Chapter 7: Young

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     Stiles was a small child once and maybe it isn't thought of all the time because his future his almost seem as more important, but if you hadn't know Stiles when he was young you would have thought that he was just a normal guy, maybe even have thought that nothing back had ever happened to him, or you would have thought that the way he acted now was how he always acted. Maybe Stiles would have turned out to be a completely normal person that lived a completely normal life if some little thing hadn't sparked this whole chain of events that lead him to where he is now. Who knows for sure, but Stiles wasn't always a closed off asshole. No, when he was young he was a very outgoing and every down right cheerful person. After his mother's death all that changed he moved with his aunt and cousin and although they did wonders for his psych he never really could break free from the need to close himself off from people. So, he started making jokes, and being extra clumsy just to hide himself away from anyone that could ever care about him.
   That had all changed now. Maybe he was still a closed off asshole, but he wasn't going around acting like he was clumsy and he wasn't making himself the class clown. Now, times had changed and he had changed.
    I should probably back track a bit and explain what brought on this train of that. Well, that would be Noah Stilinski. He was just sitting, resting like he is a suppose to for once in his life, looking through old photo albums full of pictures of long lost realities, long dead relatives, and an alarming number of naked baby pictures of people that may be Stiles, or any other number of relatives. Stiles looked at himself when he was young, an itty bitty child, and noticed just how much he had changed. That little kid just wanted to be an astronaut, and at one point as German wood worker, don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, and now, he was here. A spark that had a magical little fox friend that was really part of his soul, but also part familiar, he had a kickass best friend who was very old and a extremely powerful warlock, and he had an incredible half angel boyfriend that had a rocking bod to go with his amazing personality. Stiles as a small little child never thought that any of that could very happen, but now that was his life.
    One thing that he did believe deeply as a child was monsters, maybe that's why he wasn't to shocked about werewolves, he believed that they crawled through the night and that one day the would cause pain in his life. He feared them with every fiber of his being, and he still does at times. Even when his mother got sick he was truly believed it was monsters that had made her sick. Now, he knew better he knew that the real monsters were humans or at least the human sides of people.
   His little fox had reported back, the brave little thing it was, and  he knew what he had to fight. Now, the problem was clear, but so much harder than anything he ever wanted to thing about. He had fought so much in his life, but this, now, this was going to be bad no matter if the people of Beacon Hills won or lost, because in the end it would matter because they would all lose something that they loved in the process.
    This evil wasn't just one man or one women it was so much more. A whole army could go up against this one force and fail. Stiles nodded slowly to himself, he had to do this himself he was one of the only people that could go up against this force and maybe just many have a chance to survive.
    You see, dear reader, that this wasn't really a person, but it's a result of all the dark magic in the world building up and becoming the ghosts and the evils of the past every thousand years or so this happens where it's basically up to a hand full of people could be able to defeat this. Stiles was one of those people.
    This train of thought was cemented in Stiles in the middle of a small coffee shop while he was ordering a nice warm tea. He took a drink feeling the warm liquid create a heat that warms his soul. No matter what he wouldn't have to do this alone. He was strong on his own, but with his friend and his family by his side he could go up against this force.
    Evil came in many forms Stiles had seem many of them and looking around maybe this town was one of them because evil things aren't only drawn to go things, but also other evil things. For something as strong and as powerful as this to be building in this town he knew that something deep down in the very root of this damn town had to have been sparked with a hint of evil. Maybe it was a witches spell that went wrong, or it was because of the firey death of the Hale's, or maybe it was something else. It didn't really matter because now that evil had taken root here it would be damn near impossible to defeat.
  Stiles knew he could defeat it though he could feel it in his bones and he knew that as much as he hated this stupid dumbass town he wasn't going to let it go up in flames, because deep down Stiles wasn't just a closed off asshole he was a good person that cared about other people's lives. He was here to fight a battle that could make him lose his life because that could be the price he would have to pay, but because of the person he was he was going to fight anyway.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now