Chapter 10: Stay Strong

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Stiles smiled a smug smile at the wolf, who may or may not have been tried to a tree, "You said you wanted to be trained by us, well then your going to be trained."

The wolf frowned and flashed Stiles with his drool dripping fangs, "I said that I would be trained by your group not just sit here while you kick my ass."

Stiles grinned a smile with too many teeth, "It's basically the thing thing with how you fight. You are like a crazed dog, strong, but unable to hold up for long. Take Kira for example she can fight for a long period of time with proper form, but she lacks creative and different moves to have the element of surprise. While Alec is more of a long range man he still has a few tricks up his sleeve designed for the element of surprise. Then there are people like me and Magnus, we have complete and total surprise because we are tricksters. You are barely a fighter at this moment and time, " he paused before walking up to the wold and kicking his feet slightly, "I am honestly surprised you and your pack are still alive."

Scott growled and snapped his teeth at Stiles in a way that seemed like a tired threat. Stiles raised a slight eyebrow, "Really, you think out of all your moves you have tried and failed to pull today that would scare me? My best friend is a hella old and crazy powerful warlock that at one point was under a spell and tried to kill me. My significant other is a half angel half human badass that comes with baggage and a crazy bigot family. You are the least scary thing I have seen all week. "

Scott snarled showing a little too much fang and asked with arrogance, "And dear tell what would be the scariest oh so powerful Stiles?"

Stiles snorted with the tiniest hint of laughter, "I would say dinner with the in-laws before coming here. I'm never sure if they are going in for a killing blow or passing the mash potatoes. But what can I say you got to love them. " He smiled fondly at the memory before cutting the ropes that were wrapped around the werewolf. 

Scott stood with the snarl still laced across his face, "You are probably just as much of a monster as they see you. I mean you were just a weak needless human that held my pack down for so ling and know you think you are oh so powerful. So what you got some magic tricks and went to a boxing gym to me you will always be soft and weak."

Stiles knew bait when he saw it and that was clear as day. Scott wanted to know just how much power Stiles had, but truthfully maybe even Stiles didn't know. He was powerful and yeah maybe he did go to a boxing gym, but he was still kicking werewolf booty. So Stiles just smiled and got back into a fighting stance, "If I'm so weak, then come over here and show me how powerful you are mister werewolf. "

And of course that was when Scott the oh so powerful werewolf was thrown back into the tree he was just tied too. And that was just day one of training. BY the end of the week the pack was slightly better at fight, at least enough to hold their own against zombies and the like, and Stiles had dealt with all his anger issues.  

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now