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/ I'd like to remind you that I have not yet played drv3 so this will be a non despair college au and asking for no kind of spoilers in the comments please.

cg: Rantaro
Little: Shuichi (headspace 1-2)

Requested by:  @FrancisTheGreat12

Shuichi sighed relieved that he finally finished his paper essay for class. It was harder than he expected, and yet everyone seemed to understand the instructions and essay just fine. He was the very last one done. Everyone else had a good amount of time to do their own thing for the end of class while he was trying to get his work down before the bell rang.

He was frustrated to say the least.

"Are you finally done Shuichi?" After hearing someone talking to him, Saihara looked up meeting the eyes of Rantaro's.

He nodded. "Ah, yes. I-I'm done." He answered rubbing the back of his neck akwardly.

Rantaro smiled softly as the bell rang. "Here. I'll grab your paper and turn it in so you have time to get your stuff together for next period.

Shuichi blushed softly as he handed his paper to the other. "Thank you Amami." He said as he then started to put his stuff in his bag.

"Uh, Shuichi hun. You forgot to put your name." Rantaro said as he put the paper back in front of Shuichi.

Saihara chuckled akwardly. How did I forget to do something as simple as that.

"My bad. Thank you for noticing." Shuichi said quickly scribbling his name down on the paper. He was truly grateful. He worked so hard on that paper. He would be so upset if he received a 0 because he forgot something so little.

"Anytime babe." Rantaro responded softly before walking off with the paper.

Just after finishing packing his stuff Shuichi heard a familiar laugh. "Nihihi!" Ah-

"He-y Kokichi. Do you need something?" He asked turning to see the other smirking at him.

"Mmm! I was just wondering why Shumai is so dependant on the avocado?" He asked bluntly. Straight to the point.

"Pardon? Dependant— you think I'm dependant on Rantaro? I don't think I'm too dependant on him—"Shuichi asked confused. Was he? He never thought about it.

"Yeah! Your always clinging to him and depend on him. He's always doing things for you. Simple things. It's like your a child how ridiculous!" Kokichi chuckled teasing the other.

Shuichi caught off guard didn't catch the others usual teasing tone. He thought the other was being serious. It hurt.

"Oh- I didn't realize.." He mumbled, though loud enough for the other to hear.

"Nihihi! He even had to remind you to write your name down! How did Shumai forget something that should be instinct by now? What would you do without your precious little boyfriend having to do everything for you~" Kokichi continued not realizing the other starting to cry softly. Or maybe he didn't care so much.

"Hey Shuichi I'm— what's going on here? Baby what happened, why are you crying?" Rantaro appeared grabbing the others shoulders gently, face full of concern for his lover.

"Oh Rantaro I— it's nothing. I just got something in my eyes." He lied as he got out of the others embrace quickly and started making his way towards the exit of the classroom.

He planned to skip the last two classes of the school day. He knew he would probably have a hard time catching up in them and worry Rantaro further but he didn't know that he could be there much longer. He just wanted to be by himself for a little bit.

After arriving to his dorm he opened it with his keys and just went and collapsed on his bed. It was so comfortable. He just wanted to sink into his bedding and stay there forever.


Rantaro sighed in relief as the last bell for the school day rang. He immediately got up and started making his way to his and Shuichi's shared dorm. He knew the other was lying earlier but he didn't want to push the subject and possibly upset his boyfriend further. However Shuichi skipped the last two periods which only worried Rantaro further.

Soon he was opening the dorm door and looked around for his lover. He immediately saw Shuichi on the bed. He was reading a book.

Rantaro smiled as he sat next to the boy. The sudden weight on the bed shocked the detective as he hadn't heard the door open or Amami's footsteps come towards him. Looking up he met the others gaze.

"Hey baby. Why weren't you in the last few classes?" Rantaro asked straight to the point. Shuichi frowned looking away avoiding the others gaze as he mumbled out a nothing.

Rantaro sighed as he grabbed the others hand rubbing his thumb over Shuichi's knuckles. "I'm gonna go get you a snack, love. I'll be right back." He muttered before going to his closet which had a few snacks in it. He grabbed a little bag of goldfish which he knew always helped Shuichi slip. Which is what the stressed out boy needed at the moment.

He sat next to Saihara again and patted his head before handing him the goldfish. Shuichi stared at the snack in his hand before glaring with a huff. "I know what your doing Da- Rantaro— it's not gonna work." He pouted. Rantaro sighed as he cupped the others face in in his hands.

"Please Shu Shu?" He asked as Shuichi looked at his pleading gaze and sighed. The others words and actions were making him start to slip. He smiled softly knowing how well the other knew him.

"A-Alright..." He muttered as finally accepted the goldfish and tore it before grabbing some and munching on them. He loved the little fishies.

"Thank you my little one. Now can you tell me what was bothering you please? Was it Kokichi? I saw him talking to you." Rantaro asked as Shuichi gave a small nod.

"Kichi was being mwean. Says I's depend on dada... said I's act wike a baby and said is widiculous." He explained as he stared up slightly, tears in his eyes as he fell fully into his head space. Rantaro frowned as he hugged his little.

"I'm sorry baby boy. That wasn't very nice of Ouma was it? I'll talk to him about this tomorrow my love. And don't worry about depending on me my love. It's okay. I'm here to help you. It's not ridiculous either hun. You just do what makes you happy." He spoke as he played with the ravens hair as he knew Shuichi liked.

Saihara smiled softly as he leaned closer to Rantaros embrace. "Tankies dada." He mumbled sleepily.

"Of course baby. Do you need anything else? A drink, movie, anything?" Amami asked as Shuichi hummed in thought.

"Dwink pwease." He asked as Rantaro smiled patting the others head.

"Sure. How old are you Shu?" He asked needing to know if Shuichi was going to have a bottle or juice box. Shuichi giggled and held up two fingers. Rantaro nodded before picking the other up to go make him a bottle.

After the angel milk was made the little baby smiled suckling on the nub. Amami smiled as he lied down back on the bed with Saihara wrapped in his arms as he finished up his milk.

Shuichi sighed sleepily as he handed the empty bottle to the green haired male who sat it on the desk side before he started to slowly rock the other into a peaceful sleep.

"Sweet dreams my love."

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