
6.9K 81 61

/ komahina
Caregiver: Hajime Hinata
Little: Nagito Komaeda (head space of around 2-3)

Possible triggers: angst, mentions of panic attacks

Nagito sobbed harshly as he sat on his bed, quickly grabbing his stuffed bunny, Hope,  as he hugged the stuffie tightly to his chest as he cried softly into her white fuzzy fur letting his tears dampen her fur.

Komaeda didn't mean for it to happen, honestly. He just got a little.... caught up in the moment.

Not even ten minutes earlier Nagito was in the cafeteria with the others ranting about hope, as he often did. He didn't expect anyone to snap at him. He thought they were use to his acts. He just forgot how fed up Hiyoko could get. How mean she was.

The girl snapped at him. Began yelling at him, and telling him how he was a mistake and shouldn't have been born.
That no one liked him, hated him even.

Now Nagito had always called himself trash, but it hurt coming from someone else's mouth. Especially when no one else in the room bothered to stop her. Not even Mahiru.

Was he really that hated? Probably.

He shouldn't have expected it any other way. He was trash after all.

Gently, as if not to hurt his precious bunny who'm he loved dearly, the white headed boy set her next to him on the bed as he got up and bent down to reach for a box hidden under his bed.

He sat it beside him on the bed and pulled the lid off. He then grabbed some of his other comfort items. First off an adult sized onsie of a bunny. He made quick work to put it on along with a plain diaper as he loved the feeling of them. Like a warm hug around his waist. then he grabbed a green paci with the word "hope" printed across it—Custom ordered— and gently stuck it into his mouth as he gently suckled on it letting the relaxing feeling lull him to sleep.

Unfortunately he didn't get the chance to sleep his worries away as he door was slammed open.

"Nagito are you oka—?!"

It was Hajime.

The brunette seemed to have rushed here as he was breathing deeply. Did he really care about Nagito's well being? He couldn't , could he?

Nagito teared up as he remembered the current state he was in as he stared at the shocked boy who stared back in bewilderment.

"H-Hawime! I-I... I cwan e-ex'pain!" Komaeda sobbed out as he pulled Hope closer to him while he threw his pacifier towards the end of the bed as he thought of how he could explain himself to the other boy without making Hinata hate him more.

"I—I....." He hiccuped as he tried to speak but his speech failed him as he fell deeper into his head space as panic clouded his mind.

The poor baby couldn't do anything other than sob his heart out as he began to have a panic attack.

He didn't even notice the brunette coming closer to him until his honey voice filled his ears.

"Nagito.. shh baby it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you... shh... hey, is it okay if I hug you?" Hajime asked with kind gentle words that calmed Nagito down just a little.

Nagito nodded and before the little could process it he was brought into Hajime's warm embrace. The reserve course student gently ran his fingers through the little boy's wild hair, as he whispered soft nothings into his ear as he attempted to calm the frantic little down.

"Shhh... it's okay baby... take a deep breath for me. In and out... see you've got it. Your doing so good."

Nagito sucked in a breath as he relaxed against Hajime. It felt so comforting to be in the others arms. He felt so at home. Like he could trust Hajime with everything.

But could he?

This thought caused Nagito to start crying again. Hajime knew his deepest secret. That secret was now in his hands. What would the brunette do with that information?! Would he tell everyone!? Nagito didn't think he would be able to deal with it if someone thought he was disgusting because of his coping mechanism. Did Hajime think it was disgusting?! Maybe he was only doing this to earn his trust and then just betray him afterwards.

Nagito started harshly sobbing once more and panic came over him again.

"N-No tell a-anyone p'eas!!!" Nagito pleaded as he attempted to escape Hajime's arms.

"No! Never! Nagito, baby your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone unless you give me permission too." Hajime responded as he let Nagito free so the white haired boy could meet his gaze so he could see he meant it, as well as to not make the little feel trapped and panic worse.


"I promise." Hajime replied as he reached his hand out and extended his pinky with a soft and gentle smile. Komaeda hesitated but reached his hand out as well and let his pinky finger wrap around Hinata's.

"T-tankies." Nagito said as he wiped his tears away. Hajime nodded as he pulled the boy into a tight hug as the little melted into the others embrace.

"Your welcome baby."

Maybe things weren't so bad after all, Nagito decided. He had Hajime now.

Hajime ran his fingers once more through Nagito's soft hair. Nagito loved the feeling of it.

"Hey Nagito... sorry if this question is sensitive. You don't have to answer it, but... your an age regressor right? A little?" Hajime asked, voice hushed as he didn't want Nagito to panic again.

Nagito whined softly afraid of the others response, but nodded nonetheless. "I-It he'ps wif swess!" He quickly got out as he felt the need to explain himself. "O-Ou don't fink I gwoss... wite?"

Hajime shook his head as he kissed the top of Nagito's head. "No. Never. I think it's adorable, actually. And I'm so glad you found a stress reliever that helps you." He responded as Komaeda let out a sigh of relief.

"I, um actually know a little bit about the Cgl/re community and know that some littles have caregivers. If you, um don't have one... would you like me to be yours?" Hajime asked a bit embarrassed himself to ask, but he wanted to. He actually loves Nagito, but never had the courage to confess. Maybe being his caregiver would help them to get closer. "Y-you don't have to accept of course!!" The brunette added in.

Nagito teared up again, but with happy tears as his eyes lit up, not being able to hold back his smile. "O-Ou wan be my cawgiver?"

Hajime smiled with a nod. " Like I said, I only know a little bit about the community so you would have to help me to be the best caregiver I could be, but I'm willing to try. I just want you to be happy."

Nagito giggled as his smile grew bigger as he snuggled into Hajime's chest. "I wou'd wike dat daddy..." The baby yawned as sleep slowly engulfed him as he slipped his thumb slowly into his mouth not even realizing what he had called the brunette.

Hajime who smiled at his new name, chuckled softly as he gently pulled Komaeda's thumb out of his mouth.

"Hey silly that's not good for you." He said as he earned a small whimper from the other in response . "Here baby" Hajime replied as he reached over to the end of the bed and grabbed the forgotten paci and softly put it into Nagito's mouth.

Komaeda smiled around his paci as he softly suckled on it. "Tankies Daddy..." He murmured softly as he fought off sleep.

Hajime kissed Nagito's forehead with a smile. "Sleep baby, you've had a long day."

And with that Nagito Komaeda drifted into dreamland in his daddy's arms.

Hajime knew that they would have a lot to discuss later, but that could wait. For now he wanted to cuddle his baby boy and make him know just how loved he truly was.

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