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~Gulf's POV~
Also forgot to mention he will also wear fake glasses while he's at school

When I grabbed my boo's jackets I made sure it was one he wore recently so it smelled stronger. If I had to be away from my boo I want to have all the comfort of his scent near me. He drove me to the campus and I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and an "I love you" before heading to my first class.

I started walking to my first class and when I got inside there was only a handful of people inside. I went to a far corner and placed my backpack in the seat next to me so no one would be tempted to talk to me. I pulled out a journal, a pen, my laptop gifted to me by my Mew and my textbook so I could be ready by the time class begins.

I really hoped no one would actually try and talk to me because even if I didn't have my Mew wanting me to avoid people I still would avoid them. I don't really like social interactions and if I joined University before Mew, I would still be quiet and do my classwork.

The bell rang and our professor started by asking us to say our names, I also had to remember I would use Type's name instead of my actual name.

After role call she started explaining all the projects and assignments we'll have to do to pass her class and continue on with our studies. After she explained all that stuff she started talking about the first thing she'll have us study and I started jotting down notes. We really didn't do a lot so class went by fast.

I started making my way to my next class when I heard a really annoying high voice, a girl's voice. I mentally groaned already knowing what she wanted. I tried walking a bit faster.

"Your name's Type right?"

I nodded my head.

"Ehhh, my name is Pufai." I just ignored her and she started having trouble keeping up with my long strides.

"Hey, would you like to hang out sometime?!"

I shook my head refusing to answer her. She got left behind from my fast pace and I was relieved, I hate girls who can't take a hint.

I finally made it to my next class and sitting in the corner doing exactly what I did my last class before realizing she also had the same class. Now I'm really glad I put my backpack in the seat. She tried to speak to me again before the professor came in and she had to find another seat. I rolled my eyes annoyed by her dumb behavior.

This professor had briefly went over the course and already had us doing equations on the board. He called me up to do one of the harder ones. I walked up and started solving it step by step before he asked,"Can you start explaining your steps to the rest of your class that can't seem to solve these?" I nodded my head and started explaining.

I finished and walked back to my seat and started to take my notes again.

A few minutes before class ended I was already prepared to bolt out the door to go to my final class before lunch and my last 2 classes. After the last remaining minutes when the professor dismissed us, I grabbed my stuff and went out the door. I heard my phone go off and the title read "Boo❤️". I immediately answered the call. (I won't repeat the convo bc I'm lazy right now so if you didn't read it go back to the last chapter).

After our call I immediately started missing him again. I ordered my food and went to the rooftop to eat in privacy.

I finished eating after 20 minutes and started  to walk back to the cafeteria to dump my trash. I still had 10 minutes to kill so I decided to see if my boo would like for me to pick him up food after school so I could take it to him.

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