Chapter 11: Darkness

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Stiles sighed loudly as he was woken once more by a pounding fist against his front door. He had just wanted a few more minutes or hour in bed with the love of his life. As Stiles pulled himself up and started throwing on pants with a huff. Alec chucked lightly watching the other male's butt.

Stiles snorted and slapped his leg, "Come on babe we got to get up. The puppy dog pack is at the door and demanding our attentions. Quite like an untrained dog."

Alec groaned, "As much as I hate that you have to leave, I love to watch you go." He licked his lips eyes still stuck on his lover's butt.

Stiles turned from the door a little bit of mischief in his eyes before winking over his shoulder and wiggling his butt in his skinny jeans, "Well, I guess if you want to see more, you'll just have to come with me then."

Alec raised his eyebrow with a smirk lacing his features, "And hat do I get if I do?"

Stiles grin only widened, "I guess you'll just have to find out later."

Their flirting/foreplay was rudely interrupted, "Oh Stiles, my darling your puppies are here!" Stiles best friend shouted in a teasing manner up the stairs. Stiles gave Alec one last playful look before turning to head down the stairs only to be met with the sight of the Beacon Hills pack around his kitchen and dining room.

Magnus grinned and huffed out, "Finally I thought he would all have to endure your awful flirting. Or worse." He winked directly at Derek before turning, "Not that I'm not one for a show, but I know that Alec baby isn't one who likes to share."

Stiles grinned widely grabbing a plate of food that the warlock had prepared, "You'll always be my boo thing though."

Magnus hip checked him with a skillet in one hand and an apron on that stated 'kiss the chief' wrapped around his tall form. Stiles grabbed a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table eyeing the pack with a slight smirk, "So what can I do for you so early in the day pups?"

Scott huffed anger practically vibrating from his skin, "If this isn't important to you then you can just leave. We have never needed you before I don't see why I need you now, but the pack."

Stiles smirk shrunk from his face and a bitter smile replaced it, "You have never needed me? Oh, forget the supernatural for a minute, but how many times did I help you through an asthma attack? How many times did I let you crash here when your dad who get drunk and violent?" stiles shifted, "I am helping this town because this town has innocents, and it is my fucking job. You might not like me or my help, but for once in your life get your head out of your ass and think about your beloved town. The darkness in this town won't just stop with killing your pack but soon the townies. Its hungry and I will just keep growing and eating. Until the whole world is at its mercy. We stop it now before more lives are at risk and then if I have my way, I will never see you or this awful town again."

Stiles eyes rested directly into Scott's as he spoke then a long paused after Stiles stamen. Derek finally broke it, "Did you found out anything more?" he asked almost nervously.

Alec who had came down the stairs at this point draped his arms over Stiles shoulders and stole a drink from his coffee before turning to the eldest werewolf, "We think we have found a spell that will help to release the negative energy, but he is still looking for something better."

Magnus for the first time seemed seriously, "It might be the only way." He stated looking pointy at the shadowhunter.

Alec shot the man a look, "We will find something better."

Stiles sighed loudly, "It's going to have to be that spell."

Alec gave him an unreadable look filled with hurt, concern, and fondness, "But at that price?"

Stiles gave him a smirk, "Who said I have to pay the price?"

Magnus startled the pack who had been watching the exchange closely by chucklingly, "Of course you would find away wouldn't you little fox?"

Derek cut in after giving Scott a glare as the younger man huffed, "What's the price?"

Stiles smirk leaning back in his seat looking at the wolf closely, "What did I tell you about information?"

Derek's eyes hardened, but it was Lydia who had let to speak as her voice sound painful, "What's the price Stiles?"

He looked up at his hands before meting her eyes, "Someone needs to be bound to the Nemeton. They would have to give up everything and they would have to pure about their intentions to guard this place. If they have any intentions the darkness will feed on it." His eyes flowed over the pack.

A long heavy silence feel over the room when finally it was broken by a voice, "I'll do it."

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now