Fruit baskets littlespace headcanons

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Ahhh I'm totally hyper fixated on it rn (I think that's the right word?!) so here's some head canons I made for them since I have no ones shots to post rn (sorry!) I might even make some little space one shots eventually since I can never find any to read of them 😅 actually i might use these head canons for one-shots. Silent plea to give me little space fruit baskets stories if you have any! Just tell me the creator username please!

Tohru brings up the idea of age regression up to Yuki as an idea for a coping mechanism, and although a little hesitant he accepts. She becomes his caregiver and helps him when he regresses. (I really like this since Yuki sees her as a mother! That's were the idea came from at least)

Although the two did the best they could to hide it, Kyo finds out. Although he's confused and weirded out a little at first he comes to understand and accept it. He lets them do their own thing when Yuki is in his head space and keeps out of it. Though the more he thinks about it and sees how happy Yuki seems to be from it he starts to have childish thoughts of Tohru taking care of him and comforting him. Tohru notices him seemingly upset and comforts him about it and though he tired to deny that anything's upsetting him he ends up telling him his thoughts and feelings. So then she offers to take care of him and help him regresses, although embarrassed at first from the idea he ends up accepting.

Yuki and Kyo have childish fights when both regressed. Such as fighting over toys.

At first Kyo hated the idea of paci'S, but eventually he couldn't go anywhere without it when regressed.

Rin keeps her stuffies very close to her, and hardly lets anyone touch them.

When Ou finds out about Kyo's regression she teases him in a big sister kind of way constantly when he regresses. He finds it annoying, but happy she accepts him and doesn't find it weird.

When Yuki and Kyo are both regressed they fight over who gets to spend time with Tohru, or cuddle with her.

Same thing but when Tohru is regressed. They fight who takes care of her. And they constantly get onto each other on their care taking abilities, and try to take over and do it themselves.

Tohru has stuffies of each animal of the zodiac, including an orange cat that she's most attached too and is always seen holding onto it.

When Kagura regresses she is always asking to have some kind of play date with Kyo. Although Kyo acts annoyed by it he secretly loves the time they spend playing with each other.

Kagura has WAY too many orange cat stuffies.

When Ayame finds out about Yuki being a little he always bugs Tohru about babysitting him.

Yuki whines when he does have to go to Ayames to be babysat. He tugs at Tohrus shirt and points back at the home as a silent plea to go back.

Yuki and Kyo have food fights. Kyo more than likely starts it.

Idk I have no more lol. Don't be surprised if I start a one shot book for this even though I have two others. Haha

Age rages :
Kyo: 2–6
Yuki: 2-5
Tohru: 2–4
Rin: 5–7
Momiji: 1–5
Haru: 4–6
Kagura: 3–5

(If I don't put a character I most likely don't see than as a little.)

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