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Pairing: Komanami

Little: Nagito (age rage : 1-3 )
Cg: Chiaki

Requested by : BecauseButterfingers

In this one shot Anime Chiaki death never happened because I said so and it's a huge discomfort for me to write about sometimes. (I cosplay it but not always. When I know I can handle it)

⚠️ Also Nagito dreams about his dogs death, his parents death, and him getting kidnapped and then being abandoned by said kidnapper. This is your warning! ⚠️

Oh and it did these events from memory so sorry it it's wrong or off.

Also this is when their adults and living together!


"Nagito... darling it's best you come inside.."

"M-mom he's gonna be o-okay, right...?"

"Nagito... j-just come inside.... we'll talk about t-this in the morning. You need s-sleep."

With one last glance at the body in the middle of the road the little boy stands up taking his mother's offered hand and walks back into their home. His mother leads him to his bed where he is then tucked in. His mother lays down next to him holding him in her embrace. She starts singing. Her voice sooth and warm lulling her son in her strong embrace into a deep sleep.

With a sigh the older woman gets off the bed and walks towards the door, her husband waiting in the entrance for her. His arms crossed and a sour look on his face.

"How is he?" He asks. The woman let's put another sigh shaking her head. "The dog or our boy? The dog is dead, and Nagito doesn't seem to understand it. He watched his best friend die in front of his eyes my love, but he's too young to understand death. In the morning I say we tell him the truth, try to explain to him how death effects this world. I don't wish to lie too our son..."


"MOMMMM!" The white haired male screamed as he shaked on the hospital bed. He was thinking about the incident again. He always was. It was in his mind at all hours of the day.

Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

His parents were dead. And it was all his fault. He killed them. They all died because of him.

His dog died because of him, his parents died because of him, everyone on that plane is dead because of him.

Nagito sobbed as he yanked at his delicate hair only making his pain worse. He only yanked harder.

They should all be alive, not him. If he had never been born none of those incidents would have occurred. His best friend would be alive along with his mom and dad. Maybe he should just die.

Die. Die. Die. Die. Die

That word along similar ones always seemed to be repeated in his life. His life was just cruel, why should it continue?

Suddenly he felt hands on him bringing him back to reality. He looked up seeing a couple nurses and doctors around him talking urgently to each other. His hands were ripped away from his head and he was pressured to lay back into the bed.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me alone.

If you help me you'll just die too.


"Cmon! The boys gotta be worth something!" Nagito heard the mean man say. But he didn't see anything. The boy was too scared too look up, having his face buried in his knees, arms wrapped around them hugging himself for comfort. He was shaking and sobbing pretty harshly. He tried to keep quiet though.

He didn't get any comfort.

"Okay kid... I can't get any money from you... sooo I guess you can go. Bye."

And that was that. Just as he was taken he was let go. But he had nowhere to go. He was on his own now and he was scared shitless. He always seemed to be afraid nowadays.


With a sudden jolt Nagito sprung up in his bed. He gripped tightly onto his head as he sobbed. The dream played over and over in his head. Could he even consider that a dream? It was more of a memory. It all happened too him. He suffered through so much and he couldn't take it anymore.

Who else would suffer because of his luck? Who else would die because of him? Who else would leave him? Or who else would he push away?

Would his old classmates and friends die because of him being selfish?

What if.... what if Chiaki died? He already killed her once he couldn't afford for it too happen again!

He should just stop being selfish and leave. He needs to protect the one person who ever seemed to care about him! Why is he putting her in harms way?

The poor boy curled up in a ball as he sobbed into his arms. He couldn't fight it when he felt himself slipping. He was too scared and vulnerable to stay big so he just let himself be little.

And he was so scared and he just wanted to snuggle in bed with his mama as he sucked on his favorite paci with his stuffie held tight in his arms.

Mama he wanted his mama!

He sobbed harder as he weakly called out for Chiaki. "M-..Mama!" He choked out in between sobs. "'—Mama...!"

Soon he felt shuffling in the bed next to him and soon he felt himself being held in a warm embrace. The other person hidden from view rubbing calming circles on his back to help calm him down.

He didn't have to see her to know who she was.

"MA-MAMA...! I.. I had's scawy dream a-and and..." he let out a hick as he turned around them buried himself into her arms. The gamer ran her fingers through his fluffy hair shhing him softly.

"Shhh little one.... it's okay mama's here... do you wanna talk about your dream? It might make you feel better sweet pea.." she responded lovingly as she shifted the baby boy in her arms.

He wailed as he held tighter onto her. "I-I S-saw doggie and m-mommy and d-daddy die, a-and then I gots kidnapped and th-then abandoned...! It wasss so s-scawy!" He sobbed out as he shook.

Chiaki sighed knowing he had a dream about all the terrible things he went through him his past. Her poor baby... he didn't deserve that. No one deserves to go through that!

"Oh my dearest... I'm so sorry.... do you want mama to get you your paci and we can cuddle till you fall asleep again...? It's still really early..." she asked as he nodded into her chest.

"A-..and my stuffie too....?" He asked as she hummed yes in response. Picked the other up in her arms she went to go retrieve the promised items for her little.

When she had all those she went back to the bed laying Komaeda down before getting in next to him. She put his pacifier into his mouth him gratefully taking it and suckling on it softly. Next she handed him his stuffie and he hugged it tightly. Nanami started singing softly in hopes that would relax her little further.

Now all that was left was to cuddle her sweet baby to sleep.

And she did just that.

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