back now so best be on your toes bitches...

     Stiles more than ready for a fight, in fact he was itching for one. He had Magnus and his angel by his side. Add was about to be kicked, well unless the pack wouldn't get out of his mother fluffing way. Stiles met his once upon a time best friend and grinned grimly before speaking, "Listen Scott, we are going to handle this my way or everyone in this god forsaken shit hole of a town is going to end up death. You know like as a door nail?"
Scott snarled, "I don't see why you need our help if you have such an amazing team and are oh so powerful unless this is all some party trick to get us to like you again." He turned to face Magnus and Alec, "Did he pay you, guys? Because honestly I knew he was delusional, but I didn't know he was stupid in the head as well. Anyway thank you so much for your help fueling his fantasy, but you can leave now."
    Stiles eyes filled with anger, but he kept himself contained although this could not be said for Alec who got right up in the alpha's face picking him up by the front of his shirt, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You made your own best friend feel like shit and helped drive him away. Now, I am incredibly thankful you did, but he is so amazing and didn't deserve that."
    Scott grabbed the oldest man wrist and flashed his red eyes, "Where did I drive him? Right into your freaky scarred arms?"
   Alec grinned in a dangerous manner, "Yes, you did in fact."
   Stiles stepped forward placing his hand gently down on his lovers before speaking in a light ordering tone, "We must not fight each other if we are to survive we must work together," he looked over at Scott, a dark and disappointed look on his face, "Even if we don't like one another, if this town is going to stay standing and life isn't to be lost, we have to work together."
   Alec smiled a secret and loving smile with only a fluttering glance at the boy that held his heart before dropping the werewolf ungracefully and turning on his heel to stalk back a few steps. A little over dramatic maybe, but he had to make a point to this useless pack that he and his crew wasn't going to take their shit.
   Stiles felt the urge to fight fill him up once more and he noticed that dark flickerings of spirits were gathering up around the edge of his father's property.
   He snuck a grin to both Magnus and Alec before turning to the pack and saying, "Well, it looks like we have a fight on our hands boys and girls."
   He, then, picked up a bow staff that had been sitting beside his front door. His love grabbed his bow with a quiver full of steel tipped arrows. Magnus, grinned a grin with little mirth and a lot of mischief , his hands began  to glow brightly with magic as he got into a fighting stance.
   The pack began to don their werewolf forms, pull out swords, and maybe even pull a gun if need be. They were all ready for the real first battle.
   Stiles let the shield fall letting some of the zombie like ghosts of past towns people flood his front lawn. He closes it soon after to control the flow of evil coming in the area.
    He ran at one quickly flooding just weapon of choice with magical energy and taking a crack at one of them. The creature that was one a beloved old women fell to the ground in a pile of ash. Her spirit was freed with a whisper of a silent thank you. Stiles smiled he could do this for those who deserve it.
   The fighting continued until the area was empty of ghosts and the tense angry energy that permeated the air was gone. Silence fell over all parties. It was Kira that walked up with a honest smile and said, "We will work with you. We love our town and although you have wronged us in the past you have came to our aid now. Thank you." She bowed with slightly folded hands and a light smile on her face.
    Stiles nodded with an equally light smile, "Thank you Kira. I would be proud to stand by someone like you."
   The pack soon awkwardly left and Stiles feel into his beloveds arms with his best friend hugging him tightly. The trio giggled and a feeling of warmth and family flowed between the three.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now