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"FATHER!" Wilbur called out from where he had been flung.

The mysterious enemy maliciously smiled before walking away into the dark forest, over the corpses of his allies.

"Know that pain. Use that pain, embrace it. That's what makes people strong in this world." The mysterious enemy spoke as he walked away.

Wilbur gathered the strength to get up and ran over to his dying father's body.

"C'mon dad, i'll help you stand up! We can get some medical help, and-"

"It's no use." Techno spoke, as he slowly stood up.

"Techno, don't be ridiculous, he's not even-"

"We're too far from base. We won't make it in time."


Phil looked up at the two, his vision a bit blurry.

"Hey Techno, I got a favor to ask you..." Phil began.

Techno wiped the tears that were starting to form and looked up at Phil.

"Ask me anything."

"Take care of my son for me, will ya?"

Techno had already pieced together that they were father and son, so he wasn't too surprised by his request.

"Of course, Phil."

Phil turned to face Wilbur, and cracked a warm smile.

"Come closer, kid."

Wilbur stepped a bit closer to his dying father, tears running down his face like rain on a window.

Phil put his hand on Wilbur's face, very gently.

"Just know that no matter what you do," Phil put his forehead against his son's.

"I will always love you."

Phil died right there in front of them both that day.

Wilbur fell to his knees in sorrow, sobbing like a maniac.

Techno stood still, with strangely no more tears. His pupils shrunk and he gave off a menacing yet cold stare. His hands clenched tightly and he gritted his teeth. He began to shake, almost uncontrollably. He grew a dark smile that would install fear within anyone that gazed upon it.

Wilbur took notice and immediately froze at the sight. It was absolutely terrifying.

"I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him." Techno began repeating.

Wilbur slowly started to back away from Techno, not speaking a word.

"I want to see his blood spill all over the floor."

"I want his guts to be inside-out."

I want his limbs to snap oh so painfully."

"I want to torture him until he goes insane."


Techno became a completely different man that day. He went from a shy and nervous, caring and kind, strong but unconfident soldier, to an emotionless husk that cared only for his enemies blood. He became something that everyone feared.

He became the Blood God.

To Be Continued...

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