🎆Fireworks 🎇

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Pairing: Komahina

Little: Nagito (little age: 1)

Cg: Hajime

Is it obvious I love these two?

Possible TW: Nagito having a small panic attack because of fireworks as loud noises are one of his discomforts. Hurt/comfort


Nagito scowled as he turned his tv up as loud as it could go . Probably not the best idea but he didn't care at the moment. Anything to drown out that horrid noise. Next he then motioned for Clover, his dog to come towards him so they could curl up on the bed.

30 minutes. 30 minutes until Hajime got back.

The boy just didn't understand the holiday. Yes fireworks were pretty but the sight was not worth the noise. The noise that sent him into a sobbing wreck. Him and thousands of others had to fear for this day. Animals had to be brought inside, and other animals not so fortunate were left or got outside and suffered from the noises and would even run away.

He just didn't understand how it could be worth it? They could celebrate this holiday with things that didn't involve loud noises? So why did they do that?

Nagito let out a sudden cry as he heard fireworks somewhere in the near distance go off. He hugged Clover tightly against him as he quickly laid on his bed pulling the blankets over him and he began to shake.

30 minutes. 30 minutes until his lover would get home and comfort him. Please hurry up Hajime...

Nagito started full out sobbing as he buried his face into his best friends fur when he heard the second sets of fireworks go off. He was grateful for her to be here when Hajime couldn't. Some might just see her as some mutt but to him she was the bestest friend one could have and she protected and loved him. She was always there to cuddle up with him when he was sad and even when he was not. Humans really didn't deserve such wonderful creatures.

Nagito hiccuped as he covered his ears, Clover still in his lap curled up so cutely. He wished this method would work better. But he could still hear those stupid fucking fireworks.

15 minutes. (Don't question the quick time skips 🤨)

Hajime would be home soon and then they could lay in bed and Hajime would comfort Nagito and make him feel better. Clover would be between the two her head laying on Nagito's chest. He would feel so safe and protected with the presence of them both next to him.

He hated waiting in pure fear as those fireworks set off panic in the boy. Why did Hajime have to work so late? Why couldn't he have taken this day off? Nagito knew he shouldn't think like that. Hajime worked to make sure he could provide for the both of them. It was kind of selfish, but Komaeda couldn't stop thinking like that.

The boy tried waiting as patiently as he could the last 15 minutes till his lover would get back. He was usually a pretty patient person but on days like this he couldn't help but to not be.

So imagine the boys relief when he heard the front door open. The white haired male was too scared and panicked too get up from were he laid in bed so he just let out harsher sobs wanting to feel the comfort of Hinata.

He heard quick steps towards their room before he felt a weight next to him on the mattress. Soft arms wrapped around his shaking self as he hiccuped.

"I am so sorry Nagito... I wish I could've been home sooner... come here baby." The brunette hushed as Nagito turned around in the embrace and latched onto Hajime who only held onto his clingy boyfriend tighter. Soft calming circles were made on the panicked males back in hopes to calm him down.

"Ha-Hajime...Hajime.... H-Hajime...!" Komaeda cried out as he sobbed into his boyfriends chest clutching onto Hinata as if he'd be alone again if he let go. That thought alone made him hold on even tighter. He couldn't stand the thought of going through this night by himself. It made him want to vomit.

"Oh Ko baby.... I've got you. I'm here hunny..." Hajime spoke as he whispered multiple sweet nothing into Nagito's ear wanting nothing more but for the other boy to be happy and not to ever have to worry about these noises. If only wishes could come true.

The two laid there for a while just needing to be in the arms of each other. Komaeda had calmed down for now. It would only be a matter of time before fireworks would go off again.

"Haji.... do you t-think I could.. be little tonight..? I feel like I'm gonna slip and-and  it sounds nice right n-now..." Nagito mumbled sleepily into Hajimes neck as the brunette smiled softly ruffling the other boys hair as he stood up holding his baby close too him knowing he wouldn't want to be alone even for a minute. "That sounds like a good idea baby... dada will get you some nice pyjamas and a drink before bed... your favorite paci too if you want it!" The former reserve course responded as he made his way towards their closet searching for some onesies. Nagito smiled softly as he felt his mind go warm and fuzzy knowing he was starting to fully slip into his headspace with Hajimes helping words. He slipped his thumb into his mouth sucking on it not minding the germs with it as he was too young to care.

Hajime took note of this as gently grabbed the boys hand away from his mouth knowing he would want a paci. He was probably in a really young headspace so a bottle would probably be best for the boy also. "That's a no no baby boy.. lots of yucky germs! How does dada getting his baby bird a nice paci sound?" The mentally older of the two suggested. Nagito whined burying his face into Hajimes neck as he was in a much too young headspace to form words let alone sentences. "Nhhhh!" He whined as he put his thumb back into his mouth not wanting to wait for his paci. Hajime sighed knowing if he took the boys hand away from his mouth again it might start a tantrum. So instead he just quickly went to grab Nagito's favourite green paci that Hajime had boughten him when he first found out about Nagito's little space.

Hajime put the pacifier in front of Nagito's face who easily took in sucking on it contently it. Hajime smiled softly as he gave a kiss to his baby's head. "Now let's get you in those comfy pjs prince." He mumbled softly as he laid Nagito down on their bed undressing him from his big boy clothes and then slipping him into the onesie. Komaeda coo'd as he babbled liking to soft fuzzy feeling from the fabric of the clothing. Hajime giggled at his baby's cuteness.

"Now dada is gonna get you that bottle! With extra vanilla just how his baby loves it..." The brunette said as Nagito's eyes lit up softly as he made granny hands for Hinata who picked him back up.

In the kitchen the bottle was quickly made and soon replaced Nagito's paci (which was clipped to his onesie so it just hanged loosely as of then) and Hajime carried his little back to bed and tucked the two in.

He held Komaeda close as they heard fireworks go off in the distance making Nagito flinch and stiffen in his caregivers hold. Hajime kissed his littles nose as he noticed the other starting to sob again. Oh what he would do to take his baby's pain and fear away! "Oh baby. My sweet little baby... it's okay little one dada's got you..." Hajime murmured as he ran his fingers through Komaedas hair.

And it was true. Hajime always had Nagito's back and would always be there for him during rough times.

He's the best boyfriend and caregiver Komaeda could ask for.

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