Auction Part 1

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~Gulf's POV~

Has anyone ever wanted to work out and be like,"Yeah, I can do this!" but also want to sleep, run away or eat something completely unhealthy? That's what I feel like right now just 100 times more intense. After our day out with Krist and Singto, Mew had told me to go to the gym in workout clothes.

That's what I did and I don't regret being able to see. While I had to learn the self defense, Mew was working out on the other side of the gym. I get the hot and gorgeous view of my mate for 2 hours everyday for almost 2 weeks now. Don't even ask how many times we've done it in the shower, living room and our room. Let's just say I'm glad we are going to wait to have pups, because if I wasn't taking the birth control, we would have a whole soccer team in one shot.

Like now, Zee is looking down on me laying on the mat trying to catch my breath. I'll be honest, I've learned a lot in just two weeks and I'm pretty sure I'll be fine after the 2 month training is over and I can go back to school.

Mew came over to sit down by me and pecked my forehead. I frowned and pouted my lips.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I want a kiss on the lips."

I pouted my lips even more before Mew laughed and kissed me on the lips. I readjusted myself to lay my head in his lap and then Zee being an asshole,"Hey, if I can't bring my mate to this I don't wanna see none of that couple shit in my face." We glared at him before getting back up and started training again. After the last hour of training, Mew went over grabbed me up and continued our tradition of our steamy shower session.😉


I woke up to someone banging on our door and Mew was already walking to open it. Krist was there yelling,"Your suits are ready~~~!!!!!".

We just glared at him for waking us up. "Your suits are ready means you get your asses up and dressed and we go make sure they fit properly for the auction tomorrow." I nodded before heading to our shared closet before Krist stopped me and said,"I'll be dressing you up today!". He started going through my clothes while Mew was trying not to laugh at my predicament. He went out to the bathroom to change and came back to hug me from behind while watching Krist together. He was wearing a black button up with white ripped jeans with ankle boots on. After a while, Krist finally picked some clothes out for me and shoved me in the bathroom.

He picked out a long sleeve shirt and skinny black pants that hugged my legs nicely but not too tight, and then put on black combat boots that I absolutely love already.

I got out when Mew had a few boxes in his hands and we went to the car where Singto was waiting,"Gosh, I'm going to assume Krist decided to play dress up with Nong Gulf?".

I nodded before we got in the car. Mew started handing me the boxes and told me to open them. The first box had a pair of earrings in them that looked exactly like the pair he had on.(There is a pic of them if you haven't seen them in the chapter escape.)

"I have these earrings so people with brains have some clue as to who I am and since you are mine, you get your own pair too."

"My ears aren't pierced."

"Do you want to pierce then at the mall then?"

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