First Month

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~ Mew's POV~

It has officially been almost 3 weeks since we found out my baby is pregnant. Everything has been good and bad since his hormones started kicking in and changed his moods and eating habits.

First of the good qualities: waking up sometimes in the morning with a cute baby sucking me off like his life depends on it. He just says he was craving it before we end up on our sides with me thrusting inside him.

Next is his little bump that appeared a few days ago. It was so soft and fluffy that I just kept rubbing it with my hands. His tummy gets bigger and bigger each day so he rubs a cream all the time to prevent stretch marks. He always looks like an angel when he does it. He stays in the room in my office while I work and he does his online courses.

He also craves strawberries all the time. So now he smells a lot more juicy. But that's also one of my problems.

He. Wants. Everything. Strawberry. Flavored.

Strawberry popcorn, strawberry steak, strawberry watermelon, strawberry rice, strawberry cereal, strawberry fries and everything has to be flavored with strawberries or else I don't get his cuddles.

I have my entire staff whip up everything in the kitchen since most of this stuff has to be made in a specific way.

Another habit is when he's sleepy, he needs my knuckles to sleep. He wraps his lips around my knuckle and sucks on it until he wakes up. It's almost similar to a baby and a pacifier.

But that's also another problem. His sleeping habits. He takes naps a lot but it's always on my lap, my thigh, our bed, the bed in the office or even the car. But that's not the problem, the problem is he needs to have my hand to sleep peacefully. If he can't have it with him, he can't sleep and that means a cranky pregnant baby.

Right now he's in a good mood so he's just relaxing on my lap while I'm working. He's been reading pregnancy books everyday so he can be fully prepared as a new mommy.

It's around noon so I ask my baby if he's hungry.

"Hmmm, can I get a strawberry donut with whipped cream and soy sauce on top?" He bats those pleading eyes and I almost gave in.

"Bii, you have to have an actual lunch. How about we eat a proper lunch and then if you behave you can have the donut." He thought for a moment before agreeing. I just lift him up with me and walk to the canteen to find food that applies with his diet and nutritional needs.

I ordered a simple strawberry salad and some basil pork for my baby and some sushi for myself.

I gave my baby his food and he looked at it before glaring at me.

"What's wrong bii?"

"I want more strawberries."

I got up to ask for extra strawberries and came back with a container filled with ripe strawberries.

I gave them to him and he got them out before cutting them into small pieces and putting it on his pork before eating it.

We ate before he made the grabby arms and took him back to my office. He started yawning so I took him to his room before he took my knuckle into his mouth and started to suck on it till he fell asleep. After I made sure he was sound asleep I tucked him in and went back to working.

I had to work on hiring another secretary so that when the pups come, I don't have too much work to handle so I can help baby with the pups.

I scheduled the interviews for tomorrow and started working on other documents for a good 2 hours before I heard sobbing from his room. I went in there to see a bawling baby looking at me and making his grabby hands.

I picked him up before calming him down while letting him curl against my chest.

"Why did you leave me alone?? I didn't have your hands and you weren't here and I don't like it at all!!!"

"I'm sorry baby. You were sleeping but I still had some work to do. I'm sorry, I didn't want to leave you but I had to schedule the interviews for my new secretary tomorrow and some documents to finish."

I held him for awhile before he has my knuckle in his mouth again so I took him and a blanket with me to my chair so I could continue working with one hand.

He woke up again at 4 in the afternoon before getting up and holding his mouth and nose. I quickly lifted him up to rush to his bathroom.

He coughed up his lunch before he brushed his teeth and laid down on the couch. He started complaining about a smell before I decided to get us home since I am done with work. I had the driver take us home and once we arrived, I ordered for dinner to be made while I had a bath made to clean up.

I bathed us quickly and had both of us eat dinner before I took him upstairs and let him lay down and started to put on a movie to watch. He's been watching lots of movies and series in his free time so here we are at 7 in the night cuddling and watching a movie. Halfway through the movie my baby fell asleep again so I put away the laptop and kissed his forehead good night and went to sleep.


I was getting ready for work a week later before I heard a big yell and my name being called loudly.

I ran to my baby worried until he was laughing and crying. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his tummy.

That's when I heightened my senses and felt a very small movement in his tummy.

The pups were slightly moving in his tummy. I felt tears in my eyes before planting kisses all over his belly before kissing all over his face.

"Thank you baby. Our pups are starting to move. Only 3 more months before we can hold them in our arms."

We stayed in bed that day talking to his tummy and cuddling all day to bond with our pups.

Okay, so some parts of this chap didn't save so there are some missing details I wanted to add but here you go.

Anyway don't forget to vote in the previous chapter about which story you guys want next.

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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