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/ As a Gudham simp I am very sad at how ooc he is written. I just don't know how to write him good diskdkjd sorry!

Requested by : Ariwolf56789  sorry I kinda strayed a little from the request


"I- Oh god G-Gudham I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen..." Kazuichi whimpered as he looked into his lovers angry eyes.

"Kazuichi! I just don't understand how you could let this happen! You know how important the dark devas are to me!" He yelled out in frustration making Souda shrink back in fear. He's never seen the breeder so mad at him before. It frightened him seeing the one he loved most angry at him. "Mn s-sorry... I'm so s-orry..." he repeated as the other only glared more. Gudham sighed. "They are the only ones I care about Souda! And now the devas might be gone forever!!" He yelled as Kazuichi's heart dropped. He knew Tanaka loved the hamsters, but hurt for the other to basically say he didn't care about him even though he didn't phrase it that way, he still basically said it.

"I-I'm so sorry Gudham.. r-really I am.. I's he'p wook for them! Mn sure they'd hewes somew-where..." He suggested not realizing he had slipped or was slurring his words. Neither did Gudham though. He was still too furious to notice Kazuichis discomfort. "No Kaz! You've already done enough. Just get out. I'll find the devas myself." He frowned as he turned and started calling out for his hamsters. Kazuichi whined quietly as his eyes started watering as he fought the urge to cry.

He slowly began to make his way towards the open door. He hoped none of the others heard their fight. He didn't want to be bothered. He just wanted to get in bed and cuddle with his stuffies and wrap up in his green fuzzy blanket. Before he could exit though he heard the other sigh and call his name. He turned around to see what he wanted.

"I think.... it may be best if we took a break. I'm sorry. I just can't keep babysitting you. I'm sorry." He didn't even turn around to look him in the eyes. Kazuichi froze.

No... no! Gundy wan leave me? No wan be alone.

He thought as silent tears made their way down his cheeks. He couldn't stop them, they just kept coming. He didn't want the other to leave him. He loved him so much. He loved the four dark devas of destruction too. It pained him so much when he realized he lost them. His chest hurt. Why did everything hurt so much? Why wouldn't the pain go away? He just wanted it to go away.

When Gudham realized the other hadn't responded begging for it to not be over, or when the door hadn't shut he turned around curiously as his heart dropped at the sight. Kazuichi just looked so... broken. There was no sparkle in his eye. They were just dull.

"Kazuichi I—"

He was cut off by the other breaking down sobbing loudly. Repeating sorry over and over again. Gudham frowned as he couldn't help but feel extreme guilt overcome him as he walked over towards the other and pulled him into a tight embrace. "Don't be sorry Kaz. I'm the one who should be sorry. I let my feelings get to me and said some things I didn't mean. I'm not leaving you Kazuichi, I'm sorry." The ultimate breeder spoke softly as he rubbed the others back. Souda cried into the others neck holding onto Tanaka tightly afraid that if he let go he would be alone.

Gudham sighed knowing he had to keep looking for his fluffy little buddies even though he wanted to keep cuddling Kaz as well. "Hey love, unfortunately the dark devas of destruction are still stolen by the shadows so I must fight for their return!" He spoke in his loud voice making Kazuichi giggle. Gudham smiled patting the others head.

"I'll go look and you stay here and— I don't know, do whatever you wish." Tanaka spoke quickly before leaving the other to return his search for his beloved hamsters. Kazuichi frowned missing the others presence already. He pouted as he messed with his long pink hair as a distraction.

It wasn't long before the other returned with all four devas sitting on his scarf or arms. Gudham made his way towards Souda and took a seat beside him. He offered Sun-D for Kaz to hold. In his child like mindset his thoughts were toimmediately go for the little fluffy friend but he quickly hesitated remembering what happened earlier. He didn't want Gundy to get mad again or lose the beloved hamsters that they both adored so much. Nor did he wish to hear yelling come from his lovers mouth. He didn't want to feel that kind of fear ever again.

Gundham noticed the others conflicted look and frowned. "Kaz? What's wrong?" He asked gently and got a sad sigh in return. Kazuichi shook his head as he gently pushed the others hand away. "Nun wan lose them gain." He explained tearing up slightly. Gudham, who picked up on the mechanics slurred speech this time, gave a confused look but shook it off.

"Kaz... It's fine. That was an accident, and I should have never yelled at you as I did. I'm so sorry. If you really think that Sun-D might jump out of yours hand, that's fine because I'm here to catch him if he pulls any mischievous stunts." He spoke softly as to help try and convince the other. Kazuichi only mumbled something under his breath before looking up at the other and meeting his gaze with a hesitant look still remaining in his eyes. He slowly held out his pinky for the other to latch onto.

"P'omise?" He asked as the Gundham only grinned cheekily as he wrapped his own pinky finger around Souda's. Kazuichi then smiled softly as Sun-D was gently placed into his hands. He made good sure he had a good grasp on the tiny creature.

He giggled as the hamster nuzzled itself comfortingly into his hand. Gudham chuckled. "See? Your doing fine baby! I don't really know why you were so hesitant. These kinds of accidents happen all the time. I'm sorry I was being over dramatic about it my love." He said encouragingly and Kaz's face lit up at the praise. He then snuggled the dark deva into his cheek smiling happily.

Gudham later cleared his throat as he knew he needed to bring up the others strange behaviour. He wanted to wait a little though to make sure the other was no longer sad from earlier. Obviously he was very happy and content now. He figured it should be fine, and if the conversation goes south and can just change the subject and bring it up another time.

"Hey Kaz...? Can I ask you something?" He asked warning a small nod and hun in response. He thought a moment on how to phrase the question without upsetting the other. "I've noticed that you have been acting...different? Like not in a bad way or anything! It's just you've been acting more.. childish I guess? Also you have been slurring your words too. I'm not weirded out or anything, I'm just confused—!" He explained as the other stopped petting the hamster and froze. He didn't realize that he had done all that! Gudham said he wasn't weirded out but what if he was lying? What he wanted to leave him again?! Oh atua no! Kazuichi didn't think he could handle that!

"Mn sowwy...." He mumbled out fearfully with a small whimper. Oh god why did he have to slip!? If he had just never lost the devas this would have never happened in the first place. Now Gundy is going to leave him and tell everyone about how he's been acting like and then everyone is gonna stop being friend with him, and make fun of him. And-

"Kazuichi!" The sudden loud yet gentle shout made him look up. He was met with Tanaka confused yet worried expression. "Hey it's okay. Whatever this is I'm not here to judge you. We all have our secrets and no matter what is going on with you I will do my best to understand it. So please hunny, talk to me." He spoke softly as he cupped the others cheeks in his hand. Kazuichi sniffled as tears began to fall down his cheeks. He leaned into the others hand closing his eyes and he thought about how to explain this.

"Mnnnn baby." He mumbled hesitatingly as he avoided looking in the others eyes.  Gudham chuckled softly. "Your baby?" He asked not fully understanding what the pink haired male meant but getting the gist of it. The mechanic nodded.

Gudham suddenly picked the other up bridal style and started to make his way to their living room. "Cmon baby let's go watch some tv. Any requests?" He asked as he quickly grabbed his phone from the counter before sitting down with Kazuichi sitting in his lap. The boys face lit up and his excitedly said, "Mircous wadybug!" while giggling cutely. Gudham nodded patting the others pink hair as he grabbed the remote to find the show as requested. Once it was on and Souda's attention was completely on it he got on his phone and began researching why his lover was acting as he is.

He quickly found some articles and smiled gently to himself. 'So he's a little huh? Cute.. my little baby.'

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