🏥nightmares and comfort 🎸

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Requested by : Aoiashahina14

Little : Mikan (head space 2-3)

Cg: Ibuki

Ibuki was in her living room of her shared home. Currently she was softly strumming her guitar. Making sure to do something calm and soothing in case Mikan managed to hear from their room. The nurse was currently little and napping as it was nap time.

She hummed softly along to the tune of the music thumping her foot gently. Head nodding up and down. She smiled as she worked on her song. It was a small song she was making for her little! Something small and simple yet strong and meaningful in its own way. Mikan would love it! Ibuki couldn't wait to see her baby's face light up or for her joyous giggles and she clapped her hands when the performance was finished.

Ibuki was so far into her sweet daydream of Tsumiki smiling as she rarely did that she almost didn't hear the soft, yet heartbreaking cries coming from her room! She did though and her head was instantly shot up as she gently set her instrument aside as she ran towards her room opening the door and making her way towards Tsumiki. She was curled into herself sobbing into her hands.

Ibuki sat next to her on the bed with a frown. "Mikan sweety... did you have a bad dream my sweet?" She spoke calmly as she rubbed the littles back. Mikan whined as she climbed into her mamas lap hugging her around her waist.

"Mamaaa...!" She cried as she nodded. "Mhm! I had a weally bad dweam! I-I was back i-in school and the bullies were huwting me againnn!" She wailed as she explained her dream. Ibuki sighed as he ran her fingers through Mikans hair to help sooth her.

"Oh my sweet bunny.. it's okay mamas here. No one is gonna hurt you anymore, and I'll make sure of it!" She spoke confidently as Mikan sniffled.

"Thank you mama..." she said softly and Ibuki grinned and nodded. "Of course my little girl! Mama will always be there to help you honey. Ooh I have an idea! What if mama plays you a little song and then cuddled you to sleep! How does that sound?" She asked. Her song was finished. It had been finished for awhile. She just had been playing it over and over again to herself to try to make it perfect! But now she decided to herself it was time for her baby to hear it!

Mikans eyes lit up as she nodded sniffling slightly. "Yes p'ease mama.." she replied as Ibuki grinned and got up, not before kissing her little on the head and ran to grab her guitar.

When she ran back after grabbing her chair and sat next to their bed holding her guitar to her chest as she smiled at her baby. "Okay love, this is a song mama has been working on just for you! I hope you love it!" She said as Mikan gasped happily finding out Ibuki had make a song just for her!!!

Ibuki cleared her throat as she started strumming. She had played it so many times that it just came naturally too her. Mikan cuddled to her bedding as she listened with a smile on her face. Her mama was humming to the song and her voice was so pretty!

It wasn't long before she finished. She set her guitar aside as she looked up to her baby. Her eyes widened. Her baby was smiling the biggest smile she had ever seen. She was so happy! Ibuki grinned as she gasped. She made her baby the happiest she had ever been! Her!

"Mama that was so pretty!" She giggled as she clapped her hands. Ibuki laughed as she thanked her baby getting in bed next to her. "Okay let's cuddle now little bunny..." she said as she hugged Tsumiki close. Mikan nodded as she hugged Mioda tight.

"Thank you so much mama.. I love you!"

"I love you too Mikan baby.."

/ sorry it's so short I wanted to get caught up with my requests so I can open them again! One more to go!

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